The curse

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Bianca's POV The arrogant bastard is staring at me as if I am a freak. I smile. I like that he does not know who or what I am. I am not going to tell him. He can figure it out himself. He thinks I will call him King Raiden. He can forget that I am not one of his subjects in his imaginary kingdom. I only came here because Selene told me to come and help this fellow out.  I am helping him, and he stands there staring at me and has the audacity to tell me to call him King Raiden. His whole hybrid ass. I will not do that. He is not my king, and he will never be. My brother is the king of this kingdom, and I don't even call him king. Deacon is a lycan, and I bet he is stronger than Raiden. I will let Raiden find that out for himself as I know my brother and his mate will not bow down to a hybrid like him. "I asked you a question," Raiden says. "And I answered you," I say. "You did not. You blabbered a bunch of rubbish. What are you?" He asks me again. "I am an original vampire, if you must know," I say, and he looks at me, his arms crossed in front of his chest and his eyebrows raised. "And?" He asks. "And what?" I ask, holding myself stupid. He keeps sniffing the air as if some farted or something. "You are not just a vampire, but I can not place the scent you give off," Raiden says. "Well, maybe because my mother was not from this earth. She was a goddess," I say. He looks at me and frowns. "A goddess? Then what the hell are you doing on this earth, goddess?" He asks sarcastically. "Keeping assholes like you in their place. What the hell do you keep sniffing the air for?" I ask, getting irritated. "You smell like roses and honey, and that means you are supposed to be my mate," He says. "Well, you can stop sniffing as I am not going to be your mate. I am not a bloody werewolf, and I can not feel the mate bond like your wolf can. I am done. All your houses are repaired, and I am leaving now," I say. I am about to run into the woods and back to my house on the border. I better warn my brother of this arrogant hybrid that is moving in next door to him. "Stop! Who said you can go?" Raiden asks. I turn around slowly and glares at him. "Listen here, mutt, I don't know who you think you are and who gave you the right to order me around. I am not a subject of your forgotten and rotten kingdom, and you have no right to pretend you are better than me," I say. "I am the King of the werewolves and vampires, and you will listen to what I have to say whether you like it or not, vampire," He says, and I can see he is angry. I feel his wolf, though, and it is not angry at me. Well, not for now, at least. The sun has set, and I want to go home, and here I am, standing and listening to a hybrid telling me he is my king. I sigh, how sad. "Your highness, she is the Queen of Vampires. She is one of the strongest creatures on earth," An vampire says, and he kneels in front of me. His friends follow his example, and even the vampires that get out of the truck bows in front of me. I start laughing as I see Raiden's face. "What the hell are you doing? Get up. She is nothing to you," He shouts at the vampires, but they ignore him and look at me. "You better get up before this crazy mutt kills all of you," I say. So they get up and look at the two of us. "You are meant to be together. You are mates!" A vampire says. He runs into the castle and returns with a book. He opens it on a page, and I must admit I am curious as he holds it out to me. I read the page fast and give it back. It is a bunch of nonsense about the Queen of Vampires meeting the King of hybrids, werewolves, and vampires who fall in love and become mates that not even time can separate. The vampire holds the book out to Raiden, and he gives it a brief look over before returning it to the vampire. "Well, I reject you as my mate, my Luna, and my Queen," Raiden says. "Boo Hoo, I am supposed to cry and fall apart like a werewolf? I AM A VAMPIRE! Your words do not affect me. Besides, who wants a rude, egoistic, chauvinistic mutt like you as a mate," I say. I see the pain throw his eyes, and his body is shaking. His eyes glow yellow in the dark, and I know I have pissed off his wolf this time. "You have no right to call me all those names, vampire. You are never to set foot in my kingdom again. I never want to see you again! Do you understand me?" Raiden asks, and his wolf growls. I do not know at who—me or him. "Shut up, mutt!" The both of us shout at his wolf, and it makes his wolf even angrier. "Do not call Conri a mutt. He does not like it," We hear a voice coming from the woods behind us. I turn around and see Selene standing there. I sigh. She must have known this was going to happen, so why would she send me here? "Selene, why did you send me to help this arrogant hybrid rebuild his rotten kingdom?" I ask. "Because he is the King of hybrid, werewolves, and vampires. Conri is the first wolf I ever made, and he is also the only wolf or creature that can handle you, Bianca. Of course, I had to make him for you years ago, but I thought the two of you have been long enough on this earth to know by now not to act like stupid teenagers and accept your fate as mates," Selene says, and I glare at her. "I thought I had a free will to choose my own mate. I am sorry you went through all the trouble to make this arrogant son of a mutt, for me but I will pass on this one as a mate," I say as I am furious and not in the mood to talk to Raiden any further. "Well, I am sorry to disappoint you again, Moon Goddess, but it does not matter how beautiful you made her. I am not in the market for a mate either," Raidens says. "Well, then that is such a shame as you two are already bonded and will not be able to escape each other," Selene says. "What do you mean by that?" I ask as I look at Selene with suspicion. "You were already born when I made the first werewolf. I never gave him to anyone as I decided since he is the strongest of them all, he will be the one to protect you and become your mate. You are my godchild, and I promised your mother I would make you a strong mate that can always protect you against your father, so I made Conri. I gave him to Raiden the day he was born as I knew you two would become mates, but as you have no wolf, I had to bond him to you directly. Well, for now. Look at the tattoo I gave you when you were young, and you Raiden, look at the tattoo I gave you when you were born," Selene says. I look at the tattoo on my arm, and in the middle of the sun is the name "Raiden". I look at Selene in shock. Raiden takes off his shirt and looks at the tattoo stretching from his arm to his neck. "Bianca" is engraved all over his arm. "Take it away. I do not want his name written on me," I say, and I feel like I have been branded. "Yours is small. Look at your bloody name all over my arm," Raiden complains. "What does this mean? This bind we have?" I ask, and I am afraid of the answer. "It means for the time being you two can not move a few feet from each other without feeling extreme pain. But, you will give this mate-bond a chance. I don't want to hear another word from the two of you," Selene says, and she looks angry. I have never seen Selene mad before, and it scares me as her eyes look like thunder. "This is bullshit! It will mean I will have to drag her around with me while I try to unite the Kingdoms against the hunters or what else may happen. I know I sent her for a reason as a protector," Raiden says. "Yes, you were, but not only the protector of my children, the werewolves, but also the protector of my godchild," Selene says.  "So I am a babysitter now?" Raiden asks. "I can protect myself. I do not need him, Selene. You know I am stronger than he is," I say. "You are stronger together, and whatever your grandfather has planned for you can only be destroyed if the two of you work together with the rest of the werewolves, lycans, and golden wolves in these Kingdoms," Selene says. She does not look happy with us at all. "Well, pain or not, I am going home," I say, and I start running towards the woods, but before I can even reach the trees, I fall on the ground in pain. The pain is not like anything I have ever felt before, and I can also hear Raiden moan in pain.  I get up and walk slowly back to Raiden, sitting on his knees, sweat covering his face. "How long do we have to stay like this?" I ask Selene. "As long as it takes you to get used to your mate, then I will take the pain away, but you will be able to read each other's minds and feel when the other one is in danger even after I take this curse of the pain away," Selene says. I try to think of every spell in my mind I can use to break this curse, but there is nothing. "You can try to find a spell to break the curse, little one, but it will not work as I am a goddess, and I put a spell on the two of you, and only I can take it away," Selene says. I sigh as I look at the hybrid standing in front of me. His shirt is still off, and I must admit he is built like a bloody sculpture. He is perfect. He looks at me and sighs. "Well, looks like we are stuck with each other, for a while at least," He says as he starts walking to the castle. He stops as he feels the pain starting again, and it looks like we will not be allowed even a few feet from each other. "Well, you better invite me into your castle since you claimed it, and we better look for rooms close to each other," I say. Selene laughs.  "Now that is more like it, the two of you will learn to work together soon, and who knows, maybe you like your little mate bond so much you would not want me to break the curse," Selene says as she walks into the woods. I glare at Raiden, and he glares back at me, but then he gets a naughty grin on his face as he takes my hand and leads me into his castle. "Welcome to my castle, my Queen," He says. I look at him, and I see the grin is still on his face. What is Raiden planning? He walks over to the kitchen, takes out some blood, and pours us each a glass. "Now, let's talk about your duties as my Queen," He says as he looks at my body. I shiver. "What do you mean, and I am not your, Queen," I say. Raiden smiles. He looks me in the eyes and says. "You are my Queen as we are bonded for life. You heard what the Moon Goddess said. So you will listen to me and do as I say, I am your king now, and you are my subject," He says. "I am not having s*x with you," I say. "Who says I want to have s*x with you? I will only have s*x with you if you come to me first. I am not a bloody rapist. I am a King, and I can have any werewolf or vampire I want by only lifting my finger," He says, and he looks mad at me again. Although, I must admit that I did step over the rope a little that time.
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