Chapter 3

1062 Words
Lady Piya smirked as she took off the tie to her silk robe, letting it fall on the marble floor. Never taking her eyes off the King’s, as he lay naked on his bed made of tudor red silk. His manhood was already hardened at the sight of her enormous busts all the way down to the curb of her waist.  “Don’t you feel cold, My King?” She said in a seductive voice, looking at him through her thick lashes. “Come closer so you may keep your King warm,” The King said, and the Lady was no more than willing to relief him off his desire. Making sure to keep doing what she’s good at, to keep her position at court and her House under the favor of His Grace. She joined him in his bed, and grabbed him into her mouth as she crouched in front of him. Tasting him, and swirling her tongue at the tip of his manhood. Her eyes were gazing at him as he shut his eyes closed, biting his lower lip, hissing in pleasure. His face was burning red with sweats. He grabbed a handful of her hair, closing his long and elegant fingers around it, and pulled her head back.  “Stop teasing me, My Lady,” He growled impatiently. She bats her lashes at him, innocently. As if she was unaware of her own doings when she’s deliberately doing it. She perfectly knows how to get the attention of the King and how to keep it. He used to get everything he wants just because he wears his crown that makes everyone that’s living in Rosegland, obligated to answer and obey him. “I beg your pardon, My King,” She said in a low voice, “I have no intention to offend you,” He rolls his eyes, “Now let your King f**k you,”  She bowed with a smile, “Your wish is my command,” Lady Piya pushed him back, and when he noticed that she meant to mount him, he shook his head and pushed her away. “You’re not going to f**k me, I’m the one who’s going to f**k you,” He said, and he pushed her down, and lay her on her stomach. Her face down against his soft pillows, and he grabbed her hair, pulling it tight and she moaned in pleasure. “Never mount me like that again,” He threatened, “Only a Queen can do that. And, you’re not one because you are my w h o r e,” And, with that, he thrusts himself inside her. After he just satisfied his manly desire, a soft knock came in the door. It opened and his squire boy, Toni came inside. The boy is the King’s cousin from his mother’s side, the House of Starlight. He has the golden hair of their House, just like Qal’s. The moment Toni’s gaze fell on the bare body of Lady Piya, he flushed and looked down. “I beg your pardon, Your Grace,” He said, “The servant told me that summon me,” His voice quiver as he grimaced, forcing his gaze down and daring not to look at the Lady’s t**s. Though most men of all kinds,  servant or highborn, would take this sudden opportunity to look at a pair of breasts of a highborn girl. But Toni is a gentleman, who loves his sisters so much. His mother made sure of that, and swore that no sons of hers would mistreat girls of any station. Qal chuckled in amusement upon seeing the astonishment in his cousin’s face, “I did summoned for you, cousin Toni,” He said, “I want you to escort Lady Piya safely back to her chambers,” Toni looked up in surprise, and agony. “Why me?” He suddenly asked, though he should have known better than to question the King’s command. But Qal didn’t mind, for he loves this boy the way he loves his brother, and Presumptive Heir, Crown Prince Darren. Lady Piya turned to look at Qal. Pouting her lips at her hoping to get his attention again, “You promised to spend the night with me, Your Grace,” She was trying to keep her voice low, but the insult was too painful for her. A boy of 12 to escort her back to her chambers? He nodded, “I did, My Lady. We did spend the night together,” He said, “I mean, I thought you’d let me sleep with Your Grace,” His eyes darken, a flash of annoyance crossed his gaze. “I told you that I don’t like sleeping with anyone,” He said, “I prefer to sleep alone,” The Lady Piya rose from his bed, and grabbed her robe from the ground to cover her bare body. Toni didn’t know where to look when she suddenly walked past him, naked. Once the robe was safely wrapped around her body, she dipped into a low curtsey before the King with a smile. “Thank you, Your Grace,” She said, and the King smirked as he watched his cousin escort his concubine exit his chambers with her head down. Today is the day of the Sacred Ceremony of the newly chosen Kingsguards. Ser Mel Darksky, one of the bravest knights of the Kingsguard and friend, was named Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. The people cheered for the King, in the Green Arena. Where it’s filled by his subjects, most of them are peasants. Ser Mel knelt before the King as he swore his life and sword for him until his dying day, and he rose as Lord Commander Mel of House Darksky. Then comes next, a younger knight with dark blonde tied behind his head. His high cheekbones made his face prominent, and noticeable which quite resembles the face of his dead cousin. Qal stares at the knight who stands in front of him, his heart raising against his armour. “What’s your name, good Ser?” The King asked the knight, “It’s Forleo Nocturne, Your Grace. But I wished to be called Four,”  Qal Silverite smiled, “Kneel Four, and pledge me your life and sword,” And, Taliya did. She knelt and laid her sword before her enemy, not knowing who she really is. “I, Forleo Nocturne, pledge my life and sword to serve His Grace, Qal of House Silverite, the first of his name, King of Rosegland. Now and Always,” The words meant nothing but a mask for what her pledge truly is, and it’s to serve justice for the murder of her family even if it costs her life. “You may rise, Ser Four as a knight of the Kingsguard,” The King declares,
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