Chapter 1

1020 Words
[CYBELE'S POV] I wake up to the sound of my alarm beeping in my ears. Im always cranky and grumpy as I sat up on my bedside to get my slippers and head to the kitchen in my favorite Doreamon pajamas. I brought my phone with me, of course. Its the way I start my day, it keeps me updated on the news regarding the new artifacts and hieroglyphs that in need of translating for new histories to read. It fascinates me since the public libraries weren't stocked up to the times. and it was bit of hassle since the libraries were too far away from my place. My mind was elsewhere. As I had other thing to do.More things to plan. I was a hot mess I was drabbling among the kitchen counter sink for my glasses cause my vision blurs at my wake. It is of inconvenience but I got to used it. As I opened my Iphone 12 pro max, I quicky set my eyes to it for a glimpse of the weather and morning news about today. It is said to be a humid and rainy day today. taht I may in need to bring my umbrella, raincoat and my water proof traveling briefcase. Yes, briefcase. My flight is later this afternoon as i am escorted by my best friend Daphne. Since she was also my partner on the expedition trip set by the same company that hired me to go. As for the food, I cooked myself some stir-fry vegetable noodle as I patterned it up with kimchi and orange juice. It is Thai Pei I think. I wasn't the best cook but simple recipes I can master, hard ones usually take up too much of my time. Plus I dont that much patience to do them, since im always hungry. I had my preparation for my flight. I did everything in advance triple checked everything I needed. So all there is left to do is to shower and get dressed cause it was in 3 hours away my best friend, Daphne will be on her way here to pick me both of us up for our flight. Which we expect isn't delayed or cancel of short notice. BUt I harbour the worse since The flight kto cairo very sparse some cancelled due to terrible weather among the skies. But I must go to Egypt for I long to go there for such a long time. I receive multiple calls congratulating me for safe flight in my destination, as do I. I wasn't fond of answering messages and calls. It just not my type of thing, my mom would scold me for not answering them. But my gratitude and thanks extend to them but Im too work-oriented. Not a workaholic. I understand that my job may be boring and tedious even tiring to other but I find joy in it. It is my passion to uncover mysteries of history. As some say I have the unique talent of different trivias and facts, but they jest. I only part knowledge in what I know of. I dressed up in a black long-sleeve and denim jeans mid-waist slim fit which seem in trend at the moment. as i received a call from daphne that she is on her way to my apartment. which I am not ride for, as I sat upon my vanity to fix my face with makeup. A light and casual makeup that I put on to cover my dark circle of tire from working overtime in my day-offs. As I was about to finish, my doorbell rang. "just a sec." as I rushed towards the door checking my appearance one last time. "my god. where are you going? to a date?" Daphne sarcastically jested at my beauty, I humored her by giving a laugh. "Do you need something for your compliment?" I joked back at her. "no need. we're friends. cmon we still need 2-4 hour to travel to the airport" she replied. I looked the door to the apartment "lets go?" Daphne lead the way to her car as I followed with my luggage top be put in the back of her trunk. She told me to sleep till we get to the airport since it was a long way there. As a few hours past, I awake groggy as the morning sun hits my face.''Are we there yet?'' I opened my eyes to face her, only to find her head and stare at me for moment "just a few more roads.." she hesitated 'ah know that face.' I thought. as I knew we were indeed lost. "are we lost?" I mumbled with a sigh "no.we are just in traffic." as Daphne honks the car in frustration as they were arriving close to there destination by the minute. I checked my watch, as I discovered that were early and advanced by a few hours. "We're here" Daphne delighted in joy as she parks the car in a shade of a tree. For a few hours till departure, we needed a break especially the driver as were recently ordered kfc meal bucket for the both of us. "goddd.. I'm so hungry" She complained as we got out of the car and went to the back of the car and opened the trunk to get the food that we purchased earlier. as we both ate we spoke of our meal in turns. "how many more time till our flight?" I spoke as I chewed the meat of my chicken thigh. "one to quarter." I nodded as I continued to finish my meal. as she has. The coming of our flight is nearing, as we fixed everything and called Titus, Daphne's brother who lived nearby in the city of Rhae. Daphne and I both bid goodbye to him in pro mise of return 3 months time. "safe travel, Cybele and older sis" "We are returning in months time, but be sure to take care yourself, Titus" Daphne said as she held him on last time before we enter the big glass doors of the airport.
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