Chapter One : Three days before

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-Willow's POV- "So, you're telling me...That when I shift for the first time, I won't exactly remember everything?. Like how does that even work?" I looked at my mother, who was so eagerly explaining my first shift to me.. I mean eagerly, in a way that was quiet frightening to hear. Her voice kept raising and she was talking way to fast about this. Some parts weren't even making sense to me. "Oh darling girl, you have nothing to be afraid of. All I meant was that, you could end up in a field somewhere and you just won't remember how you exactly got there.. Or maybe you'll make your first kill and won't remember that either. Besides, it's not always going to be like that. you'll eventually get the hang of it and you'll remember everything" She responded before standing. My mother, such a way with words. "Riiiight...and now I feel super duper excited.. all of my bones are going to break while I shift, and nowww, I'll probably wake up naked god knows where and possibly have a dead bunny in my mouth!" What could be any worse then this. My mother laughed lightly before walking to the coat rack by the kitchen door. She barely had time to talk with me since the Luna had asked her to plan the twins 21st birthday. "Sometimes, can be very dramatic, But that's just how you are, It's you...and I know you're going to be perfectly fine...Naked, not naked...Dead Bunny or not. You'll be fine" She said as she grabbed her coat. She walked over to where I remained seated. She planted a kiss on my forehead before walking towards the door. "Don't forget, we are having dinner with the Alpha and Luna tonight..Be nice to the boys. I'll see you soon" And with that, she was out of the door. Be nice? I laughed at her comment. I was always nice to those boys. Sure I'd make some quiet comments to them, but it's nothing compared to what they say or have done to me. Luca and Miles, the future Alpha's. They are exactly the same, Identical. however Miles is way more aggressive then Luca. They are a rare set of identical twins. Not one thing is different. Their DNA is one, there is no way for someone normal to tell them apart. But for me, it's easy. Luca is more relaxed when he walks. Miles, well he moves like his always expecting someone to attack him or whatever. It's super annoying. As for their looks, well... Just like any Alpha, they are strong built with ash blonde curly hair that covers their forehead. Blue eyes that are annoyingly the same colour as the ocean. Almost god like.. Whilst myself on the other hand, I wouldn't say I'm bad looking..Or the best. I have my own set of dark curly locks. Hazel green eyes. I'm not model thin, I have curves. I run for fun and I enjoy reading romance novels by the river on the edge of the estate. Just the avarage girl. - As I readied myself for the dinner. I couldn't help but picture myself as a wolf for the first time. How it will feel running wild and free.. I pulled my dinner outfit from my closet, luckily I didn't have it on while I did my makeup. Not like I needed much of it. I only put a light amount of mascara on and some lip gloss. The last time I had a full face of makeup on in front of the twins, they couldn't help but laugh and call me a clown. I learnt the hard way. I put my baby pink coloured dress on and slipped into my tan coloured heels, spraying myself lightly with the perfume my mother had gotten me for Christmas. I stood from the edge of my bed and took a deep breath in. Preparing myself for the evening that will either go well or... I'm going to just hope it goes well. - I approached the front door of the Alpha and Luna's home. Gently knocking on it. The door was opened immediately by their house keeper Sonia, who let me in. "Willow Wilson, what a delight it is to see you. And might I say, beautiful as always" Sonia beamed at me as I entered the home. "Aw Sonia, it's always a pleasure when you open the door.. and thank you" I replied as she closed the door. "You're always so polite.. come, everyone is seated already" she said as she guided me through the home and into the dining room. Great, everyone's already seated.. Just my luck to be late. Something the twins won't let me forget. As we entered the dining room, Sonia nodded to the Alpha and Luna before leaving the room. "Ah here she is, we were beginning to think you'd gotten lost little lamb" My mother chimed. I half smiled before walking towards the table. "Alpha Kye, Luna Belle, thank you for the invitation to dinner" I said as I faced them and bowed my head in respect. "You're welcome Willow, please.. Have a seat" Alpha Kye gestured to the seat that was empty directly between the twins. The twins, who sat watching me. Miles with a smirk, eyeing my choice of outfit. Luca doing the same, except no emotion on his face. "Luca, Miles.." I Bowed my head to them as I said their name, before taking my place between them both. "Nice dress" Miles whispered as I sat down. "Have your B**bs gotten bigger?" he added as quietly as he could. I turned my head to look at him, smiling but making sure he could tell I was annoyed. "I am pretty sure the only thing that has gotten bigger around here, is your ego" I replied quietly before looking forward. "Don't do this" Luca whispered annoyed. "everytime" he added. I sighed and looked down at the table. My mother was in conversation with the Luna about the boys party, and the Alpha was requesting a certain bottle of wine from one of the servers. "So little lamb" Miles smirked as he looked to me. "You're finally going to be able to shift... I mean, you come of age... it breaks my heart to think you'll find a mate and leave us" he snickered before faking a pout. "Aw, it warms my heart to know yours will be broken" I retorted, keeping my gaze forward and not looking at him. Miles laughed quietly, and as he did the Alpha raised his eyebrow as he looked at me. I smiled respectfully. Thankfully at that moment the dinner was brought out. It was steak of course. Everyone except myself, had theirs rare. I still preferred mine medium rare. But that, I was told, would change. We began to eat, the boys wasted no time in beginning to devour their steaks. I however took my time, savouring the taste of a medium rare steak, possibly for the last time. - After dinner, the Alpha retired to his office which was next to their living room. My mother and the Luna continued to go over the preparations. I was sat on the living room couch, watching a weird romance movie. I'd had gone home by now, however my mother insisted on me waiting for her to finish. "Ugh, don't tell me you're into this whole true love sh*t" A familiar voice called as he entered the room. Miles. "Aren't you?, I mean.. you believe in finding a mate right?" I asked, however still did not look at him. "That is different... That means...What do you know of finding a mate?" He replied, he was agitated. "Obviously she knows nothing brother.. why do you waste your time with these conversations..." Luca's voice now entered the room. he stood next to his brother, facing me. I turned my gaze to them both now. They were annoyingly handsome. it was such a distraction. Trying to be strong in front of them was a difficult thing to do. "Little one here, probably doesn't know that identical twin Alpha's, well we have one mate... As we are one" "Actually, this little one, does know that... Luca, I may not have shifted yet. But I do know. This was not an attack on the subject of...I was only wondering why Miles would not view finding a mate, the same as true love" I spoke firmly when I addressed Luca. Luca raised an eyebrow at my response and chuckled. I have rarely seen Luca chuckle, and when he does it throws me off guard. "Sometimes, you don't get everything you want" Miles chimed in. "What does that even mean?" I replied as I now turned my gaze to Miles. "It means, who...who would want to... you're so mouthy it is so annoying" Miles spat back before turning to leave the room. Luca looked to his brother and back to me. "Every....time" he repeated what he said before dinner and he too then left. I sat on the couch, annoyed at what had just happened. But before I could wallow in it, I was saved by my mother. She was finished for the night and we walked home together. our home being out the back of this home in which the two future Alpha's of our pack, who despised me reside. I need to find a way to ignore them better. I need to find my mate and leave. This was all I could think about.

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