Second Chance

743 Words
Andrea Cullen POV "How are you feeling, b***h," Kelsey spat, savouring every moment of my suffering. I narrowed my eyes and summoned every ounce of strength to glare back at her. "w***e!” Amidst the agony, my mind replayed the tragic mistakes that led me to this wretched moment. It all started with Martin, the man I once loved and trusted. His betrayal had ruined my life and destroyed my family. Memories of happier times—of laughter, love, and a blissful home—flooded my mind, intensifying the pain of my present situation. How had it all come to this? Raindrops relentlessly pounded my bruised and battered body, mingling with the muddy water that held me captive. "You won't get away with this!" I spat. "You and your minions will pay for my family's suffering!" "I don't think I am going to pay for anything. Because I am the reason your family is dead, and you're going to be dead too," Kelsey laughed venomously, delivering a painful blow to my stomach. I couldn't help but wonder, who was truly to blame? Me? Martin? Or Kelsey? Regrettably, the truth seemed clear. I should bear the blame; my parents had warned me repeatedly that Martin was not the right man for me. However, I was blinded by his twisted version of love, and that blindness had led to this nightmarish reality for me and my parents. "Die, you b***h!" Kelsey's voice reverberated as she struck me once more with a hockey stick. "No, I can't…" My words trailed off as my determination clashed with my fading strength. Darkness crept closer, threatening to claim me forever. Desperately, I clung to consciousness, not wanting to die like a rat. "If I get another chance in my life, I am going to make everyone regret the things they did to me," I vowed silently, my eyes closing as I accepted my seemingly inevitable fate. Drip! Drop! I felt something cold and watery pouring over my body. My eyes fought against the pain, struggling to open. With great effort, I managed to look around, finding myself lying under the dark sky, surrounded by dirty mud. Am I dead? The question flashed through my mind, but the feel of rain drenching my body assured me that I was still alive. "Is this a second chance?" I asked myself, hoping this is reality, and I am back from my deadly death. As I lay there, my mind replayed the scene of my death. Kelsey's sinister face, her wicked laughter, and the pain she had inflicted on me and my family—it all swirled in my thoughts. I couldn't let her get away with her heinous crimes. She will pay for everything she does. With every ounce of strength left in me, I pushed myself and managed to sit upright. The rain plastered my hair to my face, and my clothes clung to my shivering body. "I will make you all pay," I declared. "Kelsey, Martin, and anyone who has wronged me—I will ensure that justice is served." A strange sound interrupted my thoughts, and I strained to locate its source. In the mud, I found something flashing, and then I realised it's my phone that is ringing. I immediately picked it up and saw who was calling me. I didn't even know which day or which year I was reborn. My phone displayed Martin McAdams's name, and I felt a wave of agitation just by seeing it. For this man, I spent one year of my life in prison too, taking his crime blames, but see what he did? Just like how my family said, he backstabbed me. I picked it up and put it on speaker. "Andrea, baby, where are you?" Martin's sweet-laced voice asked. I closed my eyes, remembering how before, just by his mere words and actions, I felt butterflies in my stomach, but now I felt nothing but disgust. "I'm not sure about that. f**k off," I replied and cut off the call, not wanting to talk anymore. I am no longer going to be the same Andrea who is going to get swept away by his so-called words. Not now. Not ever again. I am going to start from the bottom, taking my revenge on Martin, Kelsey, and everyone else who treated me wrong. I decided to call the only person I want to talk to in the midst of everything. "Hello?"
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