Pleased To Meet You

1676 Words
On to the next round of questions. No matter what they were, I was ready to give an answer unless it was really personal of course but I doubt they'd ask something really personal 'cause they barely know anything about me aside from my name and how I met their brother. I kept a straight face and didn't show any signs that I was nervous at all, I didn't want to make them worried to ask me anything since the two seemed nice and they don't seem like terrible people as for my first impression. Although a part of me wondered... Did I immediately think both were already great just because they're related to Troy or maybe even the fact that it's because... THEY LOOK AND SOUND LIKE HIM?? Ugh... I reminded myself that I shouldn't expect too much from this and not just base things just off from how they sound and look like Troy. I don't know much about them so I just told myself that aside from physical similarities, they're still totally different. Specially since Troy's the only one that could make me feel this thing when we first met. Don't know what it is but it for sure was special. As for Travis and Trevor, it wasn't the same but it didn't mean I wasn't glad to meet them. It's just that it couldn't compare to the feeling of seeing Troy for the first time to me meeting both of them now. After all that thinking, I decided to focus and listen again, I'm so lost thinking of how Troy is again that I forgot that I needed to answer some questions. At the moment, it was still Travis asking while Trevor was behind him looking like he's preparing for battle but I could only think that he's just really trying hard to think of something to ask which seemed cute to be honest since he obviously is the most shy among them yet he's trying. Travis noticed I was looking at Trevor and either saw me smiling or looking worried so he looked at Trevor and asked him if he was fine. “Y-yeah, I was just thinking of a question to ask... sorry I'm taking so long...” Trevor bashfully replied while still avoiding any eye contact between me and Travis. Again, I smiled at him and I put one of my hands on his shoulder, looked at him and assured him there's no need to rush. “Hey it's alright, We've got plenty of time and if you want, I can be the one to do the asking this time if that's alright with you?” I spoke in a more softer voice so I wouldn't make him worried. He then looked at me and smiled rather sweetly. “Oh, it's alright with me. Thank you! I'll be ready to answer!” He answered proudly and with a louder voice as if his fears faded in that moment. “Ooh! haven't seen that side of you for a while, glad to see you comfortable with her already which is a really great sign. I'll let you do the talking for now with Trevor” Travis said while patting Trevor at the back and looking back and forth at both Trevor and I. “Don't worry, I'll ask both of you. I won't leave any of you behind if I'm just gonna ask almost the same question for the two of you” I assured Travis that he won't be left out of this conversation. Now it was my turn but it made me wonder... What exactly am I gonna ask about them? Since I didn't know what I wanted to know, I started with basic questions and build up my questions from there. “Hmmm, how about your full names? All I know is Troy and Nathan's full names” I asked. Travis started... “I'm Travis John Carter” Then Trevor. “and I'm Trevor Jay Carter” Interesting... in initials, all three are still the same... “So all three of you are TJC?” I asked curiously and ready for the next thing I was gonna ask. “Yeah, it's confusing as a nickname for all three of us since we're all the same on that part too” Trevor answered. “Ohh. Well, on to my next question. Speaking of nicknames, since you can't all have the nickname “TJC”, What are your nicknames? Or what do you prefer to be called?” I asked. Trevor answered then Travis. “Well, for people who I'm not close to or only know my first name, I let them call me Trevor but for people I'm close to, they call me Jay. In my case, There's a lot of people named John so I prefer to be called Travis but you can call me with whatever you want” Travis smirked at the end of his sentence. My heart kinda pounded after he smirked but immediately slowed down after a few seconds. Don't know what that was about. “Hmmm, is it ok if in the future I might probably give you two nicknames? just wondering” “Sure! I'd love to hear the nickname you make for us!” Trevor happily answered. “Yeah, I'm thinking of one for you right now” Travis said. Hmm? me? I was curious of the nickname he made or is thinking of at the moment so I asked Travis what he wanted to call me. “Oh! what did you want to call me?” I curiously awaited for his response. “I still have nothing for now since I only know little of you but I really am making one along the way as I further get to know you” Travis replied. “Oh, that's good to hear but don't worry if you don't have one at the moment. I'd be glad if both of you could call me a friend one day though” I replied. Oh gosh, now it's like I'm rushing them with something else. All I could think of is that might have sounded weird to the both of them. “Aren't we already friends though?” Trevor asked while sounding cheerful. “Yeah, you're part of the group! you passed the test just by being you and we'd love to be your friend or even more!” Travis replied and smiled sweetly at me. Hold on... more? “Best friends of course! you knew what I meant right?” Travis looking at me with a wide smirk. I could tell I was blushing at that time 'cause I could feel my face kinda warming up, guess that cleared what he meant. “Yeah- of course I knew you meant that-” I awkwardly answered. I immediately changed the topic to not put all the spotlight on me so we could carry on with everything we wanted to know. “Well, if we're friends now I could call you Jay and for you of course, Travis for now” I added. “Of course, I'm comfortable with you calling me Jay so definitely ok with me!” Trevor or might I say Jay replied joyfully. “Well, Travis is a good start but I'll be waiting for that nickname you come up with” Travis also replied then winked at me. The conversation between the three of us just continued with neither Troy or Luke around. I'm glad I met the two, Now I understand what Troy meant. Sure, both are very charming and fun to be around but it didn't change anything I felt for Troy at all. New feelings might have came when I first met the two but everything stayed the same except that I've met two more people I'll adore and cherish as a new part of our crew and I was very pleased to meet them. We continued talking, laughing and sharing stuff about each other then a few seconds later, I noticed that the door was slightly opened and peeking through the small gap on the door was Troy! He then saw that I noticed him and left immediately. Before I got up to go find Troy, I asked both Travis and Jay if I could go saying I just needed to talk to someone real quick. “Sure! no problem. We'll just wait here 'til you comeback” Both said and then I ran off. I was scared I'd get lost or not find him since this is the first time I've been here and I don't know where any part was so I just thought he'd be downstairs. As I was walking by the rooms to get to the stairs, I noticed a balcony. I took a quick look then actually found Troy there. I called him yet he didn't answer nor look back. I got concerned since he wasn't answering and it didn't look like he had any earphones on nor any music playing. It was actually quite quiet up here and basically just a warm fresh breeze. I decided to go up to him and talk to him there. “Is there anything wrong Troy?” I asked but still no response. I tried joking or anything that'll make him talk. “Oh sorry, are you the fourth brother? Nice to meet you!” I held one hand over and he chuckled a bit and finally looked at me. “No, it's just me. Troy to be clear. I'm sorry I kinda ignored you there...” Troy answered sounding bummed out and with a frown as if he's tired or worried. “Is something wrong? you can tell me you know. I saw you back there peeking through and listening to our conversation. Did you want to tell me something?” I asked still concerned about him. “Troy tell me...” “Both of their charms might have been deceiving, But you're still the one for me, believe me”
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