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The sun and the moon have always been at odds, and indeed the darkness ended up winning and began to devour the light over again. While the ambience grew colder, adding chills of fear that engulfed my body. It was late afternoon when I arrived in town, for that wasn't the end of my journey yet; and I needed to charter a boat from there to get to the other island. The island that many people are terrified of for no explicable reason which they call, Sitio Encanto. From there, I texted Grandma's maid to let her know that I was close, before we actually left at the Port. Nevertheless, the panorama here is incredibly magnificent, and even more so now that the sun has fallen low on the horizon. Yet I felt nervous for no apparent reason when the boat I was onboard continued to move. But somehow, it faded as soon as we got to the broad and strikingly beautiful sea, something that claimed to be full of mysteries which were simply waiting to be explored. While the sun was solemnly letting go as the air had finally chilled in the absence of the vast sea. But even so, every wave of the water is still calm and pleasant to behold. Something that is really not dull to look at for it instantaneously soothes the exhaustion and weariness I would have as a result of all the obstacles I've struggled with. It was about 6 p.m when we arrived at the harbor of Sitio Encanto. And, as we had discussed, Grandma's maid was there waiting for me, stating, "Oh how was your trip? You must be very tired, but don't worry, I've already cooked dinner and we'll just eat when we get there at the house," as she cheerfully greeted me and took the other of my belongings to help me. "Dinner, seriously? Yet isn't it too early for that?" I asked her, surprised but amused. As we walked, she grinned and said, "Yes, this is how it really is here in the province! People have dinner earlier than usual and go to bed at a decent hour, but I'm sure you'll become used to it." "By the way, my name is Ana," she continued, smiling. But I just simply returned her smile and continued walking without saying anything. And as we continued, I noticed that the fog began to fill the entire ambience, as well as I also haven't seen anyone outside. Furthermore, all of the houses are all separated from one another, and only a few are made of concrete. Yet, the whole place was somewhat eerie, but Ana was walking so calmly as if she wasn't worried about anything that might come our way. "Why does this place seem to be empty? It's so silent, and that the only illumination I could see is moonlight," I whispered to Ana. "I told you that all the people here sleep early, and no one comes out when it gets dark," she said with a smile. But suddenly, I saw that she abruptly stopped walking and that her expression changed, as if she's worried and scared. "Why did you stop?" I anxiously asked her, till I began feeling something soaring like a giant creature above us. "What is that?" I questioned in a little frightened tone. "Just don't look up no matter what happens! Just calm down and continue walking as if you're feeling nothing," she murmured, grabbing my shoulder. Yet all I did was obey her advice, and I just kept going and pretended to be calm even though I was so deathly afraid and nervous. While continually asking myself when, it will all be over and when all of these terrifying occurrences will leave me peacefully alone. Then, I can sense her panic as she rushes, but I am simply just doing the same she does. For I don't know how else to describe it, but I know and am certain that there is something, like a beast, that's chasing behind us. Until, all of a sudden, an elderly woman appeared in front of us, shocking Ana and me. But I couldn't see her face yet she was dressed in a long black silk dress with a veil. "Oh, Aling Rosa! You scared and surprised us!" Ana laughed, but her face was filled with worry, and her tone was shaky. "Where are you going, you two look rushing! As well as why are you still out at this hour?" said Rosa, an old woman with a raspy and clearly worn voice. "Well, I picked Luke up at the port; he was from Cavite, yet he arrived close to night," Ana explained. "Oh, your name is Luke! What a really handsome young man," the elderly woman exclaimed in a creepy tone. While I was taken aback and having no idea what to do or how to cope with what was going on. "Ah, yeah! He's Señora Gracia's grandson," Ana said, but I was surprised when the old woman who had been barring our path abruptly stepped back for reasons I don't know. "I'm sorry! I didn't even know Gracia had a grandchild, and it's him," the shaking old Rosa murmured, which surprised me even more, and began walking away as she slowly disappeared into the darkness of the night. And then everything returned to normal in the neighborhood again, as if nothing had happened. "Who is she?" I asked Ana, who was surprised, wrinkled, and still had a fearful expression on face. "Ah, she's Aling Rosa; just ignore her; by the way, let's go, because the food I cooked is going to be cold, and so you can rest as well," Ana replied, smiling, before continuing walking. That's why I just simply smiled back to her, and began walking as well. And because the roads here were not yet paved and concreted, the path we were walking on was a little muddy. But, even though it was foggy, we didn't have too much trouble yet the majestic moon's light accompanied us with such a light-like torch and served as our guide through the dark emptiness of our way. After a few minutes of continuous walking, we finally stopped, until I was somewhat captivated by what I am seeing at the moment. For I am looking right now at a huge, old-fashioned house with a big yard and a lovely appealing garden. That reminds me of the haunted mansion where I stayed in yesterday. It has been several years since I last saw this house, but it still stands firm and holds all the terrible and beautiful memories of my yesterday past. That no matter what I do to avoid it, I can't seem to get away, and just continually being followed and drawn back to my past. Ana pushed open the rusted iron gate, as well as the two of us walked in. And when we entered the house, I couldn't help but be amazed by what I saw. Despite the fact that the house's outside appears to be old, yet the interior is so lovely that it brings you back to ancient times. As we walked down the corridor, I observed several massive paintings and sculptures, which I'm certain were of our forefathers and mothers. Although the paintings are antique, their expressions still appear to be alive. Until we finally got in the kitchen, where I noticed a long, wide table made of high-quality oak. There was plenty of food, and when Ana urged me to sit down, I observed that no one else was around, and we were the only two at the table. "Wait, are we the only two to eat? Where are the others? And where is Grandma, won't she join us?" I inquired of Ana, who simply just smiled and began speaking as well, "Yes! Because our gardener and also the cook died without knowing the cause. They just slept and never woke up, so I'm the only one left and take care of everything here. From cooking, cleaning, and everything else" with a smile on her face, she explained. That slightly impressed me, with her diligence and perseverance in the chores here at Grandma's house even though she was the only one left doing everything. "And Señora Gracia can't join us since she needs to rest at times like this, but I fed her before the sun went down," she continued with a sweet smile. So I simply just nodded and smiled back at her, and started having a meal quietly. While all the cuisine on the table is exquisite, which is now in front of me, that made me eat a little too much, perhaps owing to my hunger and extreme tiredness since having arrived here. Ana, on the other hand, occasionally looks at me and just smiles and eats quietly with me. And apart from the calmness and safety, I don't feel anything peculiar in this house where I am right now. Then, Ana took me to my room after we finished dinner and aided me with my belongings. But as she was about to go, I said, "Wait, I'll give you something," and immediately took a letter out from Aunt Rose in my bag. I smiled as I asked Ana, "Auntie requested me to give it to Grandma, but since you're the one she's constantly with, I suppose you can give it to her?" "Sure, don't worry, it'll get to her since it's perfect timing that I'll go check on her right now," Ana smiled as she turned around and walked away, leaving me at the doorway to my eventual bedroom in the house. Well as for me, I decided to just go into my room and begin to put my belongings aside, deciding to organize them tomorrow and place them in their respective places where they should be. And when I sat down on the bed, I noticed that this room was quite old-fashioned, and the cleaner had just simply kept it neat and clean to make it still look pleasant in sight. However, this room is more spacious than I ever expected and certainly designed purely for affluent individuals, as shown by the cabinets, shelves, relatively small table which is close to the window, and sculptures on every piece of furniture in this room. And eventually I thought about going to bed to unwind since I was exhausted from the long trip and the unusual events that had occurred. And because this room is so tranquil and serene, it makes me feel comfortable and protected, as if I'm safe from the scary world outside. That is why, I was able to fall asleep quietly and was not even disturbed either by any horrible dream that would just return me towards the known universe of terrifying nightmares with no end. But then, I only managed to sleep for a few hours before even being startled awake by a noise that sounded like people chanting. Yet, although I had a slight headache from falling asleep, I still forced myself to get out of bed and check the source of the strange noises that had awakened me from sleeping. As I left the room, I tracked the noises, which seemed to be growing louder and louder till I overheard several women crying. I'm not sure why, but then as I move closer and closer, I get goosebumps all across my entire body. And finally, I reached a room-like area with no door and only curtains as a barricade. Then, I cautiously slid the black and thin curtain aside and peered through where I saw women as well as men being dressed in black coloured long gowns with veils. They were simultaneously speaking, which I think was Latin, while others were kneeling and surrounding and mourning over an old woman lying on the white bed, but I couldn’t tell if it was Grandma because it was quite dark and the black candles were serving as the only light in the entire room. I can’t explain, because I also don’t know what I am seeing right now. Until someone unexpectedly touched my shoulder out of the blue from behind, which frightened me a little, and when I turned around, it was just Ana. "What are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping," she whispered to me. "What are they doing? Is- is that Grandma?" I whispered back as well, in astonishment. "Oh, just ignore them," Ana replied, indirectly answering my question and even perhaps hiding something. "Do you need anything?" she questioned. "Ah, nothing. I'm just looking for where the CR is," I did lie. Then she just smiled at me and said, "Ah, it's down there in the hall near the kitchen." Yet I didn't respond, and smiled back as well as began walking in the direction she indicated, despite the fact that I wasn't going to use the toilet at all. But, I thought of just drinking water instead, which is why I walk my way to the kitchen like she instructed, so that after I could go back to sleep, and just disregard what I saw. While the entire place is slightly gloomy and only a few candles serve as the source of light in this old house. So I was just making my way, slowly and carefully. Yet I didn't notice anything weird till later, like if it was following me from behind. But then fear gripped my entire body once more, so I chose to just ignore it and keep walking. Until somebody else cried "Pst!" over behind me, at which moment I stopped walking, frightened grew more, and increased horror throughout my entire body. While I was at a loss for what to do, since I knew what I would see if I turned around. But not until I overheard a feeble moan which thus appeared like it needed some help. That's why, even though I was terrified, I still faced it cautiously. But all I could see was a faceless girl. As well as that I saw a peculiar band that tied her wrists and feet. She was barely dressed and also had wounds and bruises everywhere around her body. I'm not sure how I'll react to what I'm seeing right now because my thoughts are a summation of sadness and dread. But since the creature in front of me does not again have a face, I sense that this is really another vision of mine. So, despite the fact that I couldn't talk and fumbled a little, I still tried to ask her, "What do you want from me? Are you one of my visions?" Yet she just stood there and did nothing, as the fear inside me slowly decreased over the time. But it wasn't long before I began to hear something from her. "On the mountain of Asramon," she murmured and her voice was exhausted as well as weak, while I just stood there staring and unsure of what to do. "Help me," she begged once again as she slowly faded away from my eyesight into the gulf of blackness cast by the full moon night. I was left stunned and confused by what she said, as the fear slowly disappeared throughout inside me. Until Ana suddenly came, who until now hadn't slept and was carrying a bunch of withered flowers. "Oh Luke, why are you so pale? Did something happen?" she continued asking, while I merely smiled and shook my head, believing that even if I told her what had happened, she would just be confused and might not believe me. "No, I'm alright," I said with a smile, despite the fact that I was both puzzled and terrified inside. However, she just simply grinned and continued to walk on her way out, as if she was about to throw the withered flowers she was holding on. Yet, I decided not to drink and just returned to my room instead. And when I got back there I thought of calling Aunt Rose to let her know that I was already here at Grandma's house, but I couldn't contact her. Probably because the sun hadn't risen yet and she was still asleep. It was 4 am when I looked at the time on my watch, but even if I wanted to sleep, I wasn't sleepy anymore because of what happened. So then, I decided to arrange my things that I planned to just do when tomorrow comes. But there is no point in procrastinating since I have nothing to do right now. As time passed by, the dominant sun ascended higher in the sky anew, restoring light to the entire area. I could also smell delectable food being prepared in the kitchen, as if it were for breakfast. Until Ana knocked on my door and said, "Luke, the breakfast is ready," which she spoke enthusiastically, cheerful as if she hadn't become tired of what she'd been doing all day around the house. "Just a minute! I'll be right there at the table," I said cheerfully from inside my room. I unexpectedly remembered her Aunt Rose, who, given the fact that I knew and was certain that she was tired from her daily work, yet was always joyful and smiling whenever we spoke. When I stepped out of my room, I went straight to the dining room table to eat breakfast alongside Ana. "Oh, good morning, Luke," she greeted brightly. As I sat down, however, I started to notice that she appeared to be in a rush and about to start leaving. "Where are you going? Won't you join me? You could perhaps stop working for quite some time," I told her. "Ah, I'm going to the Market to buy some things for the house," she said, looking happy. "But don't worry, Señora Gracia and I ate earlier," she added. "Wait! Can I come with you? Because you know, I have nothing to do here," I said as I began to slowly rise from my seat. "Are you sure? Won't you eat breakfast first? You might be hungry later," she said again in her worried tone, as she picked up the market bag. "Yes! I'm sure," I replied with a smile.For I assumed I'd have nothing much to do here at home since I'd already organized my belongings and perhaps it'd be great to have some walk outside especially in morning times. And as Ana and I left the house, I noticed that there were just a few people outside, all of whom were watching and simply following us with their gaze. "How come everyone is staring at us?", I exclaimed as we headed toward the tricycle station. "Just ignore them," Ana said, "since that's how people really are here, especially since you're new here." We hurried on the tricycle as soon as we got to the station because we needed to really get back home before Grandma woke. But I'm really intrigued as to why Ana refuses to show me Grandma, despite the fact that she was the one who requested that I come here. Whenever I told her I wanted to see Grandma, she responded, "I'll take you to her when she tells me." But I just listen and believe her since I know she knows what she's doing, and I understand her because she's the only one who takes care, and Grandma trusts her the most. So when we arrived at the Market, we immediately purchased the items we needed. I also noted that the other stores were already broken and closed, so we were lucky that there weren't too many people here, which is why we were able to finish our shopping so fast. But, before we could return home on the tricycle, a poster of the missing girl drew my attention since she was someone who was familiar to me. Until I suddenly remembered the vision at the house I had just before the sun rose, for I knew this missing girl was the one I saw, owing to the fact that I didn't know her exact appearance because she didn't have such a face in my vision. "Is there a problem?" Ana inquired, carefully loading our belongings onto the tricycle one by one. "Nothing," I responded, smiling, then continuing, "But do you know this girl?" I asked Ana, who was clearly surprised by my question, as shown by her expression. "Yes, that's Angela; she's been missing for two days since she and her friends went to Mount Asramon, and they claim she vanished while bathing near the waterfall, despite the fact that they know it's banned to climb that mountain because it kills people every year. Since some women always went missing year by year. But today's youth are stubborn and don't believe in superstitions, so they're bound to fail," Ana said, frightening me once more and continued, "Why? Do you know her?" While I am not sure if I'm doing the right thing, yet I know, I have to tell Ana the truth if I truly want to help the girl in my vision. And I don't care now that she'll be confused and won't believe me, but I have to at least try for I know it'll be my conscience if someone died again and I did nothing even though I knew what was coming. "Yes," I muttered, "but I'll explain everything when we get home," I said, noticing her confusion. "All right Luke, it's up to you," she said, smiling, as she got in the tricycle. And because the inside was congested due to our belongings, I decided to only sit behind the tricycle driver I observed that the airflow was increasingly colder, and the sky was descending as the tricycle we boarded traveled. As well as I could hear thunder and lightning drawing in the horizon, which slowly over time was swallowed up and covered with dense and gloomy clouds some few moments later. And the heavy rain began to fall from the weeping sky, after we finally got home. Ana, on the other hand, just dropped off our groceries in the kitchen and went straight to Grandma's room to see how she was doing. So I was left alone in the kitchen, and because I had nothing else to do here, I decided to just return to my room and change my clothes, since I had slightly been soaked by the mist earlier when riding the tricycle. Suddenly, I glanced in the ancient mirror as I was changing my clothes, and questioned why all of these strange things were occurring to me. Because I'm so confused and terrified by what's going on, since I am seeing things that are unexplainable and difficult to believe. And yet, I am too young for these kinds of matters, that I have no experience and perspective with mysteries. For, since when I was a child, each of these strange things started happening unto myself. Though at the time, I just merely neglected everything else and presumed that all these were owing to my vivid imagination. But these visions worsened as time progressed, nevertheless I did nothing to stop them, starting to make me feel very guilty as well. That I still couldn't stop thinking and asking myself questions even while I was lying down in my bed at the moment. But even though it was just before noon, I had slept soundly again. Which was probably due to the fact that I hadn't slept well the night before. But, for some reason, my dream transported me back to the world of my awful nightmare. However, the scene of all occurrences has changed. Because I'm now travelling down a blazing road littered with human bones, and being surrounded by bizarre horned beings who are worshipping and applauding me. They scream and address me as their prince, pleading for me to send them out into the world to sow and spread horror all over. While I'm mystified by what I was seeing and what has been going on. I do not however comprehend why, although I feel like my entire body is brimming with vitality and that I possess unbreakable power. Until, on my back, a gigantic, prolific, and gorgeous black wing start emerged. For I began reluctantly accepting fate and savoring the peculiar sensation I was beginning to experience, when I noticed Mom in the distance, sobbing while screaming my name. And as nothing more than a response, I flew over to her and hugged her firmly. "I miss you so much, Mom," I sobbed as she gently caressed my hair. "I miss you too, my child," my Mom said in a worried tone. "But you must listen to me, remember and obey what I tell you, that no matter what happens, don't sign your name in the Book of the Beast! Because if you do, the door of darkness will be opened, and goodness will be lost forever in the entire world," she warned as she slowly vanished like a mist in the emptiness of darkness. Until I was awakened by loud knocks at my bedroom door. Even though I'm panting due to my nightmare, I still turned to somehow get up and when I found out that I was wet in sweat, I took off my shirt and headed for the door to open it and see who may have been knocking. And as I unlocked it, I found Ana delivering food, but she seemed surprised to see me topless. "I'm sorry if I woke you up, Luke, but it's already afternoon, and I know you haven't eaten yet," Ana said cheerfully as she handed me the meal she was holding, then again turned around and walked away. But I simply just smiled back and returned to my room, where I sat on my bed, puzzled and wondering what my nightmare meant. I got dressed and went out of my room to put the food tray in the sink after I finished eating. And there I found Ana, cutting veggies like she was about to prepare for dinner. "How's your sleep? It appears like you've slept longer ah," she said, smiling as she continued with her work. "It's fine; perhaps it's because I'm tired and didn't get enough sleep the night before," I explained. "By the way, what were you meant to tell me earlier about the missing girl poster?" Ana inquired, frowning. Yet, I am not sure whether I'm doing the right thing, but I know it's the only way I'll be able to aid the girl in my vision because I don't know much about this place yet, and I know Ana can help me. So I walked over and sat down next to her, telling her why I was there and what I had seen. "I have a vision, an odd gift where I see people in danger, and the girl in the poster is the one I saw last night in my vision. She mentioned a mountain called Asramon, and she urged me to save her! Ana, I understand if you are confused and might not believe what I'm saying but I need your help" I muttered to her, obviously pleading. "No! I believe you, and I'm ready to help you," she said, smiling as she glanced at me. "Really? Do you believe in me, and will you help me?" I questioned while being surprised. "Of course. I know everything because Señora Gracia has told me all of it, that every generation, every firstborn in your family is blessed with a special ability; and even your Grandma can kill just by thinking, as well as that your mother has the power to communicate with animals. And now, I'm glad to tell Señora Gracia about your gift!" Ana said with a smile, as I was taken aback and uncertain of what to do or even how to respond to what I've just heard. I was puzzled, yet what I heard from Ana's story slightly amazed me. And now everything, even the significance of my visions, is more crystal clear to me. But, more importantly, someone will now aid me, and I'll be adequately brave enough to face all of the horrors that may yet occur. And which I will confront in my onward journeys that awaits into the realm of dread and evilness.

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