The one rule

1534 Words
Chapter three “The one rule” His hand trails up and down my back before making it’s way to my ass. I suddenly hear a sharp tear and feel my jeans literally get torn off of my body. Don’t speak. Don’t speak. Don’t speak. Don’t give him the satisfaction of winning. He runs his hand leisurely along the seam of my panties before giving me a sharp slap on my right ass cheek, causing me to inhale sharply. Don’t speak. Don’t speak. “Really, Nova, I only have one rule.” He says, drawing out the words as he walks so that he’s standing in front of me. He then yanks my hair so that I’m forced to look at him.   “Obey me.” He whispers before touching his forehead to mine gently, causing me to hiss and tear myself away from his grip. I can deal with aggression just fine, but not gentleness. That is something I don’t know how to respond to. In a flash he’s back behind me and runs his hand over my ass, before ripping off the panties. God, this is humiliating. This can’t be happening to me. Why is this happening to me? What’s he going to do to me? I keep my whimpers internal, and make sure that my emotions are off, as much as I can force them to be. Something about this situation, however, has me loosing control over the light switch, which will become incredibly problematic. Viktor blocking my power if I snap will only agitate me further. “What’s my rule, Nova?” He demands, running his hands over the bare slopes of my ass. I keep my mouth shut, and he spanks me. “What’s the rule, Nova?” My silence is met with two more spanks. “ARGH!” he exclaims in irritation before I hear him walk over to the other side of the room when his footsteps come back I feel him trail a flogger over my ass, making me tremble slightly. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Nova. I am going to deliver you ten whips on this gorgeous and plump ass of yours. After each whip you will thank me and ask for another. If you don’t do so, your punishment will be doubled.” Without further ado he begins. I’d be lying if I said that the whip is anything short of torture. I feel myself start to get in the first stages of my bloodlust, which scares the s**t out of me. My bloodlust generally isn’t for actual blood, it’s just for wanting s**t destroyed, whether it be a person or object doesn’t matter. Whether it’s physical or mental changes nothing. A need just builds inside me to cause chaos. And the only way to stop that is to cut myself. When I cut, I cut deep. Because with the blood that seeps out of the wound I allow the negative energy to flow out of my body. Looks like I’m going to do that tonight. Once Viktor is done and he puts away the whip, he does something that catches me completely off guard. He acts gentle with me. f**k. “It’s over, baby. It’s done now. It’s okay.” He murmurs to me while undoing my restraints. Once he’s completely unbuckled me I fall to the floor, biting back a yelp because I land on my ass that’s covered in twenty mean welts that will soon turn into nasty bruises. Thankfully I heal faster than a normal human, so by tomorrow they should mostly be gone. Viktor moves towards me but I put out my hand in a universal gesture for stop, and slowly stand up. I waver slightly and end up falling back down, causing him to rush over, but I push away his arms. “Just let me help you, damnit! Post punishment after-care is crucial for a dom sub relationship! Especially since I already want you as more than just some sub!” Yep. You want me as your little arm candy, toy, whatever. No can do, buddy. Not how I work. I take a few deep breaths, and remind myself that pain is purely mental. I can push past the pain if I truly strive to. With that mindset I get up gracefully, pull down my top so that it’s covering me, and walk back to the master bedroom. “Nova, sweetheart, you have to work with me. The punishment was crucial, but the aftercare is even more important.” Ignoring him, I change into pajamas in the bathroom grab my phone that’s still lying on the floor, and then brush past him to explore the kitchen. “Nova, come on! What the hell is going on? Why won’t you f*****g talk to me?!” God, can he shut the f**k up already? I just want to make myself some dinner! I thank the gods when I see ingredients for lasagna, and get to work making one. Viktor just watches me intently as I work around the kitchen. “You don’t have to cook, you know. We have a chef I could call.” I continue layering the lasagna, paying no mind to him. As the lasagna cooks I chop up a salad, using olive oil and vinegar as the dressing. I thank heavens that my mom always taught me to clean as I go, otherwise you end up with a full sink of dirty dishes and a gross counter before you even start eating. Once everything’s chopped and ready I snatch my copy of Sense and Sensibility that I left on the dining table and hop up on the kitchen counter while waiting for the lasagna to finish cooking, wincing slightly at my sore ass. I have a good hour of peace and reading before the timer goes off, albeit knowing that Viktor is burning holes into my back with his intense gaze. I pull the lasagna out of the oven. Although I would love to just ignore Viktor and enjoy my meal, my mom raised me to absolutely never not share a meal with a guest. Viktor isn’t exactly a guest, but he’s in the house, and I know that my mama would cuff me if she saw me not making him a plate. So, begrudgingly, I load two plates with lasagna and salad, pushing one into his hand, and head to the library. Unfortunately, the asshole follows me. He continues to stare at me as I plop down on the couch, open my book, and take my first bite of lasagna, internally moaning at how delicious it is. “This is amazing” he praises me as he starts eating as well. After that comment, he has the brains to just shut the f**k up and leave me alone. Of course he follows me into the kitchen when I finish doing the dishes and put away the leftovers, and of course he follows me upstairs as I retrieve a blanket from the linens closet. “What are you doing?” he questions as I start walking downstairs. When I don’t respond he grips my arms and slams me against the wall, causing all of the air to leave my diaphragm, and making me gasp while trying to get back some much needed oxygen. He doesn’t let me regain my breath completely, however, before he crushes his lips against mine. I turn my head to the side and yell “STOP IT!” He steps back in astonishment as I wipe my mouth. “What the f**k is wrong with you?! You’ve already beat the s**t out of me, which is enough s****l assault in itself! Don’t force your lips onto mine in addition to what you’ve already done to my body!” I exclaim. “I ended up whipping you twenty times and you stayed silent through that ridiculous pain, and believe me I made sure it hurt so I know it wasn’t nothing, and the thing that makes you talk is my lips against yours?” “Just leave me alone and we won’t have an issue!” I snap, brushing past him and down the stairs. “What are you doing?” he asks, following me. “I’m sleeping in the library” I inform him. Of course I could have just slept in one of the many other guest bedrooms, but I enjoy being surrounded by books. The serene energy in a room full of books always calms me down. Once I throw the blanket and pillow I retrieved from the linens closet onto the couch I trot back upstairs to the bathroom. 
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