Chapter Two

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It twas your eyes that made thy spin, Tis you kiss that made thy sin, And thy's heart was forever light, Inside a soul was burning in bright, Twas your ice that thy seemed fake, Twas a gentle heart thy wished to break. * The air is warm. Humid hot, the type of air which sticks in the throat and seems to clog down your lungs.The sun is gleaming down upon the grey stone walls of a huge grand castle. The gardens is filled with the sweet sounds of brown birds singing and the blue cloudless skin grins above. Tehya stands outside, her pale face flushed with two red cherry cheeks, her blond hair ran down around her face. She leans down beside the rainbow roses and smells the deep fragrance that surrounded her, "We can pick some and put them in your room Princess?" The gardener says with a simple smile. He wears a green flat cap and had sparkling brown eyes that shone beneath his grey hair, "That would be lovely Mr Rogers!" Tehya stands and wraps her arms around the old wrinkled man. He chuckles and pats her back before the Princess darts away laughing and singing with the calling birds, "Such a joy!" Thomas grins. Teyha spins in circles her blond hair falling out over her blue silk dress, her bare feet sinking into the luscious layers of green grass. She thinks about checking on the horses, or maybe finding her mother, when an ice cold impossible wind whips around her. She stops and stares at the growing garden. The sun has been covered in grey clouds that never existed, the birds have hushed inside their trees. The very air seems to have changed, dark and disturbed. It's then a shrill scream pieces the into the wind. The princess darts to the castle's short wall and peers over the edge.Her grey eyes dart out, gazing over at the outer castle walls and, stares at the shirtless men who charge up to the castle. Their hair seems red in the evening light and, blue tattoos swirl their chests. Her heart seems to stop for a moment and the world around her slows down, "Attack! Guards on front!" A man's voice roars from the castle rooftops, "Get the Princess inside!" Another scream runs around the garden. Tehya turns and see's her mother at the entrance of the castle. Blond waves of golden rushing hair and a green velvet dress spinning around the Queen. Teyha can't move, her feet are frozen. She hears the scared sad screams, and a flash of red splatters her vision. Red running rivers that swell around her feet, like growing seas around an island. Cold cries to the grim-reaper as death awaits everyone around her. She can't run, only watch as the world is torn apart in front of her tear-less grey eyes... "Help me Princess! Help me." The shouts echo around her, tearing her innocent heart into a pure sheet of never breaking ice.... * Tehya jumped up inside her silky red sheets. Her heart was thrashing against her rib cage, as if wishing to break free from it's prison. Her nightdress was soaked through in heavy folds of sweat that poured from her skin. She closed her eyes holding a shaking hand to her chest. It was a dream, just a stupid dream. Yet it still happened, it still mattered. It was early, yet the morning sun was rising from behind the red cotton curtains casting the attic into a soft pink glow. Teyha pulled back the damp covers slowly and rose from her bed. She was still shaking, her soft hands trembling as visions from that evening two weeks ago invaded her mind. Forget it Tehya, push it away. Her eyes were still dry at least. The princess had a made a promise to show no weakness, she would not cry, not even when her whole body seemed to sweat tears for her, "Maybe I can go outside without the guards following me again." She mumbled softly to herself, and searched through her wardrobe looking for a dress. A loud heavy knock made her jump slightly, "Or maybe not." She sighed, "Tehya! Wake up! Open this damned door!" It was her uncle. The princess froze and bit her lip. Last night she had manged to sneak to her room when she had left the horse stables. She thought perhaps Mr Blairs hadn't noticed, "I'm coming in now!" "It is open. Sir," She called out and hasty wrapped a gown around herself. He slammed the door through and quickly glared around the attic. His green beady eyes searching the huge expense of room before landing on the princess who stood bare footed in a white gown, "Sir?" Tehya spoke calmly even though her heart was still thundering. Mr Blairs eyes flashed, "Uncle..." Edward Blairs sighed, "Please Tehya why do you insist to call me by my name?" He grumbled and shut the oak door as her uncle stepped inside, "Because for the duration of my life you have not been my uncle," The princess sat down softly upon her silk sheets and stared at him. Mr Blairs looked at her, his eyes roaming the nightgown which she grabbed tightly, "I am your uncle now, even if it is only from marriage." He didn't move his wide eyes away and Tehya shuffled uncomfortably under his almost unhealthy gaze, "Did you need me si..uncle." Tehya caught her words just in time, "You disappeared last night. Arthur Dummound is offended and so he should be!" Mr Blairs finally moved his eyes and looked at the silver swirled mirror instead, "I was rather ill." She muttered, "Ah you see I find it funny you say that. I saw you walking into the trees myself." The princess's gut dropped ten feet, "Oh." Was all she could muster, "You are to stay from the trees. Do not go near them Tehya..." He sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed, "It is only because I care. I do not want any danger to come of you." "But what danger would be inside the woodland uncle?" The princess carefully wiggled back on the bed distancing herself from the man, "I did not want to tell you after everything that has been happening lately. Your mother and father dying and everything, but it was the place they found your aunt Jennie." His deep green eyes were filled with sorrow, "They all think she hung herself Teyha, but she was little older than you. As you might remember she was such a happy lady." Mr Blairs stared at the Princess his eyes digging holes into hers, "I am sorry Uncle. I know you loved her." Tehya said softly and with a slight moment of hesitation rested her small hand on his shoulder, "She was the queen's younger sister, a beautiful fine women and Jennie had everything going for her! She was happy! I know she would never have hung herself, goddamn it!" Mr Blairs shrugged away from Tehya and rose up. The princess backed away, startled at how quick his temper had flipped. Almost like a sleeping cat turning into a hunting lion! "I'm sorry Tehya. It makes me so mad! I miss her like a warrior misses his sword." "It is ok uncle and I am sorry for leaving Mr Drummond last night, very truly sorry," She lied swiftly as Mr Blairs calmed down. The red flush on his cheeks turning a soft pink instead, "Yes well, I am disappointed in you. You will be polite in his present company today." Her Uncle backed out of the room, "Present company sir...Uncle?" She frowned and Mr Blairs turned from the door to stare at his niece in law with grass green eyes, "Yes present company. Your maid told me you enjoyed riding. Arthur insisted on bringing his mare to ride with you today." He grinned and left without a finale word. The princess blinked and stared in to the standing mirror. His eyes had two faint black bags sitting under then, her cheeks as pale as Swiss cheese. There was no laughter inside those cold grey eyes, no feelings. It was almost as if she had become a block of frozen ice. ****** "Mr Drumound I can assure you that I'm perfectly capable of riding a horse." Tehya resisted tapping her black booted foot on the dry cracked mud, "Just make sure when you mount to..." Arthur stopped speaking rather abruptly as Teyha jumped and slid most un-lady like on to the horse's saddle. She straightened her leather cream waist jacket and stared at Arthur under her riding helmet, "Well? Hurry and mount your mare Mr Drumound. I am, as you know a very busy person." The Princess didn't care how cold her voice sounded, or how rude she was being. There was something about this man she just didn't like. Perhaps it was the fact that her uncle was intending her to marry this man. Oh, he hadn't told Tehya that, but she wasn't stupid, she could guess, "Of course! I thought we could ride around castle path." Arthur mumbled as he struggled onto his grey horse's back, "Yes. I suppose so Mr Drumound." "There really is no need to be so formal Princess. Arthur is just fine." The man manged to get his muscled leg onto the saddle and wiggle onto the grumpy looking horse, "Even so sir, I barely know you." Tehya glanced at his soft brown eyes for a moment. His hair had been brushed backwards today showing off a wide pale forehead and cheekbones that were flushed with small beads of sweat, "I hope we shall be well acquainted soon enough Tehya." He smiled. The Princess was shocked! How dare he call me by my first name! How dare he even presume we are friends! Teyha managed to hold down her tongue, and instead clicked it softly making her brown mare move down the path. She smiled happily for the first time this morning! She really did love riding. The fresh morning sun shone brightly from the blue sky and songs of birds rang out around her. Her horse's feet clopped softly on the brown mud path as she stared around the castle path. There were a few trees dotted along on the fresh short grass. Rows of blooming flowers surrounded the princess; White Bellflowers rising up high, green and purple Nigellas that bumblebees swarmed around, soft peach Paeonia that smelt like a sweet dream, and the small steams of purple Bluebells all ran beside her, filling the air with a heavy perfumed scent. Behind the flowers the grey castle wall's were covered in thick lashing of green ivy that grew proudly, "I hope I did not offend you last night?" Arthur asked as he struggled to keep up with the trotting Princess, "No I was ill and went to my chambers." She wanted to enjoy the cool air flowing into her face but Mr Drumound was intent on chattering away, "I could have helped you." "I have maids who can help me." She replied swiftly, "You know I knew your father well." He changed the topic. Tehya held down her sigh, it seemed he was also intent on talking about her parents. A subject the Princess would have rather avoided, "You did?" "Yes. He was very fond of you. I have to ask again, how are you coping?" Tehya turned and glared at him. She felt her cheeks flushing from the memories of her parents, "How do you think I cope Mr Drumond?" She snapped and turned away, "I am sorry. It's just your father always valued me. I intended to ask his permission to wed you one day." Tehya's hands grabbed the horse's reins tightly, her knuckles were white under the black gloves and, they were silently shaking. Mr Drumound carried on talking but she was no longer listening. The Princess only cared about returning control to her trembling hands. It was near impossible. The memories of her father were overwhelming. Oh god I miss him so much! I miss his laughter and his silly jokes! I miss his arms wrapped around mine when I was feeling sad! Tehya had never felt so alone. Her grey eyes burned with the sting of un-fallen tears but, there was no way she would let them loose in front of Mr Drumound. So she did the only thing she could think of. The princess nudged the mare harder and the brown horse trotted away quicker. The wind slammed into her face kissing her heated cheeks in a cool embrace, but she only welcomed it, "Tehya? Come back!" Arthur shouted out as she galloped down the path with such a skill the Princess knew the older man would never catch up. Stupid man and his stupid words. Tehya turned off onto a smaller path which was covered in thick green trees. When she could know longer hear the near crazy call of Mr Drumound, she unmounted the smooth saddle and, fell heavily to her feet, "Ow! Oh damn!" Tehya cursed as a powering pain pierced her ankle, "How do I cope? I have lost my life! What a stupid stupid question!" She muttered angrily to herself. The brown horse trotted down the path and left her alone. Tehya sighed and leaned against the brown brittle bark of a towering tree and, pulled off her thick black boot, "Stupid blundering idiot." The words helped the Princess keep the stinging teardrops away and, only a few managed to escaped her grey eyes, "I wouldn't marry that sod in a hundred years. I would rather run away." Tehya pulled off her silk sock and, prodded the swelling red skin, Talking to yourself is the first sign of losing your mind." She jumped in surprise and, glared around the small cluster of tree's. There, leaning against an old decaying tree stump with strands of black messy hair falling into his blue starling eyes was Mr Brooke Heathingdale. The Princess glared at him for a moment, and then a loud long call echoed into the morning air, "Tehya?! Tehya where are you?" It was Arthur, his mare's hooves were clopping louder and louder on the brown mud, "Is someone looking for you Princess?" Brooke stared at her, his blue eyes filled with humour, "Don't tell him I am here!" She hissed and without a slight hesitation threw herself into the mass of undergrowth that surrounded the trees, "Wow he's that bad you would hide in nettles to avoid him!" Before Tehya could reply, a horse entered the trees followed by the powerful voice of Arthur Drumound, "You! Servant boy!" He roared. Teyha's grey eyes were open in fear as her heart hammered in her chest. The sting of nettles pinched her skin painfully, and her ankle was throbbing. She could see a black spider running down a dead brown leave, "Servant boy?" Brooke repeated, a slight amount of sarcasm littering his voice, "Yes. Have you perhaps seen the princess enter this path?" Tehya held her breath waiting to be found, "Why would the princess be here? I thought she was riding?" Brooke asked, "She is but I have..." Arthur stuttered his words, "Lost her?" A fake gasp came from Brooke, "Oh! But master will go spare when he finds out." The princess imaged Arthur's face flushing red and small beads of sweat breaking his forehead. The vision made her smile, "If you see her..." Mr Drumound muttered, "Of course I will send her to you!" The humour in Brooke's voice was lost on Arthur as he clicked his tongue and clopped down the path, "Your...err.. friend? Has gone Princess. It's safe to come out of the nettles." Tehya pushed her hands onto the damp leaves and tried to avoid the prickles that had already scratched her, "Thank you Mr Heathingdale." She muttered, slightly embarrassed at how her clothes were wrinkled and torn. Small specks of red blood dotted her cream waistcoat. She stared at the red for a moment and then blinked up to stare at Brooke, "You have hurt your ankle." He chuckled as she limped out of the undergrowth, "Oh you are insightful." She snapped as a new wave of pain flowed through it, "And that man is not my friend, nor will he ever be." Brooke laughed softly. The princess shook her head and turned away from him, "Where are you going?" He asked, "To the castle Mr Heathingdale. It is where I live." "It is a long walk back, I could help bandage you foot before you sprain it even more?" He offered. Tehya stopped in surprise, "And why Mr Heathingdale would you do that?" "Coz I've got nothing better to do?" He shrugged.
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