
1067 Words
"Alpha! Where are you going?" my Beta, Johnson, demanded. I don't have time to deal with him right now if I could just catch a whiff of that delicious smell. I continued using my nose to follow that smell, I couldn't put it into words all that properly, but it smelled sweet and warm. Kind of like when you enter a bakery with freshly baked bread. I soon found myself standing inside a café staring at this beautiful woman. She had long brown curly hair that she had tied up in a ponytail. A strand was falling so perfectly in front of her as if she had meant to put it there. She looked up at me and I was greeted by those beautiful light blue eyes and plump pink lips. My eyes fell down to her name tag. Angelica. What a beautiful name. It fit her so perfectly. My gaze landed on her body, but not in a s****l way. She was thin, and she looked sick because of the bags under her eyes and her pale lips she desperately tried to hide by gnawing on her lips. "Hello, sir?" she softly called out. "So sorry about that, we're still deciding." Johnson awkwardly chuckled as he forcefully pulled me to the side so other people can order their drinks. "What has gotten in to you?!" he demanded in an angry whisper. "I think she could be my mate." I whispered. I fixed my gaze upon her once again, and I could tell she felt me looking. Her actions were suddenly stiff and clumsy. I took a deep breath in and swam in her scent. She was delicious. Johnson gave me a nudge to the side, reminding me to behave myself since we were in their world not ours. "Come on, dude, she's right there. Can you just go and say hi? I want to hear her voice again." Jax, my wolf, whimpered in my head. "I can't just cut in line. We're in their world, not ours. So please, Jax, behave yourself. I'd rather not get in trouble with anybody while we're here." I scolded Jax mentally. "Fine. But we are going to go say hi to her right?" Jax excitedly asked. I sighed heavily and looked at their menu. It was handwritten but it was so beautifully done that it looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Once I've decided on what to get, I headed back up to her, and flashed her a gentle smile. She happily smiled back at me. "Good morning, sir. To what do I owe the pleasure of getting you today?" she greeted happily. Jax was doing flips in my head at the sound of her voice alone. I pretended to scan over the menu and slightly look it over as if finalizing what I wanted to get. I looked back at her and smiled. "Have you decided yet, sir?" she offered. "Ah, yes. Sorry, the handwriting is just so pleasing to the eye. I couldn't help myself but admire it." I said quietly. A blush crept up to her face, tinting her cheeks a light shade of pink. She hung her head a fiddled with her thumbs a bit. She must have been the one who wrote this down. I quietly chuckled. "Anyways, can I get 5 of each flavor you have?" I smiled. "What?" Johnson demanded. I discreetly shot him a glare and looked back at her. She was staring at me with a shocked expression on her face. She shook her head to get herself together and punched in everything that I ordered. She read back to me all the drinks I bought, and I could only listen to how sweet her voice sounded. I made sure to respond, agreeing to everything she said. Once she was done she asked me to tale a seat anywhere. "Ah, sir, may I know your name?" she shyly asked. "It's Nate." I smiled. "Thank you, I'll call you out when everything's ready." she smiled sweetly as she handed me a receipt. Johnson and I took a seat at one of the vacant tables. Once we were seated, he didn't let the opportunity pass by to ask if I was insane. "What are we supposed to do with that much coffee, Alpha?" he whispered yelled through gritted teeth. "Well, we could always give it to the pack so they can take care of the coffee. We have a lot of staff in the pack house, and I'm sure they would appreciate a cup of coffee." I said in a matter of fact tone. "It would be out of character for you to do that, Alpha." he reminded me. "Ah, that's why you're going to do it for me." I said. "No." he denied. "Yes." I pressed. "No." he hissed. "YES!" I glared him down. "Naur." he stuck his tongue out. "This is your future Luna we are talking about here, and if you so mess this up I will not hesitate to remove your head from your body through your teeth." I snapped. "Y-Yes, Alpha." he stammered. I don't know why he's being so disobedient towards me. I guess this was one of the cons of having your brother as your Beta. A few minutes later, we were met by hot pastries on the table. I looked at her arms as she served our plates, she was incredibly thin. I frowned at the thought that she could be overworking herself to pay for bills and maybe even school. "These are complimentary pastries since you ordered so much." she smiled sweetly. "That's really sweet of you. Could I get two glasses of water?" Johnson asked. I hate the way he asked her. I don't like how he's ordering her around. Probably feeling the glares and the heavy aura, he slowly looked at me and gulped. "Why don't you get your own water? It's self-service anyways." I spat. "Please, don't. It's okay." she insisted. "No, I'll get it. You have to join us for something to eat." I smiled as I gestured to the table. "Sir, I couldn't possibly impose like that." she stuttered. "I insist." I smiled. She looked back at someone, who was probably her boss, and she slowly sat down with us. I stood up to get three glasses of water and went back to the table to set them down.
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