My Mother

674 Words
I sit down on a stool for breakfast, while mum tsk's and walks into the room with a first aid kit to tend to Shintaro's swollen lip. "What happened?" She taps her foot as she tends to the inpatient and angry prince on the couch. "You know I can't without a morning kiss..." Shintaro had said to me. "Fine then." I place my lips on his. "Oh so you are—s**t!!" I bite him on the bottom lip. Hard. "So that's what happened..." My mum speculates as if it's nothing out of the ordinary. I slip on my grey jacket and head into the bathroom, leaving the door open so I can hear what my mother and the Boys for Hire talking about. "Sorry ma'am, but your daughter is a bitch." Stupid Shintaro... Mum will defend me I’m sure. "Well, Chi is quite a barrel of fun, until she picks up that barrel and beats you to death with it." Oh well thanks mum... I growl angrily as I squeeze toothpaste onto my toothbrush. "I'm afraid miss that your daughter has already violated our contract, the Boys for Hire cannot be harmed during hire." Masashi states. He's probably flicking his brown ponytail back and straightening his glasses right now thinking about the insurance money he'll make off us. Damn... "Please... Don't take this out on my daughter, she's been through enough already." I hear the click, which was probably my mum packing up the first aid kit. "I'm sure you've probably realised by now, but Chi isn't the most popular girl at school." "Oh really?" I hear Katsu, the boy with piercings and hair as black as his soul snort sarcastically. "She murdered another student." I squeeze the toothpaste tube until all the green substance oozes out into the pristine sink. It's been months since my mother ever dare to mention that incident—I thought it was behind us. Did she have to tell them about this f*****g sob story again? I hear most of them gasp in absolute horror and disgust, even some quick footsteps and thuds that resemble stumbling. "What the-!? That's horrible! You signed a contract and agreed that all of us would be safe staying and accompanying your daughter!!" Shiroi, the smallest of all the boys and the lolita type, bursts in shrill anger. "You are, do not worry, it's just a rumour." I hear my mother get up. "About a year ago, Chi was my average, cute little girl. Average, but she was my beautiful daughter. She wore her hair in pig tails, had cute accessories on her phone and wore baggy jumpers with ironic quotes on them while waiting for the new episode of Gossip Queens to air. But then..." I hear her falter. "One day at school, she confessed to a boy she had liked since primary school. It was your stereotypical confession scene, a sunny day on the roof." "Let me guess, he rejected her." Haruo, the mix race Japanese/French light blonde-haired violinist announced, as if he'd experienced rooftop rejections a thousand times. My mother ignores his tone and continues. "I don't know... But..." She sighs. "But the boy got too close to the edge and fell to his death. Many of the students at Chi's school believe Chi pushed the boy off, but she... My Chi wouldn't do that..." I can hear her quietly sniffle. "But you can't change the mindset of the public. Luckily the charges were dropped since the parents of the boy also believed that Chi hadn't pushed their son, but many of Chi's friends and classmates out casted her, believing she had pushed the boy. There was no proof to prove otherwise either." There's nothing but silence to my mother's words. "From then on, she's been a complete otaku, it's her only escape from everything else." I can hear my mother start crying. "Please, help my daughter." By then I'd already gathered my things and packed my backpack, quietly slipping out the door before I could hear their response.
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