Chapter 17: Mother of the night

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Esmeralda We were holding hands and I gently went to pull away as he walked towards his car so that I could get ready to walk towards the train station. He turned to look and asked, “what’s wrong?” “Nothing, I need to start heading for the train station before the last train leaves.” He snorted at that and answered, “don’t be stupid, I’m not letting you walk home alone. Get in.” He didn’t wait for an answer and climbed into his car and shut the door. He was a confusing man, one minute he would be all gentlemanly and the next he would be more tough and how he’d been when we had first met. I suppose it was confusing for him because he had one foot in the past and one foot in today’s world and everyone telling him he needed to get with the times and act accordingly. I think he had been told for so many years to act more modern and acceptable that he had become used to it except for a slip up every so often, but now he’d met me and I had told him I preferred his old ways it had confused him, he tried to show me his more old-fashioned side, but I could tell it was sometimes uncomfortable for him, almost like he was embarrassed by it and was expecting me to think it was weird, he seemed to forget I was from an older time too, not as old as him, but still from a time when manners and respect were important. We had just started driving when a black form came crashing down on top of the car. Lucan skidded to a stop and jumped out of the car to see what it was. Standing there looking down at us was an unnaturally beautiful vampire even by vampire standards and I knew, I just knew, that it was the mother of the night. She had long wavy hair as black as a raven with midnight blue eyes and skin as white as snow. She was around six foot five, the same height as Lucan and she was wearing a raven black flowing dress that certainly wasn’t from this time. It was beautiful and flowed down to her feet so that I didn’t see her black boots until she jumped down from the car and landed in front of us. “Hello, old friend,” she smiled eerily at Lucan. “You may have survived me once, but you won’t survive a second time you abomination!” He snarled at her. It was the first time I had ever felt him so angry that his power began to leak from him. It caressed itself around me and whispered things about peace and sleep and safety. It made me want to run to Lucan and hold him tight and never let him go, it made me want to get on my knees before him and pledge myself to him for an eternity. I know the mother of the night felt it too because she stumbled back from the force of it and took a deep breath to steady herself. “Control yourself, necromancer,” she hissed at him. “If you wish to finish the battle, then let’s do it,” he growled. “Oh I promise you necromancer that we shall battle once more, but not tonight, I just wanted to let you know that you failed, and I am still alive.” “You mean you want to play games, how childish of you Aramaya,” he replied. She only smiled in answer and began to walk away from us. She stopped and looked back. “So tell me necromancer, how do your memories fare these days?” She looked to me and I tried not to gulp. “Dear child of mine, have you fallen so low as to be seduced by death himself? You are looking gravely unwell, if you decide to keep on fighting against what you are, you shall not fare to live much longer. I can feel your life running through me and I fear you will meet the true death within three months at most.” With that, she turned and walked away until darkness wrapped itself around her, and she disappeared into the night.
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