Chapter 3

1072 Words
My eyes were glued on the creature in front of me. It took me a few seconds to notice that she had a different pair of ears. It somehow reminds me of a wolf since she also had a tail behind her, slowly wagging at me. What kind of creature is she? She looked like a completely normal person when I first saw her! “Can you understand me?” she asked, raising her head. Her golden eyes stared at me with wonder. “Maybe I need to speak other lang—” “No, I can understand you,” I told her, still in awe. I glanced at her and could not help but to wonder if she is the lycan that my family talks about, because if yes, she looks completely harmless at all. I don’t even think if she can snap my neck with a single move. And I was told that the lycan is a he. “Oh, that’s great then!” she responded with a grin. “I thought I had to speak all human language to find out what we will be using for the next one hundred years,” she added, puffing an air of relief. I just stared at her. I don’t know what to say or do. I am completely frozen on my feet. “I am Milly, the personal attendant of the Alpha Zachary,” she introduced, gracefully bowing her head to me. “Yelina,” I coldly answered. My eyes were stripped off of emotions as soon as I remembered what is waiting for me. “Where is the lycan?” “Oh, it seems like someone is excited to see the alpha,” she teased and let out a giggle. “You’ll meet him soon, Lady Yelina. But before that, let’s tour the domain first.” My brows furrowed before I looked at her. “For what purpose?” “For you to familiarize the place; so you won’t get lost?” she hesitantly replied with an awkward smile. “Are you making a fool out of me?” I snapped. I had enough. “Just bring me to the guardian of this realm.” “But he told me to tour y—” “Just bring me to him!” I shouted, eyes widened in anger. I clenched my hand as I bit my lower lip to contain my raging emotions. My shoulders are going up and down as I take slow, deep breaths. “You can’t fool me anymore. I know your schemes already,” I calmly told her. “You can skip everything and just go directly to the main purpose why I am here.” “But I was strictly told to help you get used to this place,” she murmurs, pouting her lips. “If I bring you to him right now, Alpha Zachary will scold me again for not following his orders.” She looked at me with glistening eyes. I can see tears forming on the edges of her round eyes. “Just bring me to him or we will not get anywhere here,” I insisted. “O-Okay.” She turned around and I saw her tail tucked between her legs. Her steps are slow and robotic; hands are hanging midair as her shoulders fell. I averted my gaze and looked around. And that’s the only time I noticed how magical this place is. I am walking in a path made of nebular lights and the rest around me is nothing but a massive space of complete darkness. When I turned around, panicked got ahead of me when I saw the nebular bridge slowly fading. I started walking faster while glancing at my back from time to time. “Don’t worry, you won’t fall,” Milly told me when she saw me acting weirdly. “The bridge detects us, so when we try to go back, it will reappear again,” she explained. I tried taking a step backward and she was right. A half smile flashed on my face as I found it quite mesmerizing. But that smile soon vanished as I was reminded I won’t be in this place a few hours from now. We continued walking until we reached a doorway. The walls surrounding it are made of bricks. “This way, Lady Yelina,” she told me as she pass through the doorway. I followed her and was welcomed by a long, dark hallway made from probably gray bricks. The only sources of light we have are some torches both sides of the hallway. The place is so quiet. The only noise I can hear is our echoing footsteps. But as we continue to walk further, I was able to hear more noise. There are rays of light coming from different directions, too. And it was not long when we reached the end of the hallway and was welcomed by a spacious room. My eyes widened when I saw more creatures like Milly. The only difference is that they have different colors of ears and tails. They all have canine fangs and share the same eye color. And I somehow found it cute when I saw them wagging their tails at me with wide smiles on their faces. “Everyone, this is L—” “Milly...” A cold voice with overflowing authority cut her off. The moment that voice was heard, Milly and the others quickly got on their knees and bowed their heads. I traced the direction where the voice came from and was surprised to see a massive, two-tailed white wolf with a pair of piercing silver eyes. The wolf soon shifted right in front of my eyes. I saw how it turned into a fair-skinned, towering, and muscular man with midnight black hair and silver eyes. He grinned at me when our eyes met. I lowered my gaze to avoid the eye contact, but it was a bad choice. Now I fully understood why everyone bowed their heads; it is not to pay respect but to avoid seeing this man’s nudity! I felt my face burning before I decided to turn around. “Are you the one with the lycan’s mark?” he asked before I felt his presence behind my back. “I am Zachary, the alpha of this domain, the guardian of the Northern Gate, and your mate.”
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