Friday April 14

1251 Words
Hello stranger... I think I just had the weirdest day of my life and something tells me that this wont be the last one... Rode to school on my own because Violet told me she was going to do something before classes, knowing her I learned to not ask if I dont want to get involved in weird s**t. When I arrived I recived a very clear signal that this day wasn't going to be normal, the same group of hot boys were near the spot I park my bike but the thing is that while I was macking sure the chain was closed all they ever did was stare and whisper to each other. When Abby arived she clearly noticed something was wrong " why are they staring at you like psychos?". The hell was I supposed to know, I knew as much as she did, which was nothing. After that weird moment we got tired of waiting for Violet so whe went into the classroom, we had literature at first period, great. Then all of the sudden I see through the window Violet using the most inappropriate clothes ever, the tinyest skirt and a f*****g tank top, hell was that girl going to die when I give her a pice of my mind. But as I was about to leave the room that green eyed boy entered, I was way to close to him, I could f*****g smell the colone he was using and it smelled like heaven. He looked at me dead in the eye and smirked as he held the door alowing me to leave, but as stupid as I am I just stud there like and i***t until I realized what was happening and blushed of embarrassment, great. I rushed through the hallways until I found my brainless friend wearing the most illegal outfit ever. Without even asking  I grabbed her by her wrist, lead her to the nearest bathroom and forced every girl to leave us alone. " Are you out of your mind?" I yell at her while she only smiles like an innocent child, "is this really your idea of flirting? Really?" I dispissed the idea of my friend having to look like a s**t just to catch his attention. " Oh little one, your still so inocent, maybe when you grow up you'll understand" she knew I hated being called like that and I wasnt giving up so quickly so I called Abby and told her  to come, when she arrived she didnt need to ask what was going on, a simple glance to my face expressions and Violet's clothes were more than innof, " s**t, really?" We both tried to convince her to take those clothes out but in the end we only got her to wear a hoodie. " Someone's late" was the greating that professor Brown gave us plus an extra big smile to Violet, disgusting. I wanted answers of the reason why my life was being compleatly destroyed so with a bit of rudeness I asked " aren't you too young to be a teacher?" Aparently I was the only one that was disturbed with this because every single girl turned to face me with the angriest face they had. He just smilled and ignored me, I never thought I would say this but I'm starting to hate the guy. It was horrible because it felt that the only person that was there was Violet, he only faced to look at her and after the class had finished she was asked to stay, I was about to f*****g burst .  After our break we had Spanish, I haven't told you this but I come from a Mexican family and lived most of my childhood there so Spanish was really easy. Our teacher asked the new kid to stand up and present himself, which professor Brown didn't do because he was to busy fantasizing with my best friend, gross. But taking that away something really nice happened when he stood up in front of the class, he only looked at me when he started talking, like if he was only directing to me, and I have to say, he had a really nice voice. But I cant let you with the intrigue of what he said and how he looks. His name is Damien, he's got clear skin, clear brown hair and the most wonderful eyes. He got kicked out from the school across the street because of a prank he made to one of his teachers, as he said that he looked quite proud,  he was a trouble marker, just hope he's not a f**k boy. When he finished he told the teacher that he didn't know how to speak or understand Spanish and I don't know if all the teachers have some kind of bet or something but he asked me this," as you know you are my top student and you have no difficulties with the language so I'm assigning you to teach Damien all you know about Spanish for the rest of the year". As he said that Damien's eyed showed a different kind of glow which made me blush, I didn't have a choice but to say yes and to help us concentrate the teacher lead us to an empty classroom where we could work, I was about to kill him. How could he leave me alone with the most attractive person ALONE in a classroom. When he left my brain started panicking because the only thing he did was smirk and look, after a while he said " I never knew that Mexican girls could be so hot" holly s**t, was he trying to kill me? I laughed nervously and took it as a joke, I think... I decided to start teaching him spanish but he didn't coaperate, he barely payed attention and as you know my pattience is not the best so when I couldn't take it anymore I stood up and looked at him " Look genious, I don't know who you think you are but you're clearly not interesed in learning Spanish right? So  I'm going to leave" Before I could even reach the door I feel his hand on mine as he says " No wait! I'm sorry, I thought you needed to laugh for a while but I promise I'll stop if you tell me to, just please don't leave". I pretended to play hard but on the inside I was jumping of happiness. For the rest of the class I actually had fun,  Damien is really funny and a really good student to.  I spent the rest of the day laughing and talking with him and my friends where in shock when school ended but before I left the classroom Damien told me to wait and whispered in my ear "I'm glad that I met you little one" then he handed me a paper and winked at me, s**t. As I was leaving the campus my two best friends came running towards me and started asking me every possible question and I get it, it was the first time I was socializing with a HOT guy. When I had finished telling them the only thing they did was look at me and then to each other after that they started screaming like crazy and then I joined them. " Our baby girl has grown up!" Abby screamed... I just smiled... Do some random s**t everyday Lost teenager:)
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