A juicy fateful encounter

936 Words
“Alright, miss Clarke. You can start classes at the first hour tomorrow.” declares the man with glasses on the other side of the desk, while he finishes arranging my documents. “Thank you very much. I understand there will be problems with some teachers, but I will catch up as soon as possible” I immediately assert. I had to come back to the city that watched me grow to attend high school. Unfortunately, I made the decision a bit late, so now I must compensate for two weeks of courses fast. Luckily, the director was comprehensive about my situation and, even though we spent one hour conversing in his office, he let me continue with my inscription process. “Good luck” he says as we are parting. Once again, I thank him before leaving the room. I look at my schedule and after a bit I decide to explore the campus, to identify my assigned classrooms. It's already late, so the halls are almost empty. This makes my mission a tad easier, I cannot get distracted trying to meet new people. Finding the last classroom on my list, I put all my papers in my bag. There is no doubt, this will be a difficult year, with a lot of changes. I deeply sigh while rubbing my face with both hands. I´m peacefully enjoying the quietness around me until I'm interrupted by a loud scream and some giggles. I conclude the turmoil must come from the bathroom mid hallway, when a couple of girls came running out of there. I roll my eyes. And here I thought I could finally leave my old personality behind in middle high school… I make haste to the bathroom. As I enter, I see immediately the reason the other girls were leaving the place hurriedly. “Oh my god, are you okay?” I ask with panic after seeing in front of me a girl with a red-stained dress. “Yes, it's just red juice”, she says calmly with a shy smile on her face. I take out some towels, offering them immediately. “Why would they make something this horrible?” She takes the towels, cleaning herself with the help of the mirrors. “Well, one of the girls you just saw is named Camille. she is one of the smartest girls in high school, but apparently, everyone thinks she was humiliated by a freshman in a scholar discussion” she explains with irony, while squeezing her hair over the sink, her smile growing larger as she remembers what happened. I cross my arms. “I can't believe there are still such childish people.” The other girl shakes her head after cleaning the bottom part of her dress, previously having a cute pastel yellow colour. “It doesn’t matter, you know. Her attitude is another proof of how lame she really is.” I smile. “I suppose you are right.” “You are a new student, aren’t you? My name is Amelia Patterson.” She says after cleaning her hands. “Natalie Clarke” I responded in a friendly tone. “Do you live nearby? I can take you home, so you don’t have to go back like that.” She looks down inspecting her clothes. “My house is just a couple of streets away. Also, I’m not comfortable riding with people I barely know.” She says ashamed. I leave my bag on the floor, making sure it doesn't get wet. I take my long green trench coat and give it to her. “Take this instead.” “Are you sure about this?” She questions with disbelief. She looks at me as if I´m the only person on campus who still knows how to act with decency. I nod. “You can give it back on Friday, I really don't have a problem. Just know that if I don't see my trench coat again, I will convince Camille to cover you in glue, while I throw some feathers at you.” I add jokingly. Amelie laughs after hearing my comment. “That may be even more humiliating than being covered in fruit juice. Ok, deal.” I stretch her hand after she finished putting on the trench coat. “Yep, you look better this way.” I´m about to lower my arm when she takes hold of it with both hands. “That is a cute tattoo, is it covering your timer?” She asks without hesitation. I hoped I wouldn't have to lie to my potential first friend. Nonetheless, if I tell the truth I will automatically enter the strange girls group. “Yes. Constantly watching those numbers cause a lot of stress. I prefer seeing a dragon on my forearm.” “It looks really cool. To me, everything related to our timers is fascinating and romantic. Still, I understand why some people would prefer not having it.” “Thanks” I whisper, lowering my arm and taking my bag. “It's been a pleasure, Amelie. I hope we can meet soon.” “Bye, thanks!” I exit the school, and hurry back to the parking lot, hoping to find refuge in my car, before meeting someone else. I relax as soon as I enter the driver’s seat. I sigh again, leaning my head back after closing the door. Well, that could’ve been worse. I must prepare myself to deal with immature people these next few years. I just hope I don't end up like them.
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