Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 “This stinks,” Shane said, looking over his shoulder at his house. Inside, he could dimly hear the happy noise of his family getting ready for dinner. Beside him, his girlfriend Alexa sighed unhappy agreement. “When are we ever going to get some time alone?” she asked. She put her hand on his thigh. “I’m so horny for you I can hardly stand it, Shane. I like your family, don’t get me wrong. But they’re always…around.” “Tell me about it,” he said sourly. “At least you don’t have to live with them.” “Oh, don’t be such a sourpuss, babe. Your mom is great, your dad is nice, and your brother and sisters…” “Are a royal pain in my ass,” he groused. “Oh, stop it!” She leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I would have loved a younger sister or two when I was growing up.” “You can have both of mine. Buy one get one free.” But his mouth curled up in a smile as he hugged his girlfriend close. It was crazy how things could change in just a few short months. Shane and Alexa had been next-door neighbors for years, ever since Alexa and her parents moved in when Shane was about seven. For years he had thought of her, when he bothered to think of her at all, as the spoiled little blond-haired princess, who got whatever she wanted from her doting parents and wore pink way more often than any sane person really should. On her birthdays and Christmas her father seemed to bury her under an avalanche of presents. Although, Shane was willing to admit grudgingly, she was always willing to share. That had all changed a few years ago. They went to the same school, of course, and were in the same grade. And it would have taken someone a lot less observant than Shane to not notice the way Alexa’s body changed as her teens rolled by. She would never be very tall, he thought. And she didn’t have a huge chest, either. Alexa was built like a ballerina or a gymnast, rich curves at chest and hip overlaying a spring-steel athleticism that made her a terror on the football pitch. Shane had kept his distance at first, dating other girls and losing his virginity in the process. But somehow nothing really lasted, and one afternoon he had found himself inviting Alexa on a date. One date had led to a second, and then a third, and by the time they had graduated from high school they had been going out for months. The only fly in the ointment was their complete inability to get any extended time alone. It was enough to drive them crazy, especially when they were so hot for each other. Oh, they got a few minutes, here and there. Enough for long make-out sessions where they could kiss and explore their bodies. Just today, they had been in Shane’s bedroom, where he had been able to get Alexa’s top off and play with her breasts. But that idyllic interlude had been rudely interrupted, just when things were starting to get exciting, when his sister Michelle and her BFF Carla had tromped into the house like a troop of elephants and set up shop in her bedroom, right across the hall from his. Alexa had shrugged back into her bra and blouse, smiling wryly as Shane cursed under his breath. All he wanted was a couple of hours! Enough time to get naked and finally screw. Or if not screw, maybe o******x. Alexa had teased him, rubbing him through his pants and telling him how bad she wanted him in her mouth. It was crazy, it really was. The way the girly-girl he had known for most of his life could turn into a whirling dervish on the football pitch, and then into a dirty-mouthed little minx when they were alone. But they didn’t have enough time alone. Both he and Alexa had taken jobs almost before the ink was dry on their high-school diplomas. They were both going to university, of course, but his parents and Alexa’s mother were united in their insistence that they not laze away the time between graduation and the start of their university careers. Crystal, Alexa’s mother, had found her an intern spot at her company, which supplied materials to pharmacies all across Queensland. Shane had scored a spot at a lawn and garden center, unloading the trucks that brought in material every morning, and helping customers load up their own cars and trucks with bags of mulch or topsoil or paving brick. It was hard, dirty, sweaty work, but it was putting layers of muscle on his arms and shoulders. Alexa, he was happy to note, had been more than a little appreciative of his tan and his improved physique. Sighing, he stroked Alexa’s blond hair, dyed pink at the tips. It gave her an adorable, pixie-like quality. But he would rather have seen that hair spread out over a pillow, and her naked, nubile body lying under him as he took her for the very first time. “I swear,” he muttered at last. “I would give dang near anything for a couple of hours when it was just us. No parents, no family, no worries. Just you and me.” “Oh?” Alexa smiled up at him, her eyes mischievous. “And what would we be doing, with all this free time?” “I think you know,” he replied, pulling her into his body in a strong hug. Taking one of her hands, he placed it at his groin, letting her feel how hard he was for her. “Mmmmm.” Alexa’s blue eyes went briefly wicked as she gave his erection a squeeze. “Looking to give this monster a happy home?” “He would like to move in for a while,” Shane replied with a cheeky grin. “Or at least take a tour. See what the neighborhood is like, whether there’s any problems with the plumbing, that sort of thing.” Alexa’s smile grew wider. “Well, there does seem to be a leak, because things are getting very wet down there. Maybe you’d like to check it out?” He turned toward, her, his hand sliding up one hot, silky thigh, glistening with sweat. If they couldn’t screw, at least they could fool around some more… “Shane!” His younger brother’s yell, seemingly only a couple of inches from his left ear, made him jerk away from Alexa in an instinctive flinch. “Mom says we’re going to be eating soon, so you better come inside and clean up.” He gave Alexa an adoring look. “Hi, Lexi.” “Hi, Peter. How are you doing?” his girlfriend asked, for all the world as if Shane hadn’t been robbing her hot little crotch only a few seconds ago. No jury in the world would convict me, he thought, glaring at his eleven-year-old sibling. A little tar, a little feathers, and I could set him out by the side of the road as a warning to every other little toe-rag who doesn’t know enough to mind his own business. “Tell Mom I’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” he ground out at last. “I’m walking Alexa home.” “She lives like thirty feet away,” Peter protested. “I said,” he repeated, standing and towering over his brother, taking advantage of his full height, “I’m walking Alexa home. You have a problem with that? No? I didn’t think so.” “It’s not his fault,” his girlfriend said as they paused at her front steps. “You should be nicer to him.” “He’s a pain.” “Yes. But even pains have some redeeming qualities.” She stood on tiptoes to kiss him, sighing as his hands came around and cupped her perky bottom. “After all, you do.” He snorted, despite his frustration. “And he might grow up to be bigger than me, too. That would be awkward, if he decided to get even some day.” “Mmmm,” Alexa agreed, melting into his arms. “Text me tonight?” she asked, wriggling out of his grip. “If we can’t do the nasty, at least we can talk.” “Absolutely.” He gave her a last kiss, and watched, sighing as she slipped into the house, giving a final wave as she did. But it wasn’t a text that had him staring at his phone later that night, wide eyed with shock and growing exhilaration. It was a phone call. “Shane!” Alexa’s voice was pitched low, but he could hear the suppressed excitement. “Guess what? Mom’s going out with a bunch of her friends tomorrow night. One of those dinners where they all get blotto and sit around afterwards gossiping about their ex-husbands and boyfriends and s**t. And she says she won’t be back until late. I mean, real late.” “Oh?” he replied numbly. Crystal, Alexa’s mother, was an attractive, dark-haired woman who had starred in several of Shane’s late-night fantasies when he was making a deposit in the old s***k bank. In public, she always played the role of the confident executive. But based on looks he had caught her giving him over the last year or two, he had often wondered what might happen if he went over one day when Alexa was out and put the moves on the sexy MILF. And to hear Alexa tell it, Crystal had a little bit of hell in her when the timing was right. It might have even been the reason her and her husband broke up several years back. “Yeah!” Alexa’s voice went lower, practically whispering. “We’ll have time, Shane. All the time we need.” “But I can’t take you on a date and then park my car in your driveway afterward,” Shane protested weakly. “Everyone on the damn block will know what we’re doing. And I’ll probably catch seven different types of hell from my parents. You know they act like you’re still in grade school.” “Why don’t you sneak over?” “And have the cops show up when your alarm system goes off?” he scoffed. “I don’t think so.” Alexis made a miffed sound. “The way you’re acting, I’m not even sure you want to fuck.” “No, wait!” Panicked, his voice rose. “God, Alexa, you know I want to. But I just want it to be right.” His girlfriend made a conciliatory noise. “Well, if you don’t want anyone knowing, then you can just sneak in my bedroom window.” “What?” “Sure! It’ll be romantic, just like in Romeo and Juliet.” “Doesn’t everyone, I don’t know, die at the end of that?” Alexa sniffed. “Details. Focus on the big picture.” Which is getting laid. Shane thought hard, wishing his bedroom was on the other side of the house where he could actually see Alexa’s bedroom. But there was a trellis that extended all the way across that side of the house, he recalled, clad in some sort of climbing ivy; wisteria, he thought. If the wood wasn’t falling to pieces with rot, and he was careful, he could probably make his way up to Alexa’s bedroom window. You’re going to end up breaking your neck. On the other hand, he was really horny. And Alexa had been teasing him for weeks. It was anyone’s guess when they would get another chance. And he wasn’t willing to wait another day. Or even another hour, to be honest. Not as long as he could finally see his girlfriend naked and screw her. “Are you sure she’s going to be out late?” he asked. “Are you kidding? Her and all of her friends usually get half-tanked. Mom will probably end up going to the bars and picking up some guy and going back to his place. Or she’ll dial Dad for some good old-fashioned hate-fucking.” She snorted. “I swear, they’ve been divorced for five years, but they still can’t quit each other.” “Gross.” “Whatever. Are you working tomorrow?” “It’s Saturday,” he replied wearily . “Of course I’m working tomorrow. Every rich t**t in Brisbane is going to be coming in to complain about how their stupid flowers aren’t growing exactly the way they want them. And I’ll probably have a bunch of skanky old cougars slipping me their numbers while their husbands aren’t watching and telling me they wouldn’t mind if I came over to give their place a ‘special inspection.’” Alexa’s tone turned frosty. “You just make sure you stay away from them. Anyway, when you get home tomorrow, make a big deal about how tired you are and how you need to get to bed early.” She giggled. “And then you can sneak out. I’ll be in bed. And you can wake me up in the very best way.” Her voice grew low, smoky. “Does that sound good to you, babe?” “You know it does.” “Good. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. And if you’re very good,” she purred, “I might send you a present tonight.” His heart was pounding, and he wanted to be in her bedroom with her. Not tomorrow. But right now. “Should I send you one too?” “No, babe. When I unwrap you tomorrow, I want it to be a surprise.”
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