Chapter 2.

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Hawaii. It was a breezy place, too breezy for war, and that was the point. To fool the enemy. To go undetected. When people thought of Hawaii, they never associated it with blood and gangs. When people plan a vacation to Hawaii, they immediately think of gorgeous beaches, an exotic palate, and the smell of lovely flowers that have never before been smelt. That is the exact thing that one gets, from turquoise blue waters, to skyscraping palm trees. Hawaii is an exciting place with many exotic things to see and do. Niko and her team were determined to have their enemy's trust. They needed their enemy to be assured that they knew what they were doing, hence they chose a camouflaged location so that they could come across as genuine arms dealers who didn't want to risk getting caught. Shady people loved to feel safe, and Niko knew it too well. She was trained for this. The man that Niko was after, Sang-Hoon Jensing, was a business mogul, illegal firearms dealer, and drug lord. He was one of the men who were present on the fateful night that her parents were killed. Jensing owned Mizuho Financial, Softbank, Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd, and Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. Blood money had been used to start up those companies and that was the secret that Niko's father had discovered and was on the verge of exposing before they eliminated him. All the men that Niko was after were all part of a Japanese mafia, a ruthless gang that she was determined to put an end to. She ground her teeth as she thought of their faces and how merciless they had been when they had slaughtered her father and burnt their home to ashes. She did not want to kill them just yet. First, she wanted each and every one of them to suffer gravely, before finishing them off. Niko stepped out of the blazing, airless airplane, into the beaming, dazzling sunlight, shining down from across the fiery pavement. Niko felt a deluge of fresh air and adrenaline. Holding her duffle bag in her hand and sliding on sunglasses with her other hand, she strutted down the stairs of the airspace in her combat boots. She looked like a renegade. Niko looked up into the sky and saw the birds flying across the headline of the cyan sky. She took a deep breath and proceeded down the steps. The Hawaiian sun brought out the glow in her Japanese dermis, warming and basking her arms in its radiance. She wore an army tank top that showed her toned arms, toned from all the training and gyming that she had been doing. Niko drew a sharp breath as she smelt a sweet, flowery perfume wavering from a store in the Hawaiian Airport, which was completely enveloped in different brightly colored festoons of all sorts. There were yellow, green, blue, red, and pink ones, and just about any color that you could imagine. Niko strolled over to the stand and picked up a tiny marigold garland that smelled so sweet and flowery. I could poison this flower and offer it to Jensing as a starter. She rammed her face deep into its invigorating, humid petals. With her eyes closed, she inhaled the intoxicating smell that was coming from the little gold and white flowers. Niko asked about the flower and what the flower was called, although she already knew, the little old lady with her skin darkened and wrinkled by the sun, told her that the particular flower was a marigold. She had been trained for years to know all kinds of agricultural, social, historical, political, and psychological matters. But she couldn’t part with the glorious smells so she bought the beautiful festoon. The little old lady told her it was called lei, which is Hawaiian for garland. As they had started to drive out of the airport and into the city, she started to see wonderful things, things that almost made her forget what her mission in Hawaii was. All the trees had bright pinkish-red flowers just beautifully growing from each branch and if there weren’t any flowers, the trees were weighted with mangos, papayas, and star fruit. Niko couldn’t believe her eyes; Hawaii was just so gorgeous and vibrant. Everywhere she looked, she saw brilliant rich hues, every color of the rainbow leaping to her eyes. The blue blues of the sea, the oranges of the sunset, the purples of the flowers and exotic fruits, the greens of the palm trees and flowery shirts. After driving for about ten minutes, they slowed down and rounded the corner to the hotel where Sang-Hoon Jensing was being lodged. Niko and her team had also booked into that same hotel. One of her trusted acquaintances, Kenya, would pose as the hotel president, and the distraction of the group of men. Kenya's father was the man who had saved her and her brother from the fire. He placed them in the orphanage because he didn't have the means to take care of them. She had tracked him down and discovered that he had a daughter who was a Samurai and a vixen. Niko knew that she could use her, so she had made an alliance with Kenya and her father, and now they were a part of her trusted acquaintances. They pulled into the driveway of the hotel and Niko was blown away. They parked on the edge of a cliff that was made of glistening, black lava rock. The seas underneath that cliff, crashed ever so lightly against the rocks, which was effulging insensately on the rippling waves. The waters were of a deep blue in some spots and in others a bright, aquamarine, cyan-green. Dark magenta streaked along it and turquoise speckled the surface whilst the gleaming, creamy white sand shimmered in the sun’s heat. When she had decided that she had been distracted enough by the beauty of mother nature, she instructed her team to go into their assigned rooms and to get ready. She also needed to go and prepare herself for her first battle. She looked at her cellphone and made sure that she had reception. Reading the time and date, it was August 14th, 2020. 17:05. Mom, dad, this is the chosen date and time. This is it. Her resentment towards the men that had destroyed her family's life was acute. She grew up with an aura of a black mood that nobody could dispel. When she spoke, she spoke with a scathing tone. Niko was always clad with a pinched face, frigid features, mouth twisted into a snarl, and sad eyes. At the age of 12, Niko was adopted by a Catholic-dominant Latin-American family. Her adoptive family was wealthy, wealthy enough to have sent Niko to the best schools, where she learned how to play chess, the cello, the violin, the piano, and the guitar. But her stepfather had been an alcoholic. None of that moved her, as she had never been attached to him. She was a scholastic girl with straight A's in every one of her subjects. She was the youngest girl to get into Harvard, proving the global status quo that the Asian population is one of the most intelligent nations on earth. She was an athlete and went on to serve in the US Navy for four years, progressing into her career as a US government official. She trained as an assassin and spy during her years as a US Navy and recruited her trusted team members who either always knew her growing up, or were close to her from infantry, such as Akimitsu Hiro, whom she had known since she started serving in the US Navy. Upon walking into her hotel room, she had access to every camera in the hotel, but she focused only on what was important. As she zoomed in on the footage that she was interested in, she saw the men, all ready for the evening. She smiled. "I'm about to f**k s**t up." Her mind traveled to the last day that she had spent in the United States. It was a Wednesday and she had felt well rested. She still had errands to run but she’d wait until her cable appointment was through. That morning the internet technician came and set her house up with wireless internet. She needed to know if anyone every dropped by, even from miles away. She had been staying with her friend for over a month while the house was being renovated and all the internet she had was her cell phone. When the cable guy came she was stunned. She knew an employee who worked for the cable company she was having installed therefore she was able to get VIP installation. When the man knocked at her door, she wondered then if she was “getting VIP treatment for sure because the installer was drop dead gorgeous. He was physically fit from what she could see through his uniform. When he smiled to greet her, she shook his hand and let him in. His hair was black and his eyes were bright blue. Talk about beautiful. “Hi.” Niko answered the door. She was blown away by the man standing in her doorway. He was tall, dark, and handsome to say the least. His caramel skin and his hazel eyes were seductive. This was the man putting in her internet? “I’m Tony. I have a work order in to put in your wireless internet?” “Right, come in.” Lena showed the man her computer in her bedroom. He asked about additional devices and she ignored him. The thing was, even though she was human and could get distracted, her mind would zap right back to what her life mission was.
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