Chapter 4

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"AAAAYYYYEEEEE, WE IN THIS b***h, OFF THE JACK, HITTING FROM THE BACK, OH! HOW I AM THE MACK, b***h," I don't even flinch I know its the most rowdiest of the twins along with the quiet twin, that has been here since well I could remember.  Silas and Atticus I found them when I was 10 years old, they were young wolfs by their dead mothers corpse, it looked like she was shot by some hunters. I hadn't seen an werewolves before, so I didn't realize. But then again I should've realized these wolves was different when it seemed to me they could understood what I was saying. It was a year before they actual showed themselves fully, and before I realized my two bestfriends was twin human boys. The year that the twins was my pets was actual when I think about it, what I needed. I was so lonely back then, but so antisocial it wasn't even funny. The twins understood that, so they stayed in wolf form to get me use to their company. I would just talk to them or mostly they went with me everywhere, even on assignments, so I guess when I look back they was most likely helping me back then too. The turnt twin is Atticus, he is the typical 5'9 light skin black boy with green, blue eyes and washboard abs that he goes to the gym excessively. He is kinda of an player but not really, he likes one night stands and sleeping with married women. Yup... the more unavailable she is the more he gets fixated on her, which is very unhealthy when you think about it. Atticus is a master at getting in and out of places and stealing things too, for a while he made money stealing artifacts for the right very expensive price. Silas is his twin 5'9 but he is brown skinned, and his eyes are lavender mixed with green in them. He's more on the quiet side but I know he know he can be like his brother if he wanted to, his very low key, and exercise a lot less than his brother. Silas is the grifter, or actor, he can literally play anything, one time he disguised himself as an  student counselor at an cheerleading camp, which you think about it, maybe it wasn't purely for work. He has the skill to talk you out in or out of trouble, and somehow get away without getting an scratch on it  him, it is truly a gift that I wish I had. But sadly all I'm good at is killing, fighting, magic, s*x, and s*x appeal, and getting people to do what the f**k I want. So I'm glad I have the twins in my life and team.   "Why do you always have to be so loud?" Silas says, I hear the door close and foot steps. I don't even open my eye from laying my head back on the love seat with my cup of jack.  "You know, he just can't help himself," Ace said still playing the 2k. "Mhm-hmm," everyone said in unison.  "So, I guess, you know about our new and very permanent mission," Lj said flopping two black folders on the glass coffee table.  "Hell yeah, we do, and I for one can't wait to see all the new meat I can sink my d**k into," Atticus said laughing while walking further into the the living room area.  "Why am I not surprised that this is what you thinking?" Silas said walking with him to sit on the sides of ace on the couch in the middle of the room.  I finally lift up my head and open my eyes I immediately look at my cup, down the rest of my Jack, get up from my love seat across of them, big bay window, I walk to the back where our makeshift bar is. Pour any other cup and sit back down, by time I look up everyone is looking at me, each with different levels of concern; especially the twins, its like they are entuned to my feelings, or anything I'm feeling.  "What?" I said looking at everyone. Ace thankfully went back to his game, he likes to give me my space but I know he's close by if I need him, he's like the protective big brother of the group.   (clears throat) " I was just asking, did you contact her yet?" Lj said, looking uncomfortable while looking me in the eye. Which that is strange, most people get uncomfortable looking in my eyes. I have very red eyes with gold and violet irises, I usually have sunglasses on so I wont get stared at or looks of disgust; You can say there is still some racism of other species after thousands of years of earth being including in the galaxies wars. The guys are the only ones that can stare in my eyes without any disgusts or anything hidden in their eyes like what I see with people around me, even the only person I think as a sister hates me.    "No, why would I?" I said looking pass LJ sitting in the love seat across from me too the bay window and the scenery outside.  "Maybe because you will be attending her school too, and y'all haven't talked since she left for school, its been almost 13 years since then," Silas says looking very intently at me.  "And?" I said taking another sip of jack. "You don't think maybe you should give her an heads up, with you there you know it will be different for her." LJ said, sounding like a father trying to get his hardheaded daughter to do what he says.  "I'm sure derndeck, already let her know, and she will probably stay away from me, until we eventually leave, so I don't care, anything else," I said says my eyes finally land on him. We look at each other for a minute or two. He clears his throat, gives me a lil' nod, to signal he understands I don't wanna talk about it right now. He gets five folders from under the coffee table and passes them, when everyone has an folder, we start or briefing before we our mission starts. we have 3 hours before, we need to start the mission   "In these folders is our last job, we are suppose to be killing this mafia boss, he deals in trafficking women, children, anything that will he will get money off of, and its rumored that he is a serial rapist, also, local police suspects his organization in a couple for kidnapping, murders, rapes, and property damage, and the list goes on. we are suppose to have this done before we leave tomorrow for the university at 12 in the afternoon," LJ finally finishes and his eyes cut to me from the looking at the folder. He's silently telling me to be on time and not to sleep in. Ha! jokes on him because I know we won't get there until at least 2pm  anyways. The twins tried to cover up a laugh, I'm pretty sure they know what I was thinking, which made it a lil funny, like inside joke.  I open the folder. I have to admit when I look through these folders I'm  just skimming through the papers and not actually reading but this time I read, read, and read. This fucker is soo f*****g SICK, very long and detailed paragraphs on what his company is into on the legal side, which is equally surprising. An multibillion dollar company specializing in developing land and flipping them for schools, low income communities, parks etc. But the illegal side is what catches my attention, anger, and sadistic sides to be more exact. For the past 4 decades he has been raping women and girls, but recently I guess he raped the wrong girls. The girls parents are very loaded, scary loaded since they can afford my teams prices and the firms prices too. From our sources these girls was said to be at an party when they was lured to very different party where the boss was at, doing an illegal weapons deal with some cartel members. Sally Johnson and Jazzia j. Williams.... Sally Johnson is an beautiful mixed girl, 17 years old, currently in intensive care at Saint James Memorial Hospital, they had to put her in a medically induced coma. She had been roaming the city for hours naked, bleed on her body and her head with a dangerous head wound. A priest found her in his church bleeding, broken, ice cold, and barley had a pulse; luckily the doctors said she was found in time and she may make a relatively full recovery..... if she doesn't wanna die because of what she remembers. I would hate to be her right now... I can't image what she must be dreaming now.  Sally's parents, Ted and Desi Johnson is wanting him to be brought up on charges, but this mob boss is very powerful, it would seem. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson keep on getting blocked by his lawyers. Jazzia J. Williams is very pretty black girl, she's a model... no wonder, her beauty is out of this world. She is still missing, No doubt the boss has her. Jazzia's parents, Idris and Mila Williams want him dead, they came to my uncle's firm after they convinced the Johnson's that legal ways isn't the best way to get shiet done, Makes me wonder what they do for a living, my uncle never told me. What makes this all more interesting is that they specifically asked for me and my team, which means they are in deep with the underworld of crime and monsters that go bump in the night. I look at my watch after I was finished reading this long ass dossier of crime; it is 1 am. As I look around everyone is still reading, I can't tell what anyone is thinking except for ace, strong feelings is harder for him to hide. He's livid, I can tell if I don't kill,  Antonio B Montenegro then he will.  "How much time you will need to get ready, I wanna be done by 5 am," I said while I took another sip of the Jack.  "Give me an hour, I just need to find where he is, how we gonna infuriate his compound, and how you gonna kill him and get out without anyone being the wiser." LJ said, while already typing on his computer. Ha! he always does this, he means in 20 mins or less.  Everyone went back to chillen until it is time to leave, Ace went back to playing the game, although I can tell, he wants this mission over too. The twins are just on their phones, I can never tell what they be thinking reading about our marks wrong doings. I hear LJ still typing away on the computer; I am still sipping on this Jack but now on my phone, scrolling through the gram. I scroll down further and I see a familiar face, beautiful, light brown skin, very curly hair that goes down to her waist, big brownish violet eyes with a blue outline. She looks happier, Deeskita the only person a can consider a sister. But, we haven't talk in years, I don't know why, she stopped talking to me when I turned 10 and she went to boarding school. When she first left I sent her countless letters, but for some reason she never answered then eventually I gave up but by then I already met the twins. It hurt me to know she had social media and didn't even try to reach out back then when I found out. But now, I don't care, she is just my family's' friend daughter, nothing more, nothing less. However, in the past year she found my social media and is following me. I liked her picture and kept on scrolling, I went to my profile I see I have bout 7 thousand followers, funny, yesterday I had 6, cool.  "Okay, I'm done, y'all ready," LJ said snapping me out of my chill mode.
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