Chapter 2: Tutorial?

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ZeLin spawned in a mining camp on Mt Kin, all those who chose dwarf class would spawn at a random mine across the globe. ZeLin was glad that he saw no other dwarf class player. He waited a few minutes before moving, just to be sure no one else was around.  Walking up to a one-eyed dwarf, ZeLin greeted him. This was Uno the tutorial dwarf. In order to head to the main camp, you had to go through the tutorial. This was the same for all races. Players were sent to various sections to get familiar with the races’ movement and attacking. “Welcome my brethren, this is Camp P for Mt Kin exploration. To proceed to the main camp, you have to complete the tutorial here.” said the Uno. “Please head to Cave A and bring back the chest inside.” Cave A was usually an obstacle course, with a chest in the back of the cave. ZeLin wasn’t even paying attention as he walked into the cave. In his last play through, ZeLin chose human, so now as a dwarf he missed the mobility of a human body. Climbing was difficult and his dodge speed was terrible. It took him slightly more than 10 minutes of huffing and puffing before reaching the back room.  Ignoring the chest in front of him, ZeLin continued inwards, through the small opening behind the chest. In the last expansion, someone had posted on the forums that they got an overpowered pickaxe in this tutorial. Although the poster did not share the stats, the poster was a well known jeweler. He shared the steps to getting the item just moments before the server went down.  After walking down the tunnel for another 5 minutes, he came to a statue of an armoured dwarf, to proceed, he needed to find the dwarf’s weapon and put it back into his arms. Scouring around the room, there were many weapons. Short and broad swords, battle axes, spears, even a set of bow and arrows could be found.  The poster had mentioned that depending on which weapon the user picked, it would affect the outcome of the reward at the end.  ZeLin picked up a hammer, and a set of gloves, to him the dwarf didn’t seem to be a fighter, he had the build of a blacksmith instead. During the last expansion, ZeLin had gone up against many dwarven warriors, he was very familiar with how they dressed. This statue in front of him had only a leather armour on. If he were a true warrior, not only would his beard be braided with small daggers, his armour would be engraved with dwarven runes for protection.  Upon placing the gloves and the hammer on the statue, a golden light lit up the entire cave.  Thank you my brethren, you are the first in many millennia to guess my occupation correctly. As such, you may choose one of three inheritances of mine. It’s been way too long and my spirit no longer has the ability to pass down all three to you.  Option 1:  Eitri’s Hammer (Lv grows with user) Rarity: Legendary (Bounded Item) Attack: 100 + (50xStr) Smithing Superior Items Success Rate +50% Option 2: Brokkr’s Pickaxe (Lv grows with user) Rarity: Legendary (Bounded Item) Attack: 50 + (30xStr) Multiplies each mined ore/gem by 10 and increases the chance of getting purified gems. Option 3: Vulcan’s War Hammer (Lv grows with user) Rarity: Legendary (Bounded Item) Attack: 150 + (30xStr) Critical hit causes 10 second stun to all targets including boss monsters. All three were legendary tier bounded equipment, which meant that even in death, he would not lose the equipment. In Aegis death by other players will cause you to drop a random item or equipment on the player.  These equipment were so much better than what that jeweller was famous for. It was possible that the jeweller took a weaker version of Option 2. ZeLin however, already knew which one to go for. He picked up Eitri’s Hammer, then said: “Eitri, I will inherit your will and hammer.” “Good choice. My time here is over, come find me on Mt Olympus, show me the growth of my Hammer and I shall reward you for it.” said Eitri as his spirit faded away.  System Notification: Eitri’s Inheritance Quest (SSS Rank) Time Limit: N/A Quest Reward: ??? The ground shook and the cave begun to fall on itself, rushing back through the tunnel, ZeLin grabbed the chest and headed outside. He almost missed it by a hair’s breadth. Panting he pushed the chest to a bewildered Uno, staring at the collapsed cave.  While gathering his breath, ZeLin sent a message to ZeRen, “I got something better!” as he enclosed the stats of the hammer together in the message. 
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