Chapter 3

1176 Words
Cassandra’s POV The dawn came to be very pretty with a soft glow filling the room with a sudden alacrity. I was not sure even if I had seen dawn after my board exams, that too because mom used to make me wake up before sunrise to make me study. But as the horizon set ablaze with the twenty shades of red I only could breathe in the beauty and the air was chilling. I wrapped my arms around my torso not daring to take my eyes off the heavenly beauty before me. Suddenly a jacket was placed on my arms with great care and the voice said, ”You can catch cold easily in this chilling air. Why don’t you come back to bed?” I so wanted to lean in the warmth of his body and tell him that it was so good to have someone so close but I knew that I could not. I knew very well that it was going to be an absolutely bad choice or decision rather if I thought that I was going to ever see him again. At that moment I felt I should die of guilt and remorse.  What the hell had come over me previous night that I seduced and made love to a man who was a virtual stranger to me. But I didn’t want Samael any chance to feel sorry for what he had done last night because he was an amazing lover and also I had barged in his hospitality more than necessary. The shrill ring of his mobile saved me from further unnecessary embarrassment. As he went out of the room to speak in hushed tones, I changed my clothes and took my smaller bag to freshen up. Samael was still on phone when I came back. I started packing my bag when he came back to the room. “Something wrong?”, he enquired. Everything is wrong. I wanted to answer but innately I knew that nothing else had ever felt more right before. His arms have felt the best refuge I had ever had in my life. “Actually just I am a bit worried about my parents and you know how I will face them when I return.” The instant I uttered these words his face darkened and took a different hue altogether. “You are ashamed. Right?” “ No it would be wrong to say that I am ashamed. But what I have done is no excuse for falling in my own ethical standards. It is not my common practice to sleep with a virtual stranger.” “You are right. Let me assure you neither it is mine. You will be safely escorted home Miss. Lowell. Can we move then?” “I’m good to go when you are.”I said with a curt nod. I didn’t know how to keep my voice from breaking and collapse in tears for foolishly falling for a man who could never be mine. Our lives were miles apart and I cursed my destiny for bringing him closer to me. I looked away because I knew I could not bear his accusing gaze at me. A few minutes later a car horn from outside startled me. I took my bag and left the room, looking behind at the room with a loving gaze. I knew I would never in my life come to this place again. Samael was in the front seat and I did not object this time. It was better to have some distance between us. The short bumpy ride was eerily silent except the signs on the village side road outside that life had started to awaken. As we came to the station, Samael asked me to wait for him as he needed to speak a few words with the driver alone. An overwhelming sense of loss and despair was coming over me as I turned to look at the tall, lean and handsome figure in smart casuals, the one whom I had unknowingly given my heart to. We trudged back to the train and found our seats again. I was silent. “We both could have avoided the situation last night but I think that it was my fault that I could not control my urges at all. I mean that I know it is really unbecoming of me to tell you this but if it is any consolation then probably this is the last time that you will be seeing me. So I am really sorry for anything you have felt bad about. I did not know that I would be so lame to give in to my urges,” said the man who had stolen my heart in just a few hours and the more he said these things the more guilty I felt about my reckless actions because it was me who was to be blamed and not the guy sitting beside me. “Everything in life happens for a reason, so in my opinion it is not really necessary to over think this. I enjoyed the night pretty well and you were an amazing lover if that is any consolation,” I said dying inside as I said the words but I knew that I could not part with this man on any worse terms even if he thought me to be a slut. The expression on his face was priceless. He was thinking that how could a woman be so cheap to say something like this but I was helpless and to block me again from this unwanted situation I pulled out the ear buds from my bag and blasted the music in my ears at a full volume. I knew that this was a hard choice and someone had to make it. “Well Madame, thank you for your compliment and I will definitely keep that in my mind until the next time I take someone to my bed,” said Samael before he left the seat and disappeared out of my life forever. And without my knowledge tears trickled down my cheeks until I tasted the salt on my lips. The future was always something I had worried about. I'm not sure if it was because of my young mind and lack of wisdom, but I never gave thought to all the time that was enclosed my life into only a small speck in a timeline. I had so much time. So much time that I let it slide through my fingers like worthless pennies. So much time that I watched it drain like water in a tub. So much time that I let it vanish like a magician in an act. So much time I watched it dissolve like a mirage across a desert. So much time I stood as it flew across the empty horizon. But that day when I watched him walk I away I did not know that he was leaving back something precious of his with me. Neither did I know that fates could be so cruel that they would not give me someone to love but rather they would give me someone whom I would love with every fibre of my being. One night and my life was going to change forever.      
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