Chapter 12: Out of Her Life

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Jessica's eyes widened with every word Roger uttered. Was he f*****g crazy? He was the one who could not control himself around her, not the other way around!   Jessica glared in response and refused without hesitation. "No, thank you." Roger gripped her chin harder before releasing it with a look of disgust. He narrowed his eyes and snapped, "Let us see how long this last. You'll be begging me to f**k you!" Jessica leaned against the wall feebly and watched his retreating figure. This man was a devil! No! He was something worst! He was a bastard, an asshole! She thought of every swear she could think of, which was not enough of what she thought of Roger Richard. Why was God punishing her? Had she not suffered enough? Had she not already paid for her mistakes? Jessica knew Roger had a plan; however, she did not know if s*x was part of it. Knowing him and his conniving mind, it probably was, and she did not want to be caught up in his game.   Roger Richard was not seen around the hotel for the next few days; even Lves did not know where he was. Jessica hoped he was so busy and had forgotten all about her. One week, two weeks, and before she knew it, one month had passed with no sign of Roger Richard. It almost seemed like he had never appeared in this hotel in the first place. Jessica even doubted whether he would come here again (at least she hoped). The rumors had finally died down a bit, which Jessica was thankful for. She should have felt happy that Roger was out of her life, but some days she felt a sense of longing take over her as if something very close to her was missing. That feeling was especially strong today as she was assigned to clean the penthouse suite which she had not stepped in after the last incident where Ruth had attacked her. When she walked in, Jessica wrinkled her nose as it reeked of alcohol. She gaped when she saw what a mess it was. Empty bottles were strewn about on the floor, and the bedsheets were all on the floor as well, a couple of men were sleeping, one on the sofa and one on the bed. What had gone on here last night?   Jessica decided to leave and come back when they had all left. She turned around and was about to close the door when a voice called her. "Hey, pretty lady." She turned around and saw a man had just walked out of the bathroom, wearing only a white bath towel around his waist. His bronzed skin shining in the warm morning sunlight exuded a strong, charming aura, with water dripping from the neck down his powerful physique. Jessica was stunned, even forgetting to look away. He was smirking at her, and she blushed when she noticed he was bulging his muscles. "Stare at all you want, honey," he laughed. "Um…sorry, I just came to clean the room," Jessica finally snapped out of it and stuttered in embarrassment. "You can come back later," a familiar cold voice responded but from behind her. She turned around in shock and gasped when none other than Roger Richard was standing at the door of the room. He was pissed off; she could tell from the veins bulging on his forehead and his narrowed eyes.   Jessica nodded slightly and tried to keep calm. "Ye…yes sure. I'll come back." She then hurriedly left the room, accidentally brushing Roger as she walked past him. When she finally reached the elevator, she paused and leaned against the wall. Her heart was pounding furiously. Was he here? When had he come? And why was he having a party in his room? Were those his friends? Did he see her ogling at the man? Questions ran through Jessica's mind, and she groaned. Ugh, Jessica! You managed to embarrass yourself in front of him yet again!  _______     Roger frowned and stared at the closed door. "Hey man, what the f**k!" John, who had just come out of the shower, complained. Roger shook his head in annoyance and glared at his friend. He wanted to punch him but restrained himself. John grinned, "Did you see her look just now? If you were not here, she would be on the bed underneath me right now!" Roger looked at John murderously. "Hey…you know what? I bet I could f**k her! My charm is too irresistible." John laughed again. Roger muttered, "f**k off!" "I bet I can take her in my bed by tonight, 10 000 dollars." Before Roger could respond, Antony, who was still sleeping on the sofa, raised his hand and said, "Add another five from me!" Roger's face was stone cold as he glared at the assholes, he called friends impassively. "When did you become so interested in married women?" "Married? Oh, her husband must be terrible in bed then!" John guffawed. Roger almost crushed the glass cup he was holding in anger. However, he was curious to see how Jessica would respond to these offers. Would she fall into their traps like some slut? "Fine," Roger spoke up. "If you fail to sleep with her before 12 tonight, you need to give me twenty grand." John clapped and laughed, "You're going down, Roger! Because if I win, you are giving me the twenty!" He began to drive the others away from the room excitedly. "Hurry up and get the f**k out. I'm going to win twenty grand in this room." Antony was positive John would win because the ladies seemed to love him and his Southern charm even though he was so obviously a f*****g player and would dump them the next night. He never understood that about women; despite knowing someone was using them, they would still give up their bodies willingly. He shrugged, if they were getting it, he could care less about the girls.     Even Roger regretted betting with John. No girl seemed to be immune to him, and he had anxious feelings run through him as he thought of Jessica under his body.
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