Chapter 4 - Ungrateful Woman

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This beautiful and voluptuous woman had stuck her nose up proudly at me yesterday. She had a domineering air that kept people at arm's length, but now she was lying in front of me with her clothes nearly undressed. What was more, she kept moving around, and it was alluring. My throat was a little dry and my breathing became heavy. Blood was rushing to my head as I reached out and stroked her face, but I managed to stop myself from going further. With a bitter chuckle, I thought about the fact that I had just saved her yet again. I had intended to let her suffer, but in the end, I still could not bear to go through with it. Shaking my head, I tried to clear my mind. I noticed a bottle of water on the bedside table and quickly took several large gulps before wiping my face. Without caring about getting the sheets wet, I poured the rest of the water on Wendy's face in the hopes of waking her up. Then, I sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette to calm myself down so that I could think about how to handle this matter. I had to report this to the police, but I had to think about how I was going to explain the situation to them. It was necessary to find the best way to defend my actions of tailing Wendy and not reporting Bobby and his accomplice sooner. Though I had not finished smoking my cigarette yet, I was starting to feel a little dizzy. I thought it was from the nicotine, so I quickly put the cigarette out and got up to wash my face. However, right after I stood up, I felt my head spinning, and I wobbled. I had a startling thought and hurriedly checked the bottle of water I drank. It was not the same as the other bottle on the bedside table. Damn it, the bottle I drank from was probably left by Bobby, and it had been drugged as well. He most likely prepared it for Wendy in case she regained consciousness after the first dose. I had been burning with desire, so I didn't notice. She drank half a glass and was already unconscious after several minutes, whereas I had drunk half a bottle of it. Soon enough, my limbs grew weak and I was losing all strength in my body. I fell down on the bed beside Wendy, and one of my hands fell onto her chest. I tried to use my other hand to dial the emergency line, but suddenly, my hand fell limp and the phone dropped to the ground. I was frantic as I tried to retrieve my phone, but I could not even muster the energy to sit up or even make a sound. It took a huge amount of effort to just nudge my hand a little, so despite numerous attempts, I could not even remove my hand from Wendy's chest. Not long after, my eyelids grew heavy and I fell into a sleepy haze. After an unknown period of time, I felt a stinging slap on my face. I opened my eyes with great difficulty, and my sight was incredibly blurry, but I saw a silhouette of a person dashing out the door. It looked like Wendy. I rubbed my eyes and suddenly recalled everything that happened before I fainted. I had been lying unconscious beside Wendy the entire night, and her clothes were in disarray… Did she misunderstand me again? At this thought, I rushed to get up and chase after her. I had regained some of my strength, but the moment I stood up, I was hit with another dizzy spell. My throat was very dry and I felt like vomiting. There was no way I could go after her. I picked up my phone and supported myself against the wall as I headed for the washroom. After washing my face and drinking several mouthfuls of water at the sink, I felt a little better and rushed out of the room to find her. When I reached the lobby and exited the hotel, Wendy was leading two policemen toward me quickly. "That's him!" From a distance, Wendy was shouting as she pointed at me. I did not even have the time to react or explain myself before the two policemen sped over and pushed me to the ground. "It's not me. You caught the wrong person," I yelled as I struggled on the ground. However, the policemen handcuffed me and stopped me from moving. No matter how hard I tried to explain the situation, they did not relinquish their grip on me. A crowd had gathered by then, and I could hear them making comments about me. With great difficulty, I raised my head and saw Wendy getting into a police car. Soon after, another police car arrived and I was manhandled into it by several police officers. Once again, I was detained at a police station. I kept repeating my explanation about the situation several times. I did both a urine test and a blood test to prove that I had been drugged as well, but I still had to remain in lockup. I truly believed that I would not be falsely accused of a crime again, because I had not touched Wendy at all, and the hotel's surveillance system would have caught Bobby and his accomplice on tape. However, after spending a night at the police station, the officers handed me a warrant for my arrest on the grounds of attempted r**e. The surveillance camera had shown me forcing my way into the room and had recorded Bobby and his accomplice running out, but there was no proof that they were the ones who wanted to r**e Wendy, and there was no proof that I was innocent. In fact, Wendy claimed that I was the one who tried to r**e her. This was based on the fact that my hand was on her chest, as well as what I had said and done in her office. Soon after, the police officer brought me back to the dreaded detention center. Once again, I was filled with anger at being wronged as I demanded time and time again to see Wendy. Perhaps they were annoyed by me, or perhaps they too felt that there was something unusual about this case, but they eventually agreed to contact Wendy on my behalf. Wendy agreed to see me. When I finally met her once again, she was standing on the opposite side of a set of grills. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses, so I could not see her expression. "Wendy Lawrence, I did not r**e you. Everything I told the police was the truth. Think about it. Who was the one who invited you to that business meeting at the restaurant?" I tried to keep my cool as I spoke to her. "Wasn't that guy your accomplice?" Wendy retorted. "My accomplice?" I scoffed in anger. "Didn't you see the surveillance footage? Didn't you see how he and Bobby carried you into the room? Didn't you see how I chased them off? They're the ones who were accomplices in the crime." "I know they were in it together, but I suspect that all three of you are accomplices." Her words made me furious, and I began wringing the grills as I yelled, "Are you f*****g blind? What makes you think I planned this with them? I spent three years in prison because I hit Bobby in order to save you, so why would I become his accomplice?" "Because you have the same goal as he does. Bobby Lewser wanted to take advantage of me, and so do you. Don't forget that you said so yourself." "You're f*****g crazy. Do you think I really want to sleep with you? Who do you think you are? Why would I want to sleep with such a…" "Richard Satchel." Wendy interrupted me and sneered, "Three years ago, I didn't know about your prison sentence. I wanted to make it up to you, but you wanted to… How are you any different from those men, huh? You're also a r****t!" Having said that, she turned around and walked off. The word "r****t" struck me in the heart and I bellowed after her as I shook the cell door, "Wendy Lawrence, get this f*****g clear! Did I have s*x with you? Did I force myself onto you last night? You're not just f*****g ungrateful, but you're even trying to get me in trouble for helping you!" "Attempted r**e is enough to send you to prison for a very long time." Wendy threw back as she continued to walk away. My anger got the best of me as I cursed her over and over again. I even cursed myself for sticking my neck into this mess. Why did I bother saving her? I should have just let those men have their way with her. I wallowed for several days in that detention center, filled with hurt and despair as I waited for the results of the investigation. Finally, after ten whole days, the moment I had been waiting for finally arrived. The police officer spoke to me one last time before taking down my testimony and giving me a document to sign. He said that they had caught both Bobby and his accomplice. They had confessed to their crimes and I was declared innocent. Not only was I free to go, but they even wanted to give me an award for my act of justice and offered me a monetary reward. I did not accept it, but instead, I got into a taxi and went straight to the office. I had a score to settle with Wendy Lawrence! I would stop at nothing to make her pay!
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