Chapter 25

2141 Words
Hands shaky and sweating, she could not help her anticipation at the moment, she was currently waiting at the schools little garden, remembering that Brittany use to frequent the place when they were there. She even brought some stuff that she knew her best friend or in this case best friend to be, liked. Looking around the place, the whole area was green with lush grass and a few flowering bushes, the trees provided a nice shade to the stone chairs that were built there, allowing a lot of the students to just sit, relax and study as they please. She somewhat felt nostalgic remembering how she and Brittany met there, having to study alone at that time since some of her classmates decided to isolate her, she really didn’t have anyone to run to. It was then that all of a sudden Brittany appeared and began talking to her. Though that certain incident was suppose to happen a year from now, she just couldn't wait that long anymore, specially since she was already there in their school. The only thing that she was worried about now was the things that might have changed this time, as there have been a lot of things that she didn’t expect happening. She’d been there for at least half an hour already, reviewing, reading and doing some of her homework. Yet, she hasn’t seen any trace of Brittany. She was starting to worry that something might have changed because of her eagerness to meet her. Trying to remain positive, Crystal decides to just finish the book that she had been reading all this time. If her friend wasn’t going to show up today, she thought that it might be because she hasn’t found out about that place, considering that she had just transferred there, with this in mind she decides that she would just have to try again next time as she knew her friend will eventually find out about the area. Packing her things as she had manage to finish all her work for that day she decides to leave. A bit disappointed of not seeing her best friend to be. Wanting to at least feel a bit better she takes a route that was not often used by students as the pathway was quite muddy and was a long ways from the school gate, it was one of those areas for brisk walking so not many people take it. She just wanted to enjoy the cool breeze of the air and the rustling of the trees as she walk, enjoying the peace and calmness of the place. Except the quietness of the place seem to be disturb by a non-stop sob and wheezing of a girl. At first she didn’t want to bother with it, thinking that it might just be someone wanting to vent out some frustration. But when she notices the pain and panic within the voice, it was then that she decides to look for the owner. Walking around the bushes that surrounded the place, It took her a while to find the crying girl. She was slouch back beside a tree, wiping her face while sitting on the grass, bags all messed-up on the ground, some of her things were even scattered as if there had been some kind of fight. Crystal looked around, nobody else was there except her. And there wasn’t a that could be seen from a few meters from where they were. It was then that she felt a bit worried thinking that something might have happened, making her decide to approach the young woman. “Excuse me, are you all right? Do you need help?” she ask, kneeling beside her to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. The girls uniform seemed fine and intact, there wasn’t any tattering, just a bit muddy, mainly it might have been from sitting on the grass, the only think unusual was her not stop sobbing. “I-I’m fi-fi-fine!” the young woman weeps, trying to speak though she was gasping from air. “You don’t look fine,” Crystal states seeing as how the woman kept wiping her face to remove the tears that have been coming out non stop. “Are you hurt somewhere?” she asks once more as she was now finally just beside her. “No,” she sobs. Head kept low, hands on her face to hide it. “Okay, let me help you with these then.” Crystal decides there was no point in prying as the woman seemed reluctant to answer. She just decides to put the scattered things back inside the bag. “Here.” She then places it to the young girl who’m seemed to have calm down a bit. “Thanks,” she says clutching on to her pink clutch bag. “I’m Crystal by the way, and you are?” Seeing as the girl have seemed to have relax a bit, she decides to introduce herself, wanting to at least remove the awkwardness between them. “Mary,” the girl answers. “It’s nice to meet you Mary. You know, if you want to talk, I’m a good listener,” she continues. There was a part of her that was a bit worried for the young woman seeing as she was all alone there and a bit in despair. She’s quite sure that something had happened that she is unaware of. “I-I’m fine, thank you,” the girl nods putting her bag to her chest to hug it. Seeing as she was just causing more discomfort, Crystal let out a sigh, a bit sad that she wasn’t able to do much. “Okay, will you be all right by yourself then? I could take you to the infirmary if you want to,” She tries one more time, not wanting to leave it at that. “No, I-I’m good, thank you,” the girl waves off, having manage to at least stop her tears from falling. “Okay, can I at least walk you somewhere with people,” she continues not wanting to leave her there all alone. There wasn’t any students around and she didn’t feel safe leaving a defenseless girl like that. “I-I think I can manage, sorry for the troubling you,” That was when the young woman managed to stand up and finally face her. It was only then that she saw her properly, there was something familiar with those hazel shaped eyes and the blackness in them. She was like this doll, shoulder length curly brown hair, pinkish lips and her face was quite small that gave it an alluring look. Though her eyes were still red and her face a bit messy, she had managed to fix her hair and uniform. Plus she had now stopped crying. “Okay,” Crystal smiles helping the girl pick up some other stuff that she didn’t notice awhile ago that had also fallen from the bag. The young girl gives her a warm smile and a nod before walking away from there. She was clutching at her bag tightly while walking a bit wobbly, possibly from having sitting in an uncomfortable position for quite some time. Crystal noticed something the girl had left behind, picking it up quickly she was about to call her back when she notices that the said things must have been discarded there. It was a couples photo that was thorn down in the middle, out of curiosity she checks to see who it was and notices that one part was the girl that she had just talked to, looking around she sees the other half of it and decides to pick it up. To her dismay, the man on the missing part was someone she was quite familiar with. It was Eric she was sure of that, and seeing how the girl was crying like that, she was sure something had happened between them. It was a feeling that she was quite familiar with. She just decides to crumple the photo as it was before throwing it to the side, she somewhat felt sad for the girl as she knew what might have caused it. Once again there was this sudden nagging feeling at the back of her mind, as the girls face somewhat brought a heaviness in her chest. She really looked familiar, but she just couldn’t remember why. A bit down she then proceeded to go her own way, wanting to shrug off that heavy feeling of sorrow that had suddenly grabbed unto her. She knew that those things were normal for people at that age, but she was just so annoyed at the person whom seemed to be causing it all. Crystal suddenly felt that she needed to do something, but was a bit hesitant as she really didn’t want to involve herself with such things. Pondering for almost her whole walk to the schools gate, she felt more down and at a lost. Usually she would be a lot cheery and would feel a lot better after that. Forgetting the gnawing void that seemed to increase inside of her. But the sense of emptiness was still there after her little stroll. It seems that each day that was passing by, she was starting to stronger about her feeling that there was really something that she had forgotten and needed to do that she can’t fully understand yet. Yet, no matter how much she tried to remember it, she just couldn't piece things out together. That made her miss her best friend even more, she knew that if Brittany was with her, she would easily make out the things that were happening and come to a conclusion on the events that were happening. Letting out a sigh, she just ended up missing her friend even more, specially now that she knew she was there, but at the same time she was still unaware of her. As she was just about to walk out into the side walk just outside the gate, her sight catches a glimpse of the person she’d been looking for. She was about to run to her and proceed with her plan of introducing herself when she notices the group she was with. It was Dana along with some of her friends, all surrounding Brittany. That made her halt for a few minutes, watching as the woman who’m made her blood boil was being all close and friendly with her best friend to be. She could not remember if such a thing really happened before in her old time line, but there was never a mention of them being friends like that, plus the fact that Brittany was the one who attacked Dana when they caught them in her previous life time. Now, she was more confused, despaired and totally down hearted, seeing as how the two seemed to be so close together. The woman whom’ she loath so much was being all goody, goody with the person who’ she was supposed to be so close with. Now she was suddenly at a lost, thinking that something might have happened causing this to happen. She could not help her distress, realizing that a lot of things seem to be changing in her new life, as more and more things seem to be out of place. All of it started dawning on her when she remembered some of the things that had happened these past few years. She thought was it all because of those things that she had done? Was she now experiencing some kind of effect from her actions, or was it because she was doing things so differently? All of these questions began haunting her one by one as she began despairing from the possibility of unknown and being unsure of what was to happen in her nearing future. She really didn’t want to experience all those things all over again, but she was a bit happy that she was being able to right all the thing in her life right now. Her thoughts were only jolted back to reality when she noticed Brittany looking back at her. She could not help but raise a brow as she made signals and gestures towards her that she was quite sure they both made up to inform one another of somethings. It was only when her friend wink at her that she became aware of a certain fact.
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