Chapter 43: For you, I'd risk it all

1000 Words

"From now on, I forbid you to see my son," Vernon sternly said without any sympathy. "Vernon that's stupid. Knight is Blane's husband. You can't take them apart," suddenly William spat at him defending his son. Knight was stunned by his father’s action. Is William defending Knight for the first time? What’s the catch? "Blane is my son and I have all the rights. And didn't I tell you to shut up? I'm not talking to you," he glared at him and his eyes gaze back at Knight. "You can't do that," Knight murmured, "you can't forbid me to see him. He's my husband," The male alpha scoffed in disgust, "As I said, you call yourself a husband when you can't even protect him? How many accidents does my son take just for you to realize that you are not capable of being his partner? Huh, Knight?"

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