1 It's a wolves world

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1 It's a wolves world The year is 2023, and it will soon be known as the last year in which humans ruled. Ignorance is bliss as countries go about their lives, living and dying whilst thinking the stories about the fey and wolves were nothing but bedtime stories. Governments and intelligence agencies did not even have confirmed knowledge of the existence of werewolves and the like. They suspected nothing outside of monitoring other countries for trade secrets. They did not know that barely outside of their view, there lived entire galaxies. Galaxies of beings who were bitter at being pouches pushed into the shadows, eager to taste power and the sun. ------- The TV in the shared office breakroom silently flashed blurry videos. "It's fake news." Peter waved his hand dismissively, "Werewolves do not exist. It's probably someone making something up, like Big Foot, or Santa Clause." "I don't know Peter. This seems different." Jessica scrolled through the news feed on her phone, sipping her tea. Their office was on the 15th floor, a tall glass building that towered over the state capital. It was not even lunchtime and Jessica could feel the weight of the news - hoax or not - weighing on her. "Sure." Peter snorted as he turned to go back to work. "Hey Will, I am going to take the rest of the day to finish work from home. I'm done with my work in the office already. Are you okay if I work remotely?" Her stomach felt tight. Something just felt off. It felt different and she wanted nothing more than to be safely home with her family. She was not one prone to anxiety, but today her nerves felt raw. "You got it. Enter your timesheet for the week, will ya?" Will - her manager - didn't even look up from his computer as Jessica flung her purse over her shoulder. It was barely noon by now, and typically the workday would end at 7 pm. If Jessica walked fast enough, she could beat lunch-hour traffic. Phew. We're done for the day! The relief of leaving work did not ease the knot in her stomach though. She tried to ignore it as she sped down the freeway. Everyone knew that the speed limit was at least 10 miles per hour over whatever was posted. The sounds of sirens make her jump from her seat as they screech loud enough to drown out her music. The sudden passing of 6 police cars made her stomach tighter. No one else seemed to speed the way she did down the freeway. Could they not feel it? Could they not feel that something wasn't right? Only three more exits to go before her exit. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel to try to distract her from the unease that was growing. Turning down the offramp, she stops at the light. I should get some boba tea at the shop there. Mr. Ho ran the sweetest boba shop. She always did drive through in the mornings, but on her way home Jessica would always stop by to see Mr. Ho. Her car eases to a stop. She chews on her cuticles as she waits for the light to change. A sudden movement of a large animal snaps her from any illusion of ease she had. Animal? This was a beast. Towering over the car at nearly 7 feet tall, he howled. Jessica sank back into her car, sliding down, hoping that this wasn't real. It couldn't be real, could it? Her car shook as the beast slammed into the side of her car, confirming that this was reality. -- In an alternate timeline, werewolves and the supernatural's rule, and humans are a dying breed. Almost a hundred years have passed since humans last ruled, barely a generation, but enough to stifle those who were born after. Humans ruled the world for centuries. However, there came a time when an ambitious alpha decided it wasn't enough to live peacefully. He paved the way for other supernatural breeds to take over. Collusions popped up worldwide overnight as every supernatural leader got drunk on the alpha's ambitions. The world changed overnight and within a week the human governments, military, and intelligence agencies were gutted. By the year 2123, a hundred years after the fall of human rule, humans live in small communities with small controlled populations. Occasionally, a rare surviving elder would share a story of times before, but those were rare and hushed. Most humans are servants. Some humans hold higher positions, such as teachers or doctors. There are rumors that some humans live in a neutral zone, free of fear. Or that some groups are kinder to humans than others and they can live peacefully. Fairy Tales. Everyone knows the good money is working for a Lycan or werewolf or vampire or fey. This is by design. It allows the groups to control the money and resources that the humans get. Step out of line and at best you won't get food for a week - at worst you will never return home. --- Her name is Vin. Her earliest memories start at the age of three. Memories of gentle sunny days playing in the fields. She remembers the stares that she would get from strange creatures. She was too young to understand. While a human may live to be 80 or 100, these creatures lived far longer and held onto bitter memories of times that Vin and her mom never knew. She was too young to recognize the contempt in their eyes. Her mom would pull me closer to her legs. Her mother taught her that it was best to not attract attention when we were out in public at the markets. There were no human playgrounds, so Vin and the other children only played in areas hidden by trees. At night, her mother would read to her. Vin would soak up the scent of soap on her mom, she lay trapped in her arms. There was a small stash of books, and even at the age of four Vin had memorized them all. Sometimes her mother would read books, and sometimes her mom or her dad (a burly man who was a lumberjack) would make up a story. Sometimes they would share memories of their childhood. The childhood of her parents was a little less stable than her own. While her grandmother had remembered the time before and worked in an office - a strange concept to Vin - her parents had no stability. They ran constantly. Her parents met when they were 8, and have stayed together since. They were never in the same place for longer than a month. Vin moved a lot too. She supposed it was all her parents knew. She was their only child. Her parents had her when they were 19. They would move from one apartment building to the next, her parents always looking for safety and for work. The first thing they would do with each move is meet the neighbors. The human neighbors. As she grew, she learned that humans were friends (usually). She learned that you had to be wary of any supernatural things. She learned why you had to be wary of them too. Most gory details she was spared from, but the other children would share their own stories and memories of run-ins with a fey, wolf, or vampire. Vin was separated from my family at the age of nine when some adolescent vampires terrorized their small apartment block. That day, it was a bright spring afternoon. Usually, this is a safe time. Her dad had braided her hair and sent Vin to play while they helped a neighbor settle in. The screams drew her attention from her innocent play. Her parents were pulled away from her. To this day, Vin has no idea of where they are or if they are even alive. She has not been able to find them but still held on to a secret string of hope. Her neighbor saved her and they ran and ran and ran until they could no longer hear screams. This is normal in human towns. Run. Hide. Survive. At 14 she took a job as a nursemaid for a wolf family nearby. They were kind enough. They had many small children and Vin was tasked with keeping their bedrooms clean. Vin loves caring for the children. When they are young, they are kind and lovable. She loves brushing their hair, cleaning their ears, and coloring pages with them. When they get older, their parents sometimes morph them into monsters that reflect what they are. Vin always hated that change. She would try to avoid watching kids that are near that time of change. It hurts to love something, and then have them turn on you. . Vin is now 22. She works with a new family - the Beta, his wife, and their children. The wife is actually sweet as can be, but she does not step in when her husband gets upset. Typically, he just yells and throws things at her, making Vin test her reflexes on ducking out of the way. She picks up after his messes while he screams and storms around. The wife and Vin have spent our share of moments when Vin brushes her hair or when she makes Vin lunch. They have two pups and one on the way, so she is usually napping these days. Vin keeps the pups groomed and entertained while she rests. Vin knows better than to get too attached to any of the children or any nice-seeming supernatural. "Vin my darling, I will be going on a family trip for a week. The children will be with me. Marco is staying behind for work. He will decide if he needs you." Vin expertly pulls her silky brown fur into a braid. She is no professional, but braiding her hair keeps the wife happy. When the wife is happy Vin has an easier time at work and usually gets extra food that she can bring home. "Yes, ma'am. I hope you enjoy your family time." The wife smiles and gently strokes Vin's hand. The wife hands Vin her pay for the week and she places it in her sac. Tucking the sac into her shirt, Vin gets ready to end her day at work. She glances around the home before she leaves to make sure she has taken care of everything. The mom is happy, the kids are happily coloring on the living room floor, the trash was taken out, and the floors have been mopped. That was all for me today. She hugs the children goodnight and reaches out for the door. Glancing out the door window she notices the deepening colors of the sky. I stayed a little later than usual, hoping the late summer sunset would buy her more time. Her mind starts to shift from work to what she has to do at home. I have to go grocery shopping for me and my neighbor. He's been unable to work since he hurt his hip. Her community bands together to care for children and the elderly. Most families are fractured, so it takes the whole village for any of them to survive. It is actually kind of nice to have great bonds with my neighbors, not that Vin has ever known anything different. Her eyes glide down from the sky to the driveway. Crap. The husband is stalking his way up the sidewalk already. I usually don't see him for days on end. She bows her head and holds the door for him. He usually ignores her. Vin silently prays that he will do so this time but instead he pauses and looks at her. "You will be here tomorrow morning." His voice isn't unkind, but it holds no warmth for Vin. It is similar to when you set a schedule on your phone for an appointment you do not want to go to. She nods, hair falling over her face, "Of course Beta. I will be here at my normal time." He grunts and waves his hand at Vin as he walks past. Hurriedly accepting his movement of dismissal, she hurries, running on the dirt path. She needs to make it across the border before nightfall otherwise… things might get unpleasant. Humans stuck on the wolf side of town after sundown? No, that would not be desirable. She rushes to the bus stop. The time on her flip phone reads as 6:35 PM. The last bus will arrive in ten minutes. Vin texts her neighbor letting them know that she might be late, and asks him to send her notes for his grocery needs. While waiting, Vin tries to make herself as small as she can by pulling her arms into her sides and leaning into a tree. If she is small and unnoticeable, she will not attract their attention - something her mom drilled into her memory. Her breathing deepens as she focuses on not making sounds. There are two other humans waiting at the bus stop. They’re all quiet. If we talk or move, it will attract their attention. Something about their prey drive or instinct. . The alley behind the bus stop fills with rambunctious laughter. Adolescent werewolves are the worst. Vin can hear their intoxicated stumbling. It sounds like they have been drinking. Great. She stands still. Very still. Perhaps they will think I am a tree. She startles when she feels a large hand pull her elbow and spin her body around. Of course. "Where ya going, pretty thing?" One of them slurs their words as he swaggers and leans into her face. Vin keeps her eyes down and turns her chin from him. "You want to change your plans for tonight?" He grins as he towers Vin, sweeping her hair from his face with his hand. He's got to be a few years younger than me. She does not want to answer no, but it would be an awful idea to go with him. "Eww, Aiden. Humans are so gross. Find yourself a real woman." One of his friends pulls his arm. Aiden narrows his eyes and suddenly bites Vins hand. She yelps in surprise and pulls away, blood falling down. "I'll find you again." The group leaves and he trails behind them, looking at her with a wicked grin.
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