Chapter 64.

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Alejandro. Childhood should be a time of innocence, of wonder, of safety, of love. It should be a chance to discover our passions, our talents, our unique basket of interests. It should the solid foundation that gives us the most healthy epigenetics and biological health for future years. It should give us the best possible chance to win our me vs. me battle and become happy contributors to society. Childhood is the foundation we need to get right if we want a thriving world. Alejandro watched the expressions on Isis’ face as he rambled on about himself and where he came from. "My mother wasn’t necessarily a gypsy but she was Greek and very wealthy." She took all of that generational wealth into her marriage and rocked the future. Dad was wealthy too so they were like a money bomb." Isis licked her orange-stained fingers off as she peered into the bottom of the Cheetos packet to see if there was any more left. Nodding, she sulked as she didn’t see any. "But I was spoilt, although they didn’t really care to give me attention," he said, as he pulled out another packet of Cheetos from behind him, and handing it out to Isis. "So I was just that kid you know, grew up with no morals and never having the education to discern between good and bad. I had parents who just didn’t care about all of that, and at that time it was like, why should I you know?" Biggest mistake of my life. As Aristotle alluded to, a man who does not enjoy the act of doing good deeds is not a good man; thus, for a virtue to exist as a virtue, it must stem from love and thus love must be the supreme virtue from which all others branch. "To get their attention, I started misbehaving in school, which only landed me home for schooling there. Nothing else. I then moved to smoking and drinking. Partying and getting laid. I turned into this monster who just didn’t care about anything or anyone. Obviously this narcissistic behaviour thought me invincible enough to start killing people when they tried to get into my way of what I wanted." He watched Isis as her face moved. Her eyes lazily gazing at him as if she thought the whole thing to be romantic. "Are you listening?" She nodded. I guess she’s over it. But atleast she knows my roots now. "So what do you think about this whole thing?" Isis popped another Cheeto into her mouth, " I think, you can be drunk on fear and alcohol just the same, addicted to rumour as much as rum, yet words can also elevate the soul and a gin can be just the tonic one needs." "Wait, what?" There was a moment of silence, before they both burst out in laughter. "Thank you for sharing your story with me, Chuck Norris," she said as she kissed him on the mouth. "If you personify love even in times of trouble, of hardship or war, then you are truly one of the mighty. I see how no matter the stresses laid upon you, that you show more grace than many do in times of plenty. It is in those moments of pain and fear I see right to your soul and know that my faith in you, my love for you, is eternal.You are brave, kind, always giving of yourself. I want you to know that I will be the same for you; I will be your mirror, bring you what you give others - true love, the lasting kind," said Alejandro. The true enemy of love is when emotional indifference takes command of logic; for only when love takes command of logic can good choices be made. Indeed, love in command of both our higher logic and our primitive drive is humanity’s hero-mode. Sergio. People who hate get off on the brain chemicals of hate. They are addicts. They find groups to hate and encourage others to do the same. That they have no clue that they are addicts or that their brains are making up stories to justify and accelerate their addictions. The haters believe their own bullshit and look for "evidence" to support it. This results in a binary world where truth and love become ever more elusive. That is Aisha’s characteristics. How could she possibly want to do this to me? "Well, you snitched on her so what did you expect?" He answered his own question out loud. He paced the heated floors of his room, thinking about what it would be like if Aisha succeeds at what she has planted in her rotten head. He launched himself onto his bed and grabbed a book from the bookshelf next to his headboard. Opening the book, the first page read: There are elements of reality that are beyond human abilities in terms of imagination and science, yet we shall tell it as if it were no more than two puddles of liquids, each seeking to expand its boarders. Let us say that one is blue and the other is yellow, where they bump into one another there is a green hue, a blending that neither puddle is comfortable with. This green is the battle frontier. Your world is in such a frontier. The puddles are the god force and the evil force, as such your world is a confusing mess of love and emotional indifference, of profound beauty and profound suffering. In short, the sooner you learn how to pick a side and stick to it, the sooner it the battle will end. When you are conscious of this battle then victory is a matter of time. Every species that awakens choses love. The question, alas, is if the dominant species wakes up in time to save themselves. If not, then the "match" is reset, as callous as that sounds, we are fighting evil itself. That is your reality. Your myths are trying to get you all to that point of comprehension with different settings and names for characters. If you can save creation then you have generations to enjoy thinking about how those myths knit together and what they all mean. Right now, focus on the reduction of suffering, protection of your planet, and increasing love. Think pragmatically. Use science. Think with philosophy that is rooted in love. Once Earth is won, we in the other realms can move on to renovate more hells into heavens. It’s what we do. "We suffer for wanting to do good. Ain’t that sweet?" He grunted under his breath and swiftly shut the book closed. "I need to visit him." Aisha. She didn’t feel that tingle of satisfaction after putting the phone down. Why do I feel bad about it? Your allure is full of remorse code, that’s a start. Have the courage to face that and you may be battle ready in time. Either way, the team of supers is assembling. We are approaching the start of the battle to save creation. Be on the right side of the line, because if you dig in the on the wrong side even God won’t help you. Of that, we are sure. Aisha wasn’t sure if she wanted to give up everything she’s ever worked for, just for the good of humankind. She didn’t think she was that good of a person and there was probably no way that she was going to start now. Staring at the ceiling in her cell, she thought about her childhood. I’ve been using my childhood all my life, as an excuse to hurt others just because I was hurting. Is that bad? I guess not when you’re doing good for yourself right? Her mind diverted to the prosecutor that had been assigned for her case. I’m a lawyer, so of course I can lie and manipulate, but it’s our "why" that counts. I do what I do to bring about a better and more peaceful world. I am what I am. The master writer well versed in social evolution is a high class lore-yer, it would be nice to get even half the recognition lawyers get. We actually fix society for the long term. You’re looking at a long-ass sentence if you don’t straighten up your back and open those pretty brown eyes of yours to the reality of your downfall. Which I can help you with. Don’t be so cocky, Mrs Kasmira. Or Arismendi? She scoffed at the memory of his words and shut her eyes to clear her mind of the noise it was trying to make. It seemed like her prosecutor had been on her trail for a long time and now that she had finally been caught, he felt like a small victory had been won. Her eyes flung open. They can’t win. They will never win. I am Aisha, I’ve got this. The magic to level the labyrinth is within you, yet it takes courage to let flow through your skin and open your eyes anew.
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