Chapter 21 : Agony Of A Prince

3898 Words

The Circle Hunt, The Sighing Seducers Prince Nana of Lade reached out suddenly and held Joni's arm, forcing her to stop running, and he turned her to face him. He held her upper arms. Her green eyes looked into his, and he saw a sudden look of alarm flickering in her eyes before she tried to step away from him. "Prince Nana," she said, her voice hard. "We need to move on. Here is not a good place, and your Hunt is not over yet." He noticed that her eyes were fixed on his chest. "Look at me, please," Nana said gently. She did not. "Danger looms," she said softly. "Over there are our pursuers, evil hearts from Planet Earth, and beyond them, the wall of fire. More doom looms ahead of us, I'm certain. This is not the time for chitchat!" "Stop it," he said softly. "Please, stop it."

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