Chapter 23: The Last Day On Earth

1221 Words
“We should hate the entire world,” Yayis whispered. Everything around him disappeared into a strong whirlwind. Only the outer walls of the building remained intact. He stared at Shams’s corpse on the grass with the same look then walked towards him. His hair came alive, blasting everyone that came his way with lava. Yayis knelt next to Shams and caressed his hair. “Cherry, are you still alive?” Cherry appeared from Shams’s body and nodded several times. He was holding back tears. “Mastah… Mastah died? Died!” The contestants surrounded them from all sides but kept their distance from Yayis, who wasn’t intimidated. He patted Cherry’s head. “Not yet. Only his heart stopped.” He smiled, but it was half-hearted. “Lend him your strength and make sure he’s safe.” Cherry wiped his tears and nodded again. He started healing Shams. Yayis turned to Vaga, his smile fading. “How do you want your death?” “You’re just a little boy. What are you, ten years old?” Vaga huffed and stood up. “Respect your seniors, bug.” She narrowed her eyes. “I already know who your father is. I see you have his gaze. Proud. Indifferent. Cool-looking. By the end of the day, he moaned like a b***h when the director touched him.” Yayis’s eyes flashed wide as an earthquake started. Everyone shielded themselves, feeling a storm raging. Mika sat next to Cherry and helped him with the healing. Bayn and Louise shielded them. “Your father is that disgrace, that failure! All he could ever control were those weakling humans. Not a single other specie was under his dominion. Who doesn’t know Iblis? The slutty jinn.” Yayis took a step closer. “Why do you know all this? Why do you know my father? Why do you know me?” “Simple! Because I’m not a competitor. I don’t care about these games. I was sent by the director to make you turn against your allies and fail. You know what your failure means, don’t you?” Yayis didn’t react to her teasing. She laughed. “But it seems like you’re level-headed. A heartless jinn like your father. I bet you inherited his pathetic goals as well.” Yayis nodded. “Are you done talking?” She gritted her teeth and walked towards him. “Who the hell do you think you are, HUH? BOW DOWN BEFORE ME AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS FOR BEING SO RUDE! BE A SLUT LIKE YOUR DAD!” Yayis’s fists shined yellow, and he pointed them at the sky as a bow and an arrow appeared in his hands. He shot the arrow up, and it pulled the sun closer and closer. Everyone screamed at the heat and dug underground tunnels. Vaga was about to escape, but lava fastened her feet to the ground. She screamed in horror, seeing her skin combusting by the sunlight. Yayis’s hand reached out for the sun, and he grabbed a handful of it. He started throwing small bits of the sun at her, and she begged for forgiveness. He didn’t stop until nothing was left of her. His fist then shined red, and he punched the sun back into space. Everyone peeked from their hideouts and stared at Yayis with fear. He sat down and closed his eyes, recovering. He blinked, feeling someone healing him. Bayn smiled. “Well, I never liked her from the start.” “Why are you helping me?” Yayis stared at him wearily. “I’m from an enemy team. You will be disqualified.” “I’m not cheating.” Bayn grinned. “Since we’re missing a member now, we want to invite you to our party.” “How is Shams?” Yayis stood up and ignored him. “Mastah is fine!” Cherry hopped in front of him. “Chewwy healed mastah! Mastah is only sleeping!” “Wahhhh!” Louise picked up the small jinn and poked his cheeks with hearts in her eyes. “What is this cute little thing? What is iiiiiit?” She kissed Cherry’s belly and tickled him. He giggled. “S-Stahp! Chewwy… Chewwy shouldn’t be laughing! Aaaaaa!” Yayis sat next to a sleeping Shams and picked him up gently. He felt his eyes watering as he hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry for being late,” he whispered, “I’m sorry for making you go through such a terrible thing.” He was shaking. “I’m sorry.” “We’re the ones who should be sorry.” Mika stood behind him. “He was our teammate, and we couldn’t prevent this.” Yayis glanced at him and frowned. He looked away from him and started talking to himself again. Mika left him and joined the others. Louise glanced around, caressing Cherry’s hair and kissing the top of his head from time to time. “What will happen to us now?” “You all pass.” They looked at the top of one of the walls, and Dahab stood there with an amused smile. “Five thousands of you remained, and you all pass. Congratulations!” They exchanged glances and glanced back at him. An airship flew above their heads, and flyers fell from the sky. “Those are the papers you need to sign. As soon as you finish filling all the details, the paper will instantly go to the academy, and your request will be reviewed. Normally, most of you will be accepted. Maybe two-thirds? No need to be nervous! Those who had mentors will be joined by them. Good luck to everyone!” “Why didn’t you disqualify her before she did that to Shams?!” Yayis appeared behind Dahab, swinging his sword towards his neck. Dahab smiled and shrugged. “I didn’t feel like it.” Yayis gritted his teeth and gasped as a black arrow pushed the sword away from his hands and ate it away within a second. Malik then picked him up and jumped to the ground. “You would have been disqualified if you attacked him. Control your temper.” “BUT IT’S UNFAIR!” Yayis protested. “WHY?” “Because this is the real world,” Malik placed him down. “There is not justice here.” Yayis’s eyes watered, and he fell to his knees, panting. Malik patted his head and gave him a flyer. “Come on. Let’s fill yours and Shams’s. This is no time to cry.” Yayis nodded and stood up. They chose a corner for themselves and filled the papers. The flyers disappeared as soon as everyone finished. Cherry ran towards them. “Does Chewwy… Does Chewwy get a pappe too?” “No.” Malik shook his head. “You’re counted with Shams. You don’t need a paper. You’re part of him.” Cherry blushed and looked down. “Chewwy is… paat of mastah. Chewwy is happy!” The reply returned to them within a few hours, and four fifths of them were admitted into the academy. It was night time by then. Dahab clapped. “Now then, people! Four thousands of you are admitted into the academy! Better luck for those who failed! For those who were admitted, this will be the last day on Earth before you depart on your new journey! Tomorrow at dawn, a portal will be placed on both gates of this building. You only have two hours to get in. After that, the portal disappears! Have a great night!” He left. Yayis instantly laid down. “I will sleep.” Cherry stayed awake to guard Shams. Malik patted his head. “You can sleep. I will do the guarding.” “You… You don’t sleep?” Cherry tilted his head to the side. Malik shook his head. “I don’t.” Cherry started at him curiously then ran to Yayis to sleep beside him. Malik moved his gaze to all the colourful tents and the bonfires lit across the yard. He laid down on the grass and caressed it gently. He gazed at the stars, and his orange eyes lit up. “The last day on Earth, huh.” 
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