Chapter two

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They both went on to their respective classes. Lana is in Senior class two and her two sisters are both in junior class two. Lana is still in tears as she walks into her class. The teacher in the class turned to face her as she walked in. She hates late coming as much as she hates being interrupted during her period. "Why are you late?" the woman asks. Lana doesn't know what to say to her. It's not like they would even understand her misery so she just keeps quite and looks to the ground, wiping her face drenched tears. "Get out of my class" the teacher says. She looks up to plead with the woman but the look on her face tells the young girl that she is not in the mood for that. She quietly walks out of the class and stands by the door. The poor girl is upset that she came late and now she also missed her class, how could this day get any worse, she thought. She stands there for almost thirty minutes and then the teacher walks out of the class room. It seems like her period is over. "Follow me" the says and walks away. She didn't needed to be told again as she hurriedly follows the woman. On the other hand, Tanya and Maya are lucky enough that their is no teacher in their class when the walked in. They both walk up to their respective seats. Tanya continued with her crying session while Maya walked I've to her friends, as if nothing ever happened to them. She turned over to see that her twin sister is still crying. "Excuse me" she says and pulls away from her friends. She knows that her poor sister has been through a lot today but she can't do much to ease her pain. It's not like this is the first time this ever happened but seeing her sisters in pain is something she is never accustomed to and she never will. She knows just how to conceal her pain to the world but her sister over their is so venerable. "Hey" she says as she sits on the chair next to her sister's. Tanya looked up, looking at her sister through her red eyes. Her face is swollen as well. "Don't cry, you know I hate to see you cry" Maya says. Maya can be naughty and mean sometimes but she is always there to give her sister a shoulder to cry on, Tanya thought. "Come here" she says and pulls her sister. She hugs her tightly and keeps on patting her back till she stopped crying. They both walk out of the class to go to the toilet so that Tanya can wash her face and look presentable again, that was Maya's words. The class stood there, watching how Maya is comforting her sister. They have never seen Maya tear up, not even once but her sister is like a water works, she crys every other day if not all but no one dares to make fun of her or they will get it from Maya. She once broke a boy's teeth for taunting her sister. "Tell me, why do you keep on coming to school late?" the teacher asks as soon as she is seated. "You are one of my best students but you always seem to toy with your attendance, why are you playing with your future before is even started, you know that punctuality is the key to all success right?" the teacher asks again. Lana's head is still bent down. She is trying hard to force the tears in her eyes. "So tell me, why are you always late?" she repeats the question. "I'm sorry ma'am, this will never happen again" she apologizes. "I hope so, but that will only happen if you get rid of the thing making you be late all the time" she says. The woman sure does care but she doesn't know that the root of her late coming cannot just be cut like a grass on the ground. "Yes ma'am, I will" she says. "That's good, not just you, also try and get your sisters to come to school early, we don't want you ruining our school's image" a man sitting next to the woman says. She just nods. "You can leave, you have class now, right?" the woman says, even though she knows she have class. "Go then" she adds without waiting for reply from the girl. The day went by so fast but for the girls, it was the longest they ever had to live on this earth. The school is finally is finally over so they went over to their secret hideout, they only place they could be themselves without being criticized. They also have another motive for going there today. They all what to know what happened to them and how they manage to get out of that foreign shuttle. But to their utmost surprise, there was nothing in the place that was occupied yesterday, not even the huge hole that the shuttle made. "But how is that possible?" Maya asks. She was sure that she saw that thing over there yesterday along with her sister and they almost died in there. "Maybe it wasn't real after all" Tanya speaks. "But it's not possible for us to have the same dream at the time" Lana says, confused just like her sisters. She can still feel the electric shock forcing itself through her veins. "But there is nothing here now" Tanya says, pointing to the place that was occupied with the shuttle just yesterday. "Maybe it flew away" mays says. "That's possible but as you can see here, there is no evidence at all that it was even here" Lana points. They all sit there, thinking about all the possibilities. "You know what, let's all forget about all this, let's focus on our studies, it might just be a dream like Tanya said, so just let it go and be happy that we didn't die after all" Lana says. "Yeah, I agree" the twins say at the same time. From then on, the bring out their books and start to study and Maya will occasionally complain that she doesn't want to study at all. Everything is back to normal, or so they thought. Later in the evening, the head back home to meet up with their step mom, they are 100% sure she has all varieties of work and punishment to give them till midnight maybe, that is why they do all their school work before heading home.

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