Ch. 5 I Could Teach You

1338 Words
Lisa's P.O.V. The abandoned warehouse came into view as I drove in, causing me to doubt I was in the right place. It made sense though, since according to Liv, this was all very secretive. I got down from the car, feeling a little too exposed as I walked up to the large man at the door. I recognized him as one of Liv's friends and immediately felt better. I think his name is Carter. "Hello Lisa, so happy you could join us. Liv and Lucas are inside already. You may want to hurry downstairs. Her fight is about to start," he said as he opened the door behind him for me to enter. "Thanks," I barely muttered as I walked past him into the poorly lit warehouse. I was almost tempted to extend my hands out to make sure I hit nothing, but decided I'd look too much like an i***t in a place like this. I followed the sound to some steps that led down. When I reached the top, I could see the door being held open by none other than the viking himself. Davis looked hot as hell as he leaned against the door with his arms and ankles crossed. Those arms were so big, I wondered what it would be like to be wrapped in them. When our eyes met, everything went still. It was like the world stopped, and all I could hear was the thundering of my heart. I froze for a moment under the gaze of those blue eyes. "Glad you could make it. She's starting now. We better hurry so you don't miss it," he told me with a hand extended for me to take. I looked at it for a moment before slowly placing my hand on his. His hand was powerful, calloused, and large, but what I loved about it was how gently he held my hand. With muscles like his, you would think he wouldn't know the definition of gentle, but he clearly does. The warmth that came off his hand warmed my numb skinny fingers in an instant. I was sad when his hand let go of mine. I was tempted to reach out and grab it again. I stood beside him as I looked up at Liv in the ring. His eyes were boring into the side of my face as he looked at me, but Liv captivated my eyes at the moment. Liv was like a dancing fire in that ring as she spun and twirled around her opponent. She dodged every punch like she knew it was coming and where it would hit. Her fists were small, but caused enough damage to make her opponent fall before her. It was only a matter of minutes before they announced her the winner. All I could do was stare at her in awe. She is what I aspire to be, strong and powerful. "Pretty amazing, isn't she?" Davis asked me, forcing me to look at him. "She really is. I wish I knew how to fight like that," I admitted so lowly that it surprised me he heard me. "I could teach you if you like," he offered, catching me off guard. "Really?" I smiled excitedly, squeezing his hand. "Yeah, give me your phone. I'll put my number in and you can text me when you're free or when you want to start." He held his large hand out. I fished my phone out in an instant, letting him save his number. I had lost the card he gave me with his contact information on it the last time I saw him. I felt bad about it, but I knew if I really needed it I could have asked Liv for it. He typed quickly, handing it back to me. "Let's go congratulate our winner." He smiled at me. He had a really kind smile, one that made you forget his intimidating physique. His hand grabbed mine again as he led me towards the back. I locked my eyes on his broad shoulders, which parted the crowd as if he were Moses and they were the Red Sea. Everyone moved for him the moment they saw him. Lucas wrapped Liv in his arms as they tenderly kissed. The sight brought both happiness and envy for what they have. Mostly I am happy for them, happy that my little brother could finally find joy in his life again. I do envy what they have, knowing I'll never get that. Chris is a nice guy, and I'm sure he'll make a nice husband. It's just weird, it feels like we're having to do everything backwards since we only know each other because we have to marry one another. I don't know, it's hard to describe the feeling. "You were so great, Liv. I see why Lucas enjoys watching you fight," I said with a smile, having let go of Davis' hand the moment we were in front of them. "Thanks." She smiled so brightly at me, somehow swooning my heart even though I've never been attracted to a woman. She was absolutely beautiful when she smiled like that. "I wasn't sure how you would feel after you saw me. I was worried you wouldn't like it." "Are you kidding? I f*****g loved it. I want to be you when I grow up, Olive." She laughed like I said the most absurd thing, even though all I did was speak the truth. Liv is strong, physically and emotionally. She stood up to her abusive father, beat the s**t out of him as she spoke her truth to him. Maybe one day I'll be able to do the same. Sadly, Dad is a proud man and a powerful one at that. If I ever beat him up he'd throw me in jail in a heartbeat. With my dad, I'd have to use a different approach to beat him. "You're older than me, Lisa." She giggled. "Yet, you're more accomplished." She blushed at my words. Liv is so modest. It's like she doesn't know just how amazing she is. We all see it but her. I think that's what makes her even better. Maybe one day I can be just as special. "I wouldn't say that," she said, shaking her head in disagreement. "Of course you wouldn't. That's why you're so great, Liv." "Alright Twinkle Toes, don't forget to collect your money and let me know when you're able to fight again. I know with Abi you're going to have a harder time getting into the ring, but don't get rusty on me. Got it?" Davis pointed his finger at her playfully. "Got it," she said with a nod and a smile. "Are you coming back to our place?" Liv asked me as she grabbed Lucas' hand. "No," I shook my head. "I'm going to stay a little while longer. I want to watch how people fight." Liv's eyes widened in surprise before they wrinkled at the corners with a smile. It was as if she were excited that I wanted to see other matches. "Have fun," she told me. "Take care of her." She pointed at Davis with narrowed eyes this time. "Don't worry. I'll take great care of her." Davis eased her worries, but his words did something to my body. Am I developing a crush on the viking? "I'll see you tomorrow to take my niece shopping," I reminded her. "Oh, trust me, I haven't forgotten," she laughed while heading out with Lucas. I watched them leave, unable to keep their hands to themselves as they walked away. Lucas clasped her hips as he guided her past the crowd. I could see the hunger in both their eyes and I figure Abi will have a little sibling soon if they aren't careful. "Can you teach me now?" I turned and asked Davis, ready to learn how to fight right this instance. "Now?" He asked surprised. I just nodded my head. I want to get stronger.
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