2. The Safety In Separation

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* * * ‘Thank you so much, Ms. Collins. This means so much to me.’ Zahra clutched the papers close to her and finally let out a smile she had been holding. It was relieving to be holding her immigration papers even if it was only for three months. Raul and Laylah would continue towards Australia, for her own safety. Staying together would only rouse more suspicions, especially considering who Raul was. ‘I shouldn’t be giving you my own opinion in this matter but I think it would be best for you if you file as a political refugee in London as soon as you can. Don’t wait till the two months are up. The US government wouldn’t think twice about handing you over to your father if he finds you here.’ Ms. Collins said with a concerned frown. ‘This is just temporary, do you understand?’ ‘I understand, Ms. Collins.’ Zahra sighed. ‘I had spoken with Raul regarding this matter. I am sure he would move the files along as quickly as possible.’ ‘Good.’ She nodded before smiling at Zahra. ‘You are welcome anytime here if you have any problems, Ms. Abadi.’ ‘Thank you so much.’ Zahra walked out of the office with a wide smile. Here she was in the US, walking around freely like any other ordinary person and not being the golden cage she used to being in. It was liberating. She tried to recall the nights she slept dreaming of this day. She walked down the streets at slow, leisure pace and pulled her cardigan closer to herself. August was much colder here than what it was back at her home. Home. Zahra could still see the coastline of her home fading away in her mind’s eye as they sailed deeper into the sea. She had abandoned her phone in the depths of the sea and the shackles that bound her snapped free. They had travelled off-grid in the sea for over a month before they docked in the US soil. From there she was escorted to meet Ms. Collins, the woman who promised her a sanctuary for two months, away from the prying eyes of her father while she processed her visa as a political refugee in UK. At first the plan was to flee to UK directly but Raul had pointed out that it would be safer if she stayed elsewhere while the visa processed so that her father wouldn’t suspect. And so she got into contact with Collins who made a short work of getting her a tourist visa. The government knew who she was and was admittedly reluctant to take her in, considering the financial and business ties to her father. But eventually she managed to negotiate a temporary sanctuary via Raul and to her surprise, it worked even with the risks stacked up against her. In the end, it all worked out for her. And she could only hope that it stays the same till she was in British soil. * “No, it’s estimated 31 days more before we hit Sydney shores. Things should hasten up after that.” Raul assured her through her burner device.  Zahra sat down on the couch of her modest rented apartment. “I met Ms. Collins today and she thinks it is better if the visa processing gets done quick.” “I think so too but I am sure that it wouldn’t take your father much time to triangulate this yacht, even with the much rigging I have done.” He admitted lowly. Zahra’s heart sped up. “Laylah…” “Perhaps I should I mentioned it before, we are sinking this yacht in the middle of the Pacific in a week’s time. One of my acquaintances will pick us up in his ship at the coordinates. Your friend will be safe.” She let out a sigh of relief knowing that Raul had planned ahead. “Once we cross the international sea borders, we would be under the Australian government’s immunity. Then it will be much safer for me to take a jet to Heathrow, under an alias of course.” “Will you be taking Laylah?” “Yes… It will be much safer if she stays in my route.” Zahra had to agree. It broke her heart to separate from her best friend when they arrived in New York and the only thing that kept her going was how Laylah would be safe with Raul than with her. Zahra was no fool; she knew that if they were to get caught, she would get to keep her life unlike Laylah and Raul who wouldn’t, even if Laylah came from an affluent lineage. They were best away from her. “That reminds me of the reason for this call. I need you to move from New York to somewhere more discreet. I will not say where over the phone, but you will receive a UPS package under your cover in two days’ time which will explain everything.” “Okay.” She disconnected the call with Raul. She knew that it was perhaps the last time she would be hearing from him in the course of his travel. The burner phone he spoke to her with must have begun sinking towards the bottom of the Pacific already.   She sighed. She was exhausted from all the running and longed to settle somewhere she could live without being weighed down. Although that place was months away from Zahra’s grasp, as she opened the package she received under the name Mona Amer two days later, hope filled her. She knew she only had a little over a month before the next leg of her run; but Boston would make a fine home till then. * * *
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