Chapter Four

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Cry my tears, As I feel your fears, Know that I once stood upon that floor, Know I once held the sorrow you wore. * Brooke stared up at the huge dark descending rain clouds that fell above them. His black hair was soaked through and clung tightly to his face, his white shirt folded into to his skin and small beads of rain rolled along his faintly freckled cheeks. He watched a single bird fly past the storm, darting into trees and then his blue eyes settled on the princess. She was dressed in the ripped riding gear which had dried beside the fire. Her hair was flung out in crazy ringlets surrounding red flushed cheeks and empty grey eyes, "Here, let me mount first and then pull up you up after." He muttered. Teyha stared at him in doubt as he limped up quickly and settled in the two way saddle, "Really Mr Heathingdale. I think I could manage myself. You may not be strong enough anyw..." Brooke chuckled, grabbed her open hand and heaved Teyha up with ease. Her pink lips rounded in shock, "Perhaps I am strong enough." He grunted and grabbed Fey's reins tightly, "I never for a moment thought you were not." She huffed behind him. Her breath sang upon his neck and something inside Brooke made him stiffened his body. So close, maybe this was a bad idea. What the hell are you doing Brooke? He took a breath, pushed the dark thoughts away and, then clicked his tongue loudly at the grumpy mare. Fey swung out into a fast trot making the Princess whip her arms around Brooke to stop from falling. Her body was tight against his spine. He could feel her breasts pushing down on his back. Brooke struggled not to move forward and instead clenched his teeth ignoring the heat which swarmed around his chest, "You'll be the death of me princess." He muttered too softly for her to hear, "My uncle told me the woods were dangerous. Why is that Mr Heathingdale?" She questioned him. Brooke took a moment before answering, "All woodlands are dangerous for a princess." "I am not as weak as you may think." Her voice was guarded and tense. He struggled to hold in a chuckle, "I think I have seen that." He remembered her laying on the mud, her tears mixing with the rain. A small amount of emotion, yet she had so much left to shed, "I am no damsel in distress." Teyha huffed softly. Brooke didn't say anything, perhaps not a damsel, but defiantly in distress, "Many women have died among these trees." He muttered. The princess nodded softly, he wished he could see her face so he could read her emotions, "My aunt, she was married to my uncle. She hung herself here." "Makes sense." He grunted, "Did you know her? Or see her?" Tehya asked. He wasn't going to answer but something made him, "I knew her. She was the sunshine on a cold day." Brooke said so softly he wondered if Teyha had even heard, "Yes, she was so happy. So why did she hang herself? If you were happy you would not do that would you?" The princess clutched him more tightly as a heavy gail-wind scored through the trees, "It's easy to pretend." Brooke said and then she fell silent so that the only noise was the thud of Fey's hooves and the screaming winds. Teyha stared at the back of Brooke's neck, she could see a faint white scar rolling against the flushed bare skin. Who is he really? How can he just be a servant? As the wind screamed against them the princess had to hold on to him more tightly, pressing their bodies so close together a warmth had enveloped between them. She longed to rest her head upon his shoulders and rest but it was a touch she would never do. "I see Mr Drummond has been searching for you." She felt Brooke chuckle and pull Fey to a stop. Tehya stared between the trees and saw Arthur pacing the outer castle. He reached out and ran his hands through wet hair. His face was a blanket of pure rage, "Oh. It seems I have unsettled him once again." She muttered softly, "Perhaps it is best if I go alone." "Perhaps it is." Brooke said softly. He carefully turned and slipped off the side of Fey and then held his hands out for Teyha. She hesitated only slightly before jumping down to him and then turning her gaze back to Mr Drummond. He was now shouting blind words into the cold air, "Oh my...he is quite terrible. I am afraid I shall never be-friend him. Let alone marry a beast like that!" She said in shock, "And what of me princess? Will you befriend me?" Brooke spoke softly into her ear. She turned and looked into his blue eyes, "I am unsure Mr Heathingdale." She started slowly and he quickly went to turn away but Teyha grabbed his arm, "I am unsure because I am awful company these days. I am in need of a friend though, if you could bear me, Mr Heathingdale." Brooke hid his shock well and stared into her grey eyes, "Then if we are friends you shall call me Brooke." He smiled for the first time, blue eyes shinning and, then the princess found herself grinning back, "And Mr...Brooke, you shall forget about calling me Princess. Teyha will do just fine." She smiled again and then walked away from him towards the pacing Mr Arthur Drummond. *** Brooke watched Tehya step up to the castle and then stared at the grumpy brown mare, "Oh what the hell am I doing Fey?" He muttered, "What the hell am I doing?" The stable man shook his head and grabbed her reins limping slowly through the trees. Should have just helped and led her back to the castle. Why did I decide to become friends? It will only end badly. He sighed softly and stepped into the clove of trees where he had found the Princess earlier that day. The rain still crashed down endlessly and a cold wind was circling the leaves, making an old age music that sung through the air. Brooke stepped down beside the tree stump he had been leaning on when Tehya had asked for his help and picked up length of white rope that curled on the damp leaves. He fiddled with it for a moment, sighed softly and then swung it up over a strong hanging branch. Brooke tied it tightly and then made a second knot at the bottom. The man stared at the swinging rope and jumped up on the tree stump. Fey watched him with her grumpy eyes as he pulled it over his head. Easy Brooke, now just jump and away you go. He took a tiny step forward and stopped. The image of Teyha's cold grey eyes flashed through his mind. He thought of her parents, of her life, of her uncle and last of all he remembered her soft words, "I am unsure because I am awful company these days. I am in need of a friend though, if you could bear me Mr Heathingdale." Brooke clenched his fists, a rooted anger boiled down in his gut, "Damn it!" He snapped and flung the rough rope away from his neck, "Later then!" The man shook his head and grabbed Fey's reins, "Later." He told the horse quietly. *** "Where the devil have you been girl!" Mr Edward Blairs's voice rang out loudly before the princess could even step into the castle doors. Her uncle turned his sharp glare on Arthur who was hovering behind Teyha, "Leave us. I shall send word to you soon." He snapped and then grabbed her arm in an iron grip, "Uncle. Uncle please! I am sorry for..." "Don't you dare." Edward stopped and rounded on her. His green eyes beady and full of rage, "Do not apologise when you mean nothing of the sort." He spat and then dragged her into the first door they came upon. Mr Blair shoved her small body into the room and followed suit slamming the wooden door tightly shut. It happened to be a rather large bathroom, the walls were a snow white colour and the huge bath was golden and shiny. A round circle window showed the grey weather outside, and cast dark shadows onto the stacked up shelves in the bathroom. A thick white rug sat under the princess's shoes and she backed up against the sink staring at her uncle in complete shock. She had never seen him act like this, never believed he would treat her in such a way. Edward ignored her and instead concentrated on pulling out a long fat cigar from his suit pocket. He lit a match and puffed until a small orange glowing ember had lit the tip. Only then did he stare at her, "Where have you been?" His voice was soft and deadly, "Riding with Mr Drumond." Tehya wasn't lying. "He told me you ran away." "I lost control of his horse and fell off. I tried to find Mr Drumond but he was not to be seen." Now she was lying, her heart hammered against her ribs, her pulse beating so loudly she was scared her uncle would hear it, "Do not lie. I already know you are skilled at riding. You were in the woods." He said. Her gut dropped ten feet down. Teyha felt dizzy and sick but somehow she managed to look offended, "Uncle. Please! I would not dare enter the woodland when you told me not too." She placed her hand on her heart, "Especially when...when my Aunt took her life among those very trees." The princess hated having to use her aunt in her lie but the look her uncle was giving her, the way he puffed slowly on his cigar, she was terrified, "Who did you see in the woods?" "No one. I was by the castle gates, it started to rain and I tripped on a stone but th..." "I SAID STOP LYING!!!" His calm deadly manner had gone. Edward took three quick steps forwards and locked Teyha against the wall, "Roll up your sleeve." He demanded, "But I..." "Roll it up." Her uncle repeated. His eyes were blazing, a thick grey cloud had swarmed between them were the cigar smoked in his fingers. Teyha did as she was told and revealed a fair arm of smooth skin, "There are consequences for your actions Teyha. Your father may have let you stamp your feet and give you your every wish but I shall not." He grabbed her arm tightly and swung his cigar down slowly. She realised what he would do, "No please! I didn't mean too! I never meant too." She begged him but it was too late, the burning red tip had scored down upon her pale flesh. At first she felt nothing, and then the pain lashed down his skin. The princess screamed as the embers burned her and tried to pull away but Edward wouldn't release his grip, "Lesson one. Never disobey me." He spoke into her ear. Teyha hardly noticed, she was biting her lip as tears fell from her eyes, "Do you understand me?" "Yes. I do. Please uncle please. I won't. I promise..." She stuttered and finally he pulled the cigar away. The smell of burning skin filled her nose and she struggled not to be sick, "There, there princess, please do not cry..." Edward spoke gently and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "You just needed to be taught a lesson." He ran his fingers along her cheek, "Oh my, but there is blood on your lips. You must have bit yourself." Her uncle spoke so softly and kindly that Teyha could barely believe it. Had this man really just burned her? He brought his fingertips to her blood covered lips and gently pushed away the flowing blood. She shuddered at his touch, hating it but too scared to make a move, "Look at me Teyha." Mr Blairs said when she didn't meet his green eyes that stared at her. The princess forced herself to meet his gaze, "What have you learned today?" That you are an evil vile man who is perverted and sick in every twisted way, "Never to disobey you." She whispered, "Where will you never go?" He breathed into her ear, "Inside the woods." "That is a good girl." Edward chuckled and then briefly pinched her on the bottom before turning and leaving quickly. Teyha stared at the door in numb shock for a few moments and slowly she glanced at her arm, "Oh my..." A huge blistered welt that seeped red blood stared back at her. The pain was still screaming on her flesh. It would scar, probably forever she thought softly. Her tears had stopped and Teyha closed her grey eyes for a moment. What am I to do? Her uncle had touched her and burned her. Inside her heart she felt dirty and sick. The princess wanted to rush into her mother's arms and weep with her father. She wanted to cry and to hurt her uncle. She wanted to smash through the round bathroom window and end it all . Instead though Teyha took a breath and carefully pulled down her sleeve trying not to touch the burn. She wouldn't tell anyone what happened. It would be too embarrassing and her uncle would only deny it. The princess placed on her ice mask, lifted her chin up highly, and stepped from the room without a single thought.
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