C6 - Spending Pay

1063 Words
“I am actually also too young to drink,” James admits. “Really? How old are you?” Emce laughs. “Twenty,” James answers. “Surely they won't ask for identification, don’t worry,” Emce says as they walk into the pub. After a night of drinking, on the way home, James admitted that he can not go home, “I need to find an ATM to see if this card actually works, my father will kill me if I rock up drunk.  Where is a hotel near here?” “You can stay over at my place,” Emce offers. “Are you sure? If this card works, I can stay at a hotel, don’t worry about it,” James says. “Just come already, I don’t stay too far from here,” Emce says, swaying. Together the two guys swayed to Emce’s house barely finding their feet they are so drunk.   The next morning James walked into the kitchen, where Emily is busy making breakfast with just hotpants and a crop top. “Where am I?” James asks, not aware that it is Emily, her back turned to him. “James! What are you doing here?” Emily runs out of the kitchen to her room to put some clothes on. “Emily?” James asks confused.  ‘I am never drinking again,’ James thinks. “Morning bro,” Emce walks into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee. “Morning,” James says, looking around. “Coffee?” Emce offers. “Yes, please,” James says. “Where are your fokes?” James asks, looking at the apartment that does not look like a family home. “Don’t know, don’t care,” Emce says. “We were fostered when I was thirteen and Emce fifteen,” Emily says, walking into the kitchen. James thinks of Emily’s hot body that he just got to see, moments ago. ‘How am I ever going to see her in a different way, after seeing that body,’ James thought. Emily adds two more pieces of bacon as she did not know they have company. After frying the bacon, she made some French toast, “what are your plans for the day?” “I am just going to chill,” Emce says, grabbing a piece of bacon and putting it whole into his mouth. “I am going to go look for an apartment,” James says. “Cool, I will come with you to help you,” Emily says. “Do the banks not question the money we receive?” James wonders as he assumes he will have to give his identification details. “I don’t know how it works, or how they do it, but your tax is paid,” Emce says. “Really?” James asks. “Yes, really,” Emily laughs, dishing food into the plates. After breakfast James showered and Emce borrowed him some clothing.  Emily and James left and did not take them long to find James his own apartment as it happened the Penthouse of the building that James and Emily are staying in is available. “Are you sure you want to spend so much money on rent?” Emily asks, worried that he is thinking with his head and not his heart. “Yes, it is like two weeks' earnings if I go by what I earned last week,” James says, not completely sure what the fuzz is about. “What do you mean?” How much did you earn?” Emily wants to know. “Nine hundred and fifty dollars,” James says, thinking nothing of it. “That is double what I make,” Emily says. After opting in to pay weekly and using all his money to pay part of the security deposit, James could not wait to move in. “I will see you guys on Monday, I am sure my parents are wondering where I am,” James says after greeting Emily. When James got home his mother was furious with him, “where have you been? I was worried sick!” James’s father just looked up from his newspaper and then down again. “I slept over at a friend's house,” James says, walking swiftly to his bedroom to get away from his parents. “Would it have hurt to answer your phone?” his mother asks. “My phone is in my room, on silent,” James says. “Why? Why don’t you carry it with you?” she wants to know. “I never had the need for it. Mom, will you please take a chill pill?” James says. His mother turns around, angrily leaving James to be. James turns on his computer to work on his YouTube gaming videos, not ready to give it up just yet. James has been in front of the computer for hours when the clock timer popped up.  James was not to concerned about it as it is only Saturday evening, and he will only be working on Monday again.  Around six in the evening, his mother called him to have dinner with them. James ignored her, shutting his bedroom door before continuing on his computer.  It did not take long for his mother to come knocking on his bedroom door with a tray of food. “Mom, you really do not have to bring food after me, I will sort myself out later,” James says. “Since I am already here,” his mother says, putting the tray with food on his bed. “Thank you,” James says, waiting for her to leave. Instead of leaving his mother wraps her arms around him from behind, “I am proud of you.” “Thank you, mom,” James says, wishing those words can come from his father. James went to bed in the early morning hours of Sunday.  Roundabout ten he woke up and had himself some cereal.  James liked Sundays as his parents will only be home in the afternoon, after church, and Sunday lunch out. After cleaning up after himself James channel surfed for a bit before he got bored. James ended up in front of his computer again by eleven, wanting to play a game but at the same time knows nothing compares to his new reality.
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