Arguing With My Wolf

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CHARLES’S POV By the time I make it to my car, my wolf is moaning in disgust. “Why must you put me through this? You never listen to a word I say.” I shake my head and roll my eyes. Randolph hates the fact that we have not found our mate yet. Every day he pushes, he is worse than my mother was before the Vamps got her. “Randolph, you know why. I am not going around pining after some girl just because you think I am ready or need to settle.” “You say that now, Charles, but trust me she will be worth it.” “Worth what, Randolph?” I challenge, “Having some chic always whining about me working late hours at the hotel? Oh, God, or the fact I didn’t flush the toilet before leaving the bathroom. Nope. Not happening.” Feeling more agitated by the moment, I hop onto my seat, slam the car door, and turn the key. “You’re making a mistake.” Randolph huffs. “You say that all the time,” I answered dryly. “I mean it, too.” “Shut it, Randolph, I am not in the mood today,” I warn and step on the gas pedal. “You wouldn’t be so cranky if you’re with the right woman.” “Randolph!” I snap. Randolph growls back. I know he is agitated too, but I don’t care today. Randolph mumbles to himself, not bothering to hide his agitation. We keep nothing from one another. Even if we wanted to, it is impossible. We are linked mentally and physically. I feel what he feels angry, sad, horny... every f*****g annoying emotion. Sometimes I don’t mind. Sometimes it sucks. I roll my eyes and rev the gas pedal several times before taking off down the street. (Lucky for the old Ms. Garmel, she jumps out of the way just in time before I run over her ass.) “You know there are many more benefits to having our mate than work schedules and toilets. You just hate to see yourself settle down. That’s the real problem.” “You just won’t let it go, will you?” I fuss, weaving in and out of traffic. “No, I won’t.” “Randolph, no chick is worth it. No matter what you try to say to me.” One man honks his horn. When I passed him, he rolled the window down and gave me the middle finger. Randolph growls, the anger simultaneously reaches my eyes. I don’t have to look in the rearview mirror to see that they are glowing crimson-red. The time I arrive at my destination is quicker than usual. Cutting off a few jerks paid off. Before shopping, I made a detour back home and shower her off me before heading into town. The steamy water feels good on my body, washing away last night’s juices and her stale perfume. I walk to my closet with the remote and press the button. The clothes rack rotates, bringing my whites and greys forward. Color coding is a must. Let’s say I like things very orderly in my life. There is a black cotton long sleeve shirt that grabs my attention from the back. I take it off the rack and slip it on. One by one, I adjust the silver cuff links and give myself a once over in the mirror. “Hmm, not too bad. Not too bad at all.” After getting ready, I don’t know the reason, but all the anger disappears, the frustrations wash away, and my mood feels lighter than it had in weeks. Maybe I was wrong, maybe, just maybe, today will be my lucky day after all. My cell phone buzzes on top of my nightstand, interrupting my thoughts. I grab it to see who the hell would call so early in the morning. There a few missed calls from the clan. Whatever it is, they can wait until I return to the office. Hmm, all I need now is my files that Jake left me to look over, and I’ll be off to the shop.   PEARL’S POV  “Seriously? My only halfway decent outfit and I fall in the mud!” I lay on the ground for a moment hiding my humiliation and agitation towards my clumsiness. Not that anyone is here to see me, yet it feels as if a million eyes just watched me flatten my face. “Great. Just freaking great!” I fuss while pulling myself back up. “Look at this s**t! I am covered from one end to the other!” The palm of my hands has tiny pebbles cutting into the skin, and my knees are throbbing. The pain is hardly bearable, but nothing compares to just how much mud that is covering my clothes and hair. “There is no freaking way I can go anywhere like this! They cut my electricity off, there is no water, and I will surely draw too much attention to myself looking like this. What am I going to do?” Back and forth, I pace. I think and think until I remember just through the overgrown trees is a pond. It is not vast as a lake, nor is it ideal because no one has maintained in years, but it will have to do. I brush the pebbles off the palm of my hands and take a peek. As I approach the entranceway, I notice a large branch from an oak tree has fallen. There are weeds intertwined with one another, and an owl is following me around with his beady little eyes. Looking up, I face the cold hard facts. The only light I have to get through all of this is from the crescent moon lighting up the sky. My sense of hope quickly dwindles. “Now, what am I going to do? I have got to get through there to clean up. f**k it. I am going for it.” Step by step, I carefully climb over each twig and broken branch and pull the weeds and vines apart with my bare hands. My confidence begins to build higher and higher as I climb through. With much effort and a few scratches, I finally make it to the other side. What I discover is worth every bit of struggle and effort I put into it. The pond is nothing like I have ever seen. The bright moon is casting directly above, showing the ripples in the water wading back and forth from the crisp night air. What used to be a small pond seems to have doubled in size and flourished. This place is too good to be true. How is this even possible? Cautiously, I step forward and look about; I keep waiting for someone to jump out from the trees or a snake to slither from the weeds, but nothing happens. I use the bright moon as a light to guide me to the edge of the water. I know the water will be cold. Summer is long gone, but I have to swallow any fears of hypothermia and get in. If I don’t, I will have no chance of landing a job. The mud sticks to my skin, making it almost impossible to peel off my clothes. My underwear and bra seem to be the cleanest. Taking my time, I clean my hands off first, then wash my clothes the best I can. Afterward, I step across the moist soil and carefully hang my clothes on a tree branch to dry while I swim. I try to tiptoe my way into the water, but my body instantly protests from the temperature shock. There is no going around it; I am going to have to dive underneath all at once. I step forward the water brushes across my n*****s, causing me to squeal. “Oh, m-m-my, G-g-god, that’s c-c-cold!  Forget it! I am going to dive in on the count of three!” “One...” “Two...” “Three!” Right as I am about to dive into the water, I hear what sounds like footsteps nearby. Oh, no!
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