There's Something About Her... (Troy's POV)

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The more I thought of her, the more I probably attracted her and not in the way you'd think. What I meant by that is attracting her like a magnet to come near because the whole time I thought of her, I thought I was all alone up here in the balcony with just me and my thoughts about her but apparently, she's been behind me the whole time. She basically looked kind of concerned there so I stayed to hear what she had to say. The closer she came, the more I remember how she looked and probably felt while she was around my brothers earlier so I didn't keep my hopes up thinking whether she still loves hanging out with me after seeing her smile around Travis and Trevor when I checked up on them. They already seemed close and I know my brothers... those looks they gave her, they obviously fell fer her too. Travis makes it obvious when he likes a girl while Trevor, he only talks to girls he's had a crush on 'cause he really never talks to girls or anyone unless he really likes them or has known them for a long time. My guts are telling me that it's the “like” situation because it couldn't have been the second scenario since they've only just met today and to people he's new to, he usually would rather stay quiet and not even make eye contact with them even when they call his name. Although I might be wrong, I guess I'm just really scared to lose her to my brothers... That's the whole reason I came here to think in the balcony in the first place. Don't get me wrong, my brothers are great but I've never liked a girl like this before. I want her for me ‘cause she's meant to be mine. I know and I feel that's how it's supposed to be. I know I sound selfish but I just can't lose her. It feels like I'll end up breaking first when I lose her again and it'll take me years before I can put the pieces back together... But the problem is... these are my brothers were talking about and I'm sure they won't give up a fight and like I mentioned before, as the eldest, I had to let them have a chance or try of what I have. Simply give in to their request since I'm the older brother so both these thoughts are what keeps my heart torn whether I let her be happy with them or let me be happy for once... But I know it's not up to me of how this all would end, it's on her hands which path she'd take so I'm just hoping and praying she walks with me. With all that thinking, I didn't even realize that Maya's been calling me repeatedly and it's obvious she looks worried since I wasn't responding so the next time she called me, I looked back at her and actually talked. Good thing I actually heard her this time and she thought I was the fourth brother and I know she's just trying to get my attention and make me chuckle a little, both worked anyways so I just went along with how she was going with starting the conversation and again, I played along. Not long after, she wanted to know and clear stuff up whether I was ok and something else that was related to my brothers but I noticed no matter how much I tried to put Travis and Trevor into the picture, she somehow tries to make me the center of the topic or basically just talk about me and how I've been. I'm glad to hear from her words and her thoughts that she hasn't actually forgotten about me even after meeting those two. I noticed she tried to squeeze in some jokes to make me smile but she doesn't know that just by her being near me would be enough to make my heart burst with joy and give me butterflies. But I'm trying so hard at the same time not to get attached ‘cause I might just stay because of her... Since she's been sharing a lot of stuff, I thought of sharing something to her too and also seeing what happens after I tell her about this girl who confessed 'cause I trust her that much specially this is her expertise. Welp, the way she reacted and looked made it too obvious she didn't like the news about this other girl so I just laughed it off since she's so adorable when she gets jealous! Boy I love this girl! Too bad the timing we had was terrible... I guess when we meet again it'll be the right time for the both of us and hopefully we stay this time... - Travis' POV - There stood in front of me, a girl that I've never met before with beauty that stands out in a crowd yet at the same time, a beauty that's natural. I was mesmerized as soon as l first saw her but I had to keep my mouth shut since he was still talking and I didn't want to come off as rude on our first meeting specially since she seems quite uneasy while listening to Troy explain all of this which according to what I heard in their conversation, it was something Troy never told her about. After Troy explained all of what I assume was about us, no one decided to talk, so I didn't hesitate and took my chance to meet her before it was gone, so I grabbed the opportunity to introduce myself. I said “Hi, I'm Travis, the second triplet. What's your name?" Seemed like a good start since Troy didn't actually say what her name was this whole time. She still was quite hesitant at first but soon she told us what her name was... “Hi, I'm Maya" “What to me seems like our tragic ending, To them is a blossoming beginning”
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