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Lily was playing her violin with full concentration. It was looking like she forgot everything surrounded her. She was diving in her violin tone. Everyone was looking at her with praising eyes. Actually she was playing her violin inside the music room of her college. Her friends were listening her playing. She was looking beautiful naturally. She wore a blue colour cape top with light blue colour jeans pant. Suddenly her phone ringing out inside her pant's pocket. She stopped playing her violin instantly. She kept her violin on a small table which was beside her. She pulled out her phone from her pocket. She saw her phone's screen. It was her Dad. She took a deep breath. She looked towards her friends and signalled them to keep mum. They could easily understand that maybe it was her dad or grandfather. Lily received the call. Her dad yelled out, “ Where the hell you are Lily? Didn’t I tell you to come for the lunch at home? You knew very well some important guests will come at home for a lunch party.” His tone sounded like a angry bull. Lily knew very well he was hell angry on her. Lily said with normal tone, “ Dad. They are your and grandfather guests. They aren’t mine guests. By the way I don’t have any interest to hear about business related topics. And I had some important works in college. I will come home at evening.” Her dad said with anger tone, “ Your so called important works! When you will grow up Lily? You should just concentrate on our family business like your sister. Learn something from Bella and Leon. You are good for nothing.” Lily tried her best to control her anger. She took a deep breath and then released a deep breath. She instantly said out, “ Okay. Bye Dad.” After saying that she cut the call. Her best friend Gigi said with questioning look, “ What’s going on Lily? Is everything alright?” Lily said with shaking head, “ Father and daughter's talk. Let's go. Today I will give you guys afternoon food trips. You guys could order anything and I will pay the bill.” Jon said with smiley face, “ That’s great. I will order many foods. Please pay the whole bill.” Andy said with disbelief expression, “ Come on Jon. You should follow the diet control chart at this age. Always thinking about foods. I really couldn’t understand how you maintain your body fit. You eat lots of food but still your body is fit and perfect.” Jon said with toothy smile, “ It’s my secret. Now let’s go. Lily which restaurant you want to take us.” Lily said with smile, “ You guys can choose. But please don’t choose my dad's restaurant otherwise he will definitely kill me. Maybe he is thinking I am still in college campus and I will directly go to home from college.” Everyone started laughing after hearing her words. Lily's father had a restaurant in London which was a well known restaurant in London. Actually it was their Felipe Line Corporation's restaurant. Amy said with smiley face, “ Lily you are really something. By the way tomorrow night don't forget to come at the club for my birthday celebration. Lily your brother always like to forget my birthday. Please help him to remember to come at the club.” Lily said with mischievous smile, “ Why I would do that? He is your boyfriend. You should know how to control his brain, mind and.........body.” Amy glared at her. Everyone started laughing after seeing the face of Amy. She became all red due to shy. Lily entered into her home. Felipe house was a luxurious mansion type house. It was two storied luxurious mansion. Lily's grandfather Noah Felipe made it with lot of love and care. When Lily was about to enter into her bedroom her grandfather Noah's words stopped her. Noah said with hard tone, “ Lily you should attend the lunch party. Why you didn’t come? You always like to do whatever you want to do. [Lily looked at her grandfather with fearful face.] Don’t forget that Felipe's family blood are running inside your body and veins.” Lily said with fearful tone, “ Sorry grandfather. Actually I had some important works in college that’s why I couldn’t attend the lunch party.” Lily only scared around her grandfather. He had that personality to scare her easily. She also respected him so much. Even though her grandfather always liked to give her lectures about her career. He didn’t like her studying in arts faculty. He told her to choose business studies. But Lily chose arts faculty because she didn’t have any interest in business studies and business career. Noah said with his hard expression, “ Lily I think you should put some concentration in business. It would be helpful for you in future. You are a girl, you aren’t boy. You couldn’t become Pablo Picasso. Don’t make my head lower in shame. Don’t forget that our royal blood are running inside your body. Learn something from your elder sister Bella. I am already tensed about our business situation. For last two years our corporation is facing the loss. If it will continue for more few years then we will lose everything. Our company will bankrupt soon if this condition will continue. Try to concentrate in our family business.” Lily only nodded her head. She didn’t utter any word. Her grandfather left from there with his long steps. She signed with relief. She said to herself, “ Thanks god! Why they always like to give me lectures? I don’t want to be business women. I want to be painter. Painting is in my blood, mind, brain and even veins. Why they cannot see my talent? Even few months ago they didn’t come to my first exhibition gallery. Everyone praised about my paintings. The professors of my college were so proud about my paintings though I painted only five paintings. But they were at the centre of everyone's concentration. All my professors said that my paintings were exceptional than other students. I am the best student in my arts faculty. But my family couldn’t understand that. They only care about business and money.” With irritating mood she entered into her bedroom. Her pet cat “Spark” started making sound when it saw her to enter into the bedroom. Lily instantly went near her cat. She took Spark in her arms. She started massaging Spark's upper body with loving and care. Spark's full body was covered with black hairs. Lily loved her pet cat so much. She said with loving tone, “ Oh, my baby Spark. Did you miss me so much today? I am going to the washroom. After that both of us will eat our dinner together. I don’t want to go to the dining room to eat with everyone. I am sure dad is fully ready to give me more lectures for that lunch party. I don’t want to hear more lectures. My stomach is already full because of their boring lectures.” Lily put Spark on her bed. She kept her college bag on the bed and after that she instantly went to the washroom to take a warm shower. Mickey was waiting outside of Lily's mansion. It was early morning. Today both of them made a plan to go for bike riding. They planned to go the hill areas. Mickey wanted to click some photographs of hill areas and Lily wanted to go with him. That’s why he was waiting for her at this early morning with his bike. Suddenly he saw Lily. She was coming towards him literary cheerful mood. Mickey smiled widely after seeing her. Lily instantly went towards him and sat on his bike's back seat. Lily said with impatient tone, “ Start your bike. I don’t want to be late. I want to roam around the hills. It’s already 7:00 a.m. You know very it will take one and half an hours to reach there. Hurry up Mickey.” Mickey looked behind to see her face. He said with irritating tone, “ I came on time Lily. It’s you who came late. I waited for you around 20 minutes. Now you are talking like that I am the late person and you are very punctual person.” Lily said with smiley face, “ It’s okay Mickey. You can wait for........more one hour because you are a boy. Boy should always wait for a girl. And by the way I am the little princess of Felipe family you should give me some respects, you should feel honoured for waiting.” Mickey started laughing after hearing her words. Lily said with irritating tone, “ Why you are laughing? Stop your laughing Mickey.” Mickey said between his laughing, “ Beautiful.....princess.....I don’t......want to....wait....for....you....more longer. I am not your prince charming. [Mickey stopped his laughing. He said with mischievous smile] Your prince charming maybe waiting for you in his palace. I am just a normal guy. I am not a prince charming or a rich guy. I don’t want to waste my time waiting for you. You know very well I have to shoot some natural photos of hills for a client. I will get a good amount of money for that. It’s my part-time job. You shouldn’t late Lily. If I don’t get the good photos then trust me I will kill you with my bare hands.” Lily said with irritating tone, “ Okay, okay, I got it. Now start your bike. You could never understand my feelings you dumbo.” Mickey said, “ I don’t want to understand your feelings. If I try to understand then I will definitely become insane.” Lily playfully hit his back. Mickey was busy in his photography works. He was clicking the photos of beautiful scenery of the hills. Lily was seeing around. This place was really beautiful! She took a deep breath to remove her all stress and worry. She looked at Mickey. She said, “ Mickey. Don’t you want any girlfriend or wife in your life? You are 21, you should choose a girlfriend or wife for you. You should choose your best friend as girlfriend and wife. I mean you have only few options. You should choose between Gigi and me. We are still single. Gigi, me and you we are best friends from childhood.” Mickey stopped his photo clicking. He looked at her and started laughing. Lily became so irritated because of his laughing. Mickey said, “ You are really insane Lily! You know very well I don’t believe in all this ridiculous relationships. I am fine by myself. I don’t need any girlfriend or wife. You know very well I love my free life. You are also like a free bird. I really don’t know which ghost spelled his magic on you. You are talking about girlfriend and wife. I am a vagabond type person. I want to see the whole world without any restriction. Didn’t you always said to me that both of us will see the whole world? You also like to travel around. We already went some countries with our friends group. But still we have to travel for more countries. You know very well I am doing this part-time job only for that. I need money for travelling around. You are different because your family are rich. They can give you anything.” Lily nodded her head because of irritation. Mickey! Mickey! Why the hell he couldn’t understand her feelings for him. She really liked him. He was such a fool. Lily said out, “ So you want to be single for the whole life. Listen dude I can wait for you. I am not sure about Gigi. You know very well she was in relationship with some boys. Her bad luck any of them weren’t sincere with her. Though two boys were sincere with her but still she broke up with them. I think she cannot match with your vagabond types behaviour. But I can Mickey. You are exactly like me. You want to be a famous photographer and I want to be a painter. Both of us perfect for each other. What do you think?” Mickey again started laughing. He said between his laughing, “ You are crazy Lily! Many rich, smart, talented boys are crazy about you. They want to be your boyfriend but you rejected them all. You don’t care about boyfriend. You always said that you are a free bird who only like to fly in the open sky. You don’t want to chain yourself in any kind of relationship. Now you are telling me we are perfect for each other. You become crazy Lily. Which ghost possessed you? Did you eat something wrong at the early morning?” Mickey was laughing like a lunatic person. Lily said with irritating face, “ Stop your laughing Mickey. You f*****g moron. You i***t. Stop your laughing now.” It was really hard for Mickey to stop his laughing. But he controlled his laughing. He said, “ Never talk like that in front of me. Lily, it will definitely give me heart attack. I cannot bear your different personality. My Lily is a free bird like me. Come on dude stop your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife topic. Let me do my works. I still have to take some more photos.” Lily released a deep breath. Mickey was really a duffer! He never could understand her feelings. Why the f**k she started to like him! She shouldn’t like him. How could she fall for him? He was her best friend, her best buddy. She was also a fool. Mickey could never accept her as his life partner. She never liked any boy for her boyfriend or life partner because maximum boys were flirty types. Boys could only think about physical relationship. But Mickey was totally different. He never involved with any girl. He had just few female friends. Only Lily and Gigi were his best childhood friends. Lily always wanted to be the queen of one man's life. She only wanted to rule that guy's heart and mind. She wanted to be that guy’s first and last girl. Mickey was exactly like that. But that duffer couldn’t understand her feelings for him. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He was number one stupid. Lily was driving her car. Gigi was sitting beside her. They were going to a park. That park was near the London city. Today was their off day from college. Lily and Gigi planned to go that park. Lily liked that park because that park was fully covering with various types of trees. She stopped her car near that park road. Gigi looked at her with questioning look. Gigi said, “ Why you stopped here? You should stop the car to that park road.” Lily said with smiley face, “ First let me call my dad. You know very well how pain he is for me. He told me to go his office today but I already planned to come here. Now I will tell him that you are in hospital that’s why I come to the hospital to see you. I will tell him you broke your one leg because you slipped on the bathroom floor.” Gigi was looking at her with anger. She said with irritating tone, “ You moron! You liar! You are my number one enemy. How could you think ill about my health? You broke my one leg!” Lily released some irritating sound from her mouth. Lily said, “ Oh god! It’s just a normal lie dude. You know my dad very well. Dad and grandfather are dancing on my head because of their business. They want me to give up on my painting career. But I couldn’t do that. Painting is my dream. I want to be a painter. Business is not in my head. I don’t have any interest in business.” Gigi said, “Okay, Ms. Painter now call your dad. You are such a liar. Your dad and grandfather are really something. Couldn’t they see your talent in paintings? All our professors always praising about your painting. I am damn sure one day you will become famous painter.” Lily looked at her with smiley face. Lily took out her phone from her pant's pocket. At that moment a car hit her car from behind. Lily and Gigi screamed out because of that. Lily's phone dropped down from her hand. Lily and Gigi looked behind instantly. Lily started cursing under her breath. She hurriedly got down from her car. 
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