Chapter 2

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They stared at each other for a while, something was drawing them together, Charlotte was as still as water in a receptacle, she started at this man, pretentious face, a decisive chin, Damn this is the man, I knew it, he was around I could feel it. In anger, she narrowed her eyes and stared at him straight in the eyes and she commanded " put me down", with a harsh authoritative voice. " Don't you dare put that tone on me woman, You should be apologizing, You mashed on me on purpose and here you are commanding obedience," Ronaldo roared. Immediately Ronaldo noticed thus was not a lady like the ones he was used to, those three words portrayed a lot. It was Charlotte's turn to listen and hear the intent in his deep purr, Her eyes were wide open with fright, Grandma are you sure this is your choice? Ronald took that Moment to angle his head, raising his brows, biting his lower succulent lips, then curving them letting out a small chuckle he said, " Your wish is my command". But he never let her go. " Come on Stranger----," Charlotte wavered, her mind thanks and void not functional and her speech blurred due to lack of words, she wanted to scream but no his touch was doing magic on her body, the intimate warmth of his grip was sending elements of electricity in her body and she trembled with pleasure, She was distracted and forgot she needed to be put down, When his lips completed the domination, they plunged arrogantly but confidently and he settled them over hers. She didn't fight, She let the feeling take care of the moment, When their brims touched, she was dumbfounded and breathless, How could she breathe when he was busy brushing his lips lazily over hers, She couldn't fathom whether they were cold or warm but the fact remained that they generated enough heat to make her forget that she doesn't need this man in her Empire. Ronald opened one eye and noticed the tough beautiful lady was lost in his touch, so he pressed further, firmly and demanding, he wanted to be let in, his mouth was on her soft lips, his tongue brutal only because of his pent-up longing and it was trying hard to force its way inside at once at it succeeded threshing inside her mouth in search of a response his hands now around her waist he drank down, supped and then the impact impinged her senses reaching deep and stirring her. Charlotte stirred in his encircling arm interlocked tight about her. Dazed by the series of sensations that she had been experiencing for some time now he pulled her into his arms more roughly than intended. And the lady squirmed. Ronaldo's lack of gentility that he showed to his previous girls when they kept on giggling and nudging, him that was unladylike and distasteful, so he thought since this lady was different he has to forget his roughness and be gentle. The emotions were at a crescendo, they had enveloped her and sank inside her flesh, Her body was seeking release, She had tried to hold back but every time she tried, she felt like he had infected her with his anger, she tried to deny that this was happening but she couldn't, This indisputable male had defeated him, made her submissive to his needs, But I feel like I need him to make me feel better, I wonder who is submitting to who? She was startled when his steel-flexed hands moved to tilt her face to a certain angle, he altered his grip and held on to her chin, his foxy eyes, narrowed, Her lips parted voluntarily as her jaw ease she needed more. she was in shock literary when the touch of his tongue against her tongue happened, she had to dig on the ground using her toe, it was the first time she realised that she had not won any shoes, They might have flown their way after hitting on this sweet tree, damn I feel nice, if Fayez was to find me in the such state she would think am under some drugs, she wanted to gasp but that was impossible all she could do now was feel and follow and sense the reality of that hot hunger, the subtlety, deeply entrenched, seductively physical need. And hold hard against the temptation that streaked through her menacingly, even when he took his arrogance to new heights she hadn't thought was possible, I missed a lot of such emotions over the years, Uncle George tried to make suitors come into my bed but none could stand my wrath, now I understand why none of them made me feel the way am feeling today, He gathered her more closely imprinting her soft and fresh with his male hardness, Charlotte what lurked behind the trousers men wore, but today she was experiencing the bulge as it touched her upper thigh and she pressed harder to feel it more, she needed the bulge somewhere else though she didn't know how to make it reach there, Ruthlessly confident he angled his head and tasted her luxuriously, without hurry as if he had all the time in the world, he did it like she was her lover and not a stranger that he has met at the darkest hours of the night under the moonlight. Ronaldo noticed, it was the first time this lady was experiencing such an encounter, most of the time she didn't know what to do, so h decided to be her leader she was a good follower, So he raised her and commanded her to hold on his waist with her legs, this idea sent shards of the excitement flying down her naive nerves, as they kissed passionately, her body stretched and tightened as their lips continued with their tantalising dance. Now she had learned and could respond tentatively and his lips softened encouragingly, she dared for more as she returned the pressure of his lips, then the luscious caress of his sweet artful tongue. She sank deeper into the kiss. Accomplishment blazed through Ronaldo, he was mentally handicapped, and his senses were flickered, but he was enjoying her subtlety, She was soft and malleable, She made him do things he has never accomplished, exercises of patience, Never in life has he ever taken all this time on a woman, but this felt like pure magic, not the usual hypothesized of lust, This woman needed to be loved," Damn she taste like the sweetest wine that has taken the longest years to brew, I need her for myself and my disease is cured, no more pent ups and no more women, it's lovemaking day in day out.," He thought to himself. Staving off his pain from the bulge, he feasted on her, carefully not to startle her, she needed her ready enough to recognize his sovereignty, He knew she can break away if given a sufficient cause, she was a virgin that was for sure, Meaning she has been a hard nut to crack, at her age with all that authoritative tone, no man could conform to her aggressiveness, Women submit to him, they go crazy about him, they want to be touched by him, but he has been the lead all through and now that she has learned the art of kissing she is taking the lead. She was not a girl but a woman who fitted very well, supple and curvaceous in his arms, And hopefully, she can be his mistress. His lust was gaining momentum and with the elevations, he was risings to there might be no point of return, She fitted, her curves tempting, as they locked hard against each other but consuming her fire at such a place won't make him a gentleman, this came as an outcome afterthought. " How about we stop " Ronaldo roared with a voice of outrage, not of love or respect, hand back of her neck, agitating her silken hair, putting her down and his right hand moved fast and forcibly down her waist, she threw the shawl on the ground, and he pulled her vigorously into him so that her body arched and her n*****s prickled and swelled. He wanted to stop but he held tightly on him, a grip so tight he thought she might lack some air. The moment was right, he could have had her there and then but Ronaldo pulled out by force, he had to let her go untouched, unsampled, his craving unsated, Despite the intimate caresses they shared deep down he knew he was not the sort of the lady, it seemed they were under a spell and acted by sheer brazen recklessness, Ronaldo had breached her walls just because she had used a tough tone on him, At the moment he knew his next step was to lay her down but his conscious told him not today. Ronaldo stepped a step backwards and Charlotte's eyes flew wide open, and gazed at him like he was a ghost." Grandmother what exactly are you doing to me, is this your doing or my doing," She thought. " If felt nice right, if he hadn't pulled away you would be losing your virginity now, is he not a good lover, he is yours," Grandmother's whispered in her ears. " So you are serious Grandma," Her words were a whisper, she realised how chilly it was as the cold bite on his legs, as she searched his face, for what she didn't know, And he just stood there arrogantly raising a brow. lips pinky now than they were before, her eyes wild and precious, she let out a devilish groan," Her ladyship has got no shoes and you standing there staring at me when my legs are freezing,". Ronaldo was surprised, he looked around himself like the lady was addressing someone else, then pointed at himself saying " Me". "Of course you, it's not only the two of us in this park right," She seethed again picking her shawl from the ground and billowing herself. Ronaldo bent down and picked up her shoe, then stretched his arms to hand it to her, She shook her head picked up the shoe and dropped it down with a thud, then she raised her legs to wear it and she stumbled pushing on his chest but he steadied he again in his steely grip, Then he laid her down carefully, released her and he frowned absentmindedly. " Who are you? She asked. " Ronaldo Atkins, He sketched her an elegant now, smiled and straightened up," Tough lady am entirely at your service, can I take you back to your hotel?". Charlotte's eyes snapped, "Do you make a habit of accosting innocent women in parks under the moonlit?". " Yes, of course, I love women, but mostly when they crush on me and I have to save them," He chuckled, it was a joke but deep down he was a casanova. " But I needed to be put down, why didn't you?". " If only you had requested, I would have put you down but you commanded, meanwhile I gave you your wish eventually I put you down," Ronaldo replied, licking his lips without remorse " On a wet ground, messing my sleeping gown," She sighed. " My bad we are outside love, there are no chairs around here, only trees and the wet ground, or haven't you noticed," Ronaldo replied with a smirk on his face. " Sorry am kind of lost, that dose in your mouth is kind of confusing, I thought this was a lodge," Charlotte said sarcastically and stood on her ground " Am sorry, I was way back with my manners, whatever happened was not meant to happen," Ronaldo said cussing deep inside for not giving her a helping hand as she woke up. " But it has happened, we ought not to think about it, it was a moment of weakness, we both attest to that," Charlotte said formally, she was not regretting what had happened, but she was not going to love him or get married to this strangers with his arrogance. " You are beautiful," Ronaldo said abruptly as they walked on the path. " Stop giving yourself funny ideas, am not a lady that is flattered by mere flirts," Charlotte replied sternly. There was a void space that needed the be filled, and then s is the only man soo far who had made her squirm, Her grandmother had pointed out twice that h should marry him, though she was supposed to follow her thoughts, this one was not for the betterment of the Empire, And no one was going to rule her Empire while she was alive, she can't agree to her grandmother's taste. All of a sudden, she increased he strides, passed Ronaldo and trudged on brows rising, He watched her storm through the hotel gates, as he noticed the frowning glance she threw him, and with a toss of her head and chin, she marched forward towards the stairs. " Just a moment ago she was in my arms enjoying my touch, another moment she is throwing me evil glances like I took her virginity away by rape, thank God I stopped or else I will be in a police cell being reported for rape," Ronaldo shook his head and laughed softly. Charlotte got down the stairs and felt like she needed to teach the guy a lesson, so he would respect her when they met next time, She came running, and Ronaldo had just gotten inside the hotel and he wondered if she had forgotten something, so he stood glued to the ground She came straight at him stood in Infront of him and stared into his foxy eyes, She raised her hand and landed a very hot slap on Ronaldo's face, It got him unprepared, for when she stood there his manhood had decided to spring to life, and just when he thought of picking her up and racing inside the hotel and have a quick one, he felt the sting. " What was that for," He asked rubbing his cheek, his manhood shrunk to his stomach. " For taking advantage of a naive woman and teaching her how to kiss then pulling out when she needed more," Charlotte said her hands akimbo. " You call yourself naive, you are a professional, no woman can throw herself into a man as you did and stand to proclaim her naivety," Ronaldo replied with that deep authoritative voice. Charlotte threw that devilish glance at him and disappeared up the stairs, this man was not aware of who she was and was not giving her any respect like the men in her Empire, He does not belong at Nembus and She wondered where the hell such a man come from. " You still think that man is mine to marry," She asked he grandmother once she was settled in her room. " Yes my dear, it's the only man who can quest your anger and endeavours, he is perfect for you," Her dead grandmother's spirit was determined to see and be on the man's side. " Why do I have to be different, my mother ruled, you ruled wiweak menmen as your partners, why should you break the course, why can I be able liberty to choose my own weak man," Charlotte's begged. " Look around you, things have changed, this man is learned he has gone to school his mind is full of technology, he will be a great help to you and the Empire, don't disturb me again I want to rest," Her grandmother spoke. " We are good with our traditional ways, we get lots of income from the tourists, they love our living ways, what do we need technology for? " Charlotte replied but her Grandmother gave her no response, she had finalised her words, All she can do is wait and hear what was in the will but one thing remained clear she will not marry a ruthless man.
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