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Aubery picked Layla up ready for school. “So are you looking forward to today Torino? It’s our first day back for our final year? Then you can finally be mine and we’ll be married.” He smiled, happily. “Mmh.” She replied. “What’s wrong Torino? Are you not happy that we only have around eleven months left?” “I’m fine Aubrey. This year is more important than the rest. We need to knuckle down and study.” “And we will Torino. I need to get good grades. My father is expecting me to take over his company someday.” “And you will. I promise I’ll help you get what you want Aubrey.” He smiled. “I know you will Torino.” He turned to look at her. “You’re the best girl a guy could ever wish for.” He leaned forward pressing his lips to hers for a long passionate kiss. “Keep it for the bedroom Aub.” Alex laughed. He pulled away smiling. “Come on let’s get going we can sort out the tutoring timetable later.” They all walked away heading into school. They all met up at lunch to discuss the terms of the tutoring this year, the guys having alternate days and Aubrey having the rest seen as they were in more lessons together. “Right all sorted Layla you have Alex you have the pleasure of my tutoring you tonight so be on your best behaviour.” “Will do Aub.” The bell rang and they all went to the lesson. Aubery met Layla and Alex outside school. “Lucas will drop you both off at Alex's seen as it’s on the way home.” “Sure thanks, Aub.” “Yeah, thanks, Aubrey.” He nodded and they made their way over to the car. Lucus opened the door and they slipped in. He closed the door and got into the car, pulling away. He pulled up outside Alex’s. “Thanks for the lift. Aub.” “Don't mention it.” “Thanks, Aubrey.” “No need for thanks, Torino.” He said, pulling her to him and kissing her hungrily. He moaned away smiling. “Behave Torino.” “I will.” “That goes for you too Alex. I don’t want to hear either of you falling out tomorrow morning.” “Chill Aub Layla are I are cool. And I’ll be on my best behaviour.” “You better be.” “I will chill.” “I’ll pick you up in the morning Torino, so be ready.” “I will.” The car pulled away. “Come on princess let’s get this homework done. I know you don’t like being in my company longer than necessary.” She smiled, following him into the house. He closed the door. “Come on princess let’s do this.” She nodded following him up to his room where they set everything out and did their homework. “So, how are you and Aub princess, don’t lie.” “We’re fine Alex he's not like he was before..” “Keep telling yourself that princess, Aub won’t change for no one. Not even you.” She looked at him. She knew that there was truth in his words, but she hoped they weren’t true this time around. “I’m here for you Lay. If he says or does anything to hurt you you let me know okay.” “Okay.” “How about we wrap this up and have something to eat?” “I don’t know Alex.” “To say thanks for putting up with my ss for another year and helping me through it too.” “Okay.” He smiled, she returned his smile and they finished their homework. She packed her stuff into her bag. It had been the first time Alex hadn’t tried anything with her and she was truly grateful. Maybe he respected her and Aubrey more than she thought he did. “Come on lay let’s get something to eat and I’ll walk you home.” “You don't have to walk me home Alex.” “I insist let me be a gentleman here Lay, and beside Aub will have my head if I don’t see you get home safe.” “Okay.” He smiled and they went into the dining room to have something to eat before he walked her home. “Thanks for walking me back home Alex.” “My pleasure Lay.” “Night Alex.” “Night Lay.” ~ Aubrey picked Layla up the following morning. He looked at her. “So, how did it go last night with Alex?” “Good.” “Did you get all your homework done?” “Yeah.” He smiled. “Did you manage to eat?” “Yeah. Alex fed me.” He nodded. “So did he get you home safe?” “Yeah. He walked me to the door.” “Good.” He quickly pinned her up to the door. “Did he try anything?” “No.” He squeezed her lips together. “You best not be lying to me, Torino. I have my ways to find out the truth.” “He didn’t. I swear Aubrey lose me you’re hurting me.” He moved closer. Fear was held in her eyes. “I don’t like lairs Lay. If I find out you’re lying.” “I’m not.” He smiled pressing his lips on hers and kissing her. He moved away relapsing her lips. “Glad we understand one another.” She sat shaking she just wanted to open the car door and jump out onto the open road and end it all there she couldn’t deal with his torture her hurt and her pain from him this year. She just wanted to end it now before it got any worse. The car pulled up outside the school, Aubrey opened the door and slid outreaching his hand out to her she denied him. “Take my f*****g hand, Torino.” She shot him a death glare. “Now!” He bellowed, angrily. She pushed her shaking hand toward him he grasped it in his pulled her out of the car slamming the car door shut. He twisted her arm behind her back. “Don’t test me Torino you won’t like me when I’m mad.” She looked at him through her scared eyes this year was going to be worse than the last. She wished she’d never agreed to be his, she was seriously regretting her decision he was so loving over the six weeks that they had spent together. Now he was back to his old self no this was ten times worse. He leaned forward. “You are mine Torino no way in hell are you ever going to get out of this. You are to meet my parents they will fall in love with you, and we will get married when we both turn sixteen. We will both be going to Italy to do so, so no getting any funny ideas like trying to get out of it and us cause it will never happen. Do you understand Torino?” She looked at him through her watering eyes she’d never seen him like this ever. Not till now anyway. “Do you understand Torino?” “Yes.” She stuttered, her mouth dry. He smiled pressing his lips on hers and kissing her passionately. “Get a room, you guys.” They laughed. He pulled away untwisting her arm her hand in his. “Oh hi, guys. I didn’t see you there.” He said, unaffected by their presence. “We were shouting you, Aub, the bell has gone.” “s**t. Come on Angel.” They all walked away going into time school, Alexander looking every now and again at Layla. He knew there was something wrong and something was going on between her and Aubrey. But chose not to say. Aubrey kissed her goodbye before they went into registration. Her friends looked at her they’d seen that look before, but this time it looked different more scared. “Are you okay Lay?” “I’m fine.” She said, swallowing. “No, you’re not. You worse now than when you began tutoring him, he can’t keep doing this to you Lay he’s running you down.” “I know.” She sighed. “Get rid Lay.” “I’ve tried. He won’t let me go.” “You have to try harder.” “I can’t I’m too weak. He knows how to bring me to my knees and her to turn everything around.” “You deserve better Lay better than him dump him, you’re a mess and it will only get worse the longer you are around him.” “I know.” She sighed, agreeing. Her friends were right she should never have got herself into this. She was drunk they both were, yet he knew what he was doing and she didn’t and she was regretting what she had said now there was no way out. She stayed with her friends through the break and she knew she had to see Aubrey at lunch, she wanted nothing more than to skip lunch with him and call a sickly as they had lessons together this afternoon ones she wasn’t looking forward to. Before she had a chance to slip away and go home to feel sick alone he slipped his arms around her pulling her towards him and kissing her neck. “I’m sorry about this morning. I just got jealous and I didn’t want to lose you. Am I forgiven?” She nodded. “Where were you going it’s lunch we share it together?” “I don’t feel too good.” “Stay if you don’t feel too good later you can sleep it off at mine. I’ll tell the guys you’re not up to studying tonight, okay.” She nodded. He smiled kissing her neck. “Come on Tornio I’m starving.” They walked to the cafeteria grabbing some lunch though she didn’t feel like eating she tried so he didn’t make her eat. They had a double lesson together and they’d been given their first assignment. She swallowed dreading it. As promised Aubrey told the guys she wasn’t up to studying. So they went back to his, but she wasn’t going to rest. “We’re going to start the assignment, well you are.” “I don’t feel good Aubrey.” “Like I f*****g care. I need good grades this year Torino or do you need reminding?” “No, but.” “No buts Torino you can rest later now we begin.” “No Aubrey my head isn’t in it.” His backhand crashed against her face. It snapped back her lip bleeding. Tears formed in her eyes. “You do as I tell you b***h or you won’t get any rest are we clear.” “Yes.” She said, tears slipping down her face. “For f**k sake Torino quit the tears, they for the weak.” He leaned in. “You’re not going weak on me now are you?” “No.” “Good. Get rid of those f*****g tears so you can begin.” She wiped her tears away. “Good, that’s better now we can begin.” She sat nervously on his laptop searching for the information needed for their assignment. His hand rested on her thigh, rising as she tried to concentrate. He slammed the laptop shut. “That’s enough for today we’ll continue tomorrow.” She swallowed. He leaned forward. “I’m horny.” “Good for you.” His hand squeezed her thigh tighter. “Are you denying me Tornio?” “I don’t feel good Aubrey.” “Maybe it will make you feel better.” “And maybe it won’t. I want to go home. I need to rest.” She said, pulling herself up He threw her across the room, and she landed on the bed, he pinned her to it. “Are you denying me, Torino?” “No. I just don’t feel great.” “Do we really have to go there again Torino? Have you not learnt anything from the time we spent together? I always get what I want and I never take no for an answer.” “ Let go of me Aubrey you’re hurting me.” “And you’re hurting me too Tornio, so let’s forget everything and make love.” “No, let go of me, Aubrey. You can’t always get your own way.” “Oh, I can and I will.” He dived down biting into her neck. She screamed as he continued to ravish her, stripping her and pushing inside her. Pushing harder and harder thrusting faster. Her head spinning everything around her went black.
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