Chapter 18

2352 Words
“Whatever was the reason they got back together?” That was the question that kept repeating in Crystal’s mind over and over again. It was a gloomy day, the sun was barely shining, the clouds were big, dark and heavy in the sky. The trees rustled and waved as strong gush of wind blew, leaves flew and scattered all over the place. It seemed that rain would come down anytime soon. The supposed professor for their last subject called in sick that day, allowing them to end classes an hour and a half earlier. Crystal was still on the second floor of the building, patiently and quietly watching at the two people below. Their were a few meters away from were she was, yet she didn’t need to be that close to know what was happening between the couple. Putting one hand on her head to lean on it, she smiled bitterly. She felt both pity and amusement as she saw how steady, calm and considerate Clyde was, even though the man kept getting shouted, slapped and pointed at by Dana. The man had always been the gentleman, not easily budging to any kind of act from a woman, no matter how much was thrown at him. Even during their previous time together, whenever she would get angry or sulk over something, Clyde never once lost his temper even during the time that she went berserk when she caught him. The man never once raised a hand and just kept cool about it. She let out a deep sigh, her eyes warming up, feeling that weight inside her chest once again. Remembering her old life. Wiping the tear that had escaped from her eyes, she decides that she had enough of brooding that day. There was no point anyway as she was now starting her life all over again. A new chance to right all her past mistakes and to finally do things properly this time. Though she kept reminding that to herself, she could now shake of the feeling of sorrow, sadness and emptiness that was crawling over her. It was like there was something missing in her life right now that she can’t really point out. As if there was something she needed to do yet she couldn't remember what it was exactly. The thought of it troubled her that she was barely paying any attention around her. Walking slowly as she traversed the stairs going to first floor. Her mind was mixed with so many questions right now that she looked like completely devoid from the outside world. Though her eyes seemed lifeless and her face showed no signs of emotion, everything seemed to be so heavy and in total turmoil right now. Crystal couldn't understand what was it that she was doing wrong right now that she had to feel all this. She was still helping out at their eatery, making her parents proud with her grades and she was now mastering cooking some of her moms dishes besides other skills she knew she will need in the near future. But all of that meant so meaningless right now, like she was missing out something. She only stopped contemplating when she saw a man sitting at the end of the stairs on the last floor. Back facing towards her, bent down and hands on his head, Crystal didn’t need to see his face to know who it was. Keeping her steps as quietly as possible, she tries to pass him discreetly, as she did not want to get notice. But again she went to a halt upon hearing the heavy breathing of the young man. That struct something within her, she suddenly felt her feet stiffen and her hurt twist at the sound of an abrupt sob. She stood for what seemed like an eternity, her mind was again suddenly thrown into a turmoil, as it battled on and on about what she should and should not do. It did not help either that her emotions suddenly went astray as well, as it began whispering sweet things to her. Drowning the shouts and screams of her logic. Another few moments of watching the man grieve in solitude and that totally broke her. Her feet suddenly began walking towards him, her mind blurry and disarray, as it kept trying to warn her not to fall for it again. But the feeling of remorse, sympathy and pity was just all too much to bare. She only felt her emotions calm their uncontrollable flames when she was finally able to sit beside him. The young man’s tousled hair still look so divine while falling down on his face, he only kept his gaze on the ground, staring into nothingness, fist clench as he held his bag. His blue blazer was opened in the middle, revealing the crumpled white undershirt that had been probably been pulled and beaten a while ago. His neck tie was already undone but was still hanging yet loosely around his neck. “Everything okay?” she asks, giving her sweetest smile. It took a while for the man to even notice her. He was also frowning when he looked at her. Eyes still showing a hint of anger as his face still showed utter disappointment. It was only when he finally saw her that he was able to calm down, face straightening as he gave out a warm half smile. “Oh, it’s you,” Clyde says, his voice deep yet it almost sounded like a whisper. “You seem out of the weather lately, did something happen?” she begins, remembering the few days that had gone by. “No, it’s nothing much,” he answers. He quickly returns his gaze to the floor letting out a soft chuckle as he began pressing his fingers on the concrete floor, writing invisible letter on it. “Okay.” she just says, not wanting to end up being push her luck. A moment of silence came between them as Clyde kept giving him short and simple looks. Letting out a force smile all the while. Crystal could feel the weight and pain the man was feeling as if it had also struck her. She could not help the sudden need to at least comfort him in this time. “I was about to grab a bite to eat, care to join me?” she says. It was the only thing that she was able to come up with, not wanting to invade too much of his space, the man was still quite aloof as he had not known her that much in that time, though she on the other hand already knew him very well. Clyde was suddenly sat straight, eyes wide and mouth open, moving yet unable to speak. It seems that Crystal’s approach came out too strong giving the man quite the shock. “It’s really no fun to eat on my own,” she continues to break the silence once more. The man’s eyes seemed to twinkle and shine as it seemed to grow even wider. A genuine smile also began forming on his face. “Su-sure!” he babbles, face suddenly lighting up. The feeling of happiness was undeniable in Crystal’s heart, her smile grew wide as they both stood up at the same time. “Where do you want to eat?” she says, as they began walking side by side. The man was still unable to look at her but she on the other hand was all eyes on him. Clyde’s smile gave out that warm vibe, as his eyes was almost squinting, he gave out a quick brush to his hair to fix it, that made Crystal’s time move in a slow mo like manner. “I’m fine anywhere,” He finally said. That returned Crystal to her senses, the man still looked apprehensive, avoiding her gaze though stealing glances at her. “Anywhere’s not really a place you know,” she jokes, wanting to break the awkwardness the came between them. They both let out a cheerful and hearty laugh after what she had said. It seemed to have made the young man relax a bit as he was now able to look at her. “Then uhm. There’s this stall just outside the front gate, they serve this really tasty snacks,” Clyde then says back, face turning beet red at the comment. Crystal couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Okay, then, let’s go there.” She just nods as they quicken their phase. They continued their little chat as they walk pass through the grassy pavement that led the way to the front gate of the school. The wind blew a bit softer making leaves fall off of the tree that lined up on each side of the path. The flora of brown, yellow and a mix of white flower rained upon them as they made their way. Creating a haze like moment the two. Crystal felt like she was in a dream as she could feel that same jitters over again, like it was happening for the first time once more. It didn’t take long for the man to finally warp up to her as they kept joking and telling stories. Up until they arrived at the stall and began eating orange fried duck eggs, dipped in sweet sauce, drinking black mixture of sweetened water mix with tapioca balls. Crystal felt like nothing had changed between the two of them as they exchanged thoughts, ideas and outlooks in life. Even though she noticed certain changes in her old past, there were still parts that was almost mimicking her old memories as it felt the same as before, specially with Clyde right now. The way they met, the way they talked and the way that they got along wasn’t really that far off from before. In spite of them getting to know each other a few years earlier in her current time. The man quickly holds her hand as she was about to pay for the food that they had just eaten. She could not help but swallow hard as she felt butterflies in her stomach from the suddenness of their skins touching. Crystal turns to Clyde whom was now flashing his million dollar smile. She was so caught off guard that she was suddenly unable to speak. “I’ll take this!” the young man says as he pulled her hand down, before paying for their bill. “What! No, I was the one who invited so I should be the one paying,” Crystal finally found her voice as she tried to stop him. “No, no! Please, it’s the least I could do,” he says out loud holding her hand even tighter. There was a slight silence between them as the two of them felt a sort of pull to each other, Crystal could feel her blood rushing to her cheeks as she could feel her heart race in that moment. It took her awhile plus the fact that there were other people beside them, also eating and giving weird glances at the two of them. “For what?” she just tried to laugh it off. Clyde smiled grew even wider. “For cheering me up,” as he said those words it seemed like the time had once again slowed down. The young man’s voice seemed to vibrate and travel through her veins, shaking her core and melting her insides. “All right,” It took every ounce of her strength to keep herself from stuttering. Feeling all those emotions made her lightheaded, making her feel so refreshed and nostalgic. It was only when she noticed the beeping alarm on her wrist that she had managed to regain her consciousness once more. “Oh shoot, I got to go home,” she says after looking at the time on her watch. “Yeah, your curfew,” Clyde also seemed to have been jolted back to his senses at that. “Yeah, sorry about that,” she nods as she fixed a loose strand of hair to her side that was in front of her face. Clyde seemed to have suddenly became mesmerized as he looked at her. “No problem, I’ll walk you to the station,” he immediately says, not even giving a second thought. Crystal didn’t even flinch nor made any motions to decline, instead she just nodded as the man had already raised his hand to gesture her to the side so that they may walk side by side again. The few minutes of walk felt like just a few seconds as the two of them were so enthralled by their conversations and little jokes on the side. It was only when she was about to take her rid that they were finally put to a stop. “Thanks,” Crystal says. They were now looking at each others eyes, as she was still feeling that longing inside her chest. “It was my pleasure,” Clyde answered nodding to her. She finally managed to turn her back to him as she was the next in line. “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she quickly turns as she was about to climb up the vehicle. “Tomorrow,” Clyde nods again, waving goodbye at her. Smiling very wide as he watched her take her ride until the vehicle had finally driven off. Crystal was still looking at the man out the window, eyes watery as tears were starting to form in her eyes. “Why? Why can’t I just forget about you,” she bit her lip to hold her sobs as the mans figure began to disappear from her sight.
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