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The hall of the school can’t get any crowder than this. I tuck my elbows in as I stare into my phone. My favorite artist had just released a song and I’d be lying if I said wasn’t look forward to listening to it. Some time after we had entered the school’s gate, Abel's arm had found its customary area around my waist. He pulls me closer to his side, peering in to get a closer look over my shoulder. His silver hair bushes forward, alerting me of his action. I choose to ignore him. The panel of the music video slowly zooms in on a handsome visual. Soft chocolate eyes are staring into the meadow of flowers that adorned the colors of a setting sun. I watch with awe as the camera angle gradually retracts. There are no words to describe how I’m already loving the music already. The scenery’s magical, a blossoming cherry tree as the heart of the video. The soundtrack’s heart-melting, soothing, not too loud or soft. And not to mention the vocals. Heavenly. Abel pulls his arm away, feeling a little tinge of jealousy erupting in his stomach. It’s been happening far too often. And what’s worst is how he can’t accurately pin point the reason why. At times he’d find the image of Elka popping in his mind out of no where and without any reason. It be during his alone time, or with his family yet all the time throughout those dates set up by his mother. As he settles on his side of the desk, he runs his slender fingers across the ocean of his shiny white-grey hair. He pokes in the inside of his cheek, facing Elka who’s totally dazed by her phone. At this rate, it’s taking him sixty percent of his will-power not to snatch that phone and break. He blinks, perplexed of his urge and the strange feeling taking over. Shaking his head, he pushes those thoughts away. What’s wrong with him? He’s never felt this way towards Elka before. Eventually he’s stripped from his inner turmoil as the classroom door opens. As always, the teacher steps in with a stoic expression on her face. She scans the room with hawk-like eyes. Axeyl peeks towards Elka who had already gotten rid of her phone. And with a satisfied nod, the teacher opens her mouth to begin today’s lesson. - After a long day of school, I can’t wait to get home. My head’s pounding with a migraine due to that surprise test we took for calculus and I think my nose’s feeling stuffy. I’m the first the escape the walls of my classroom, in dire need to inhale some air outside. Abel catches up on me, smiling like a baby bunny that's just had their first cupcake. It doesn’t make sense I know but that just how he looks like. “First the party and now class?” He chuckles, ducking to playfully bump his shoulder against mine. I understand what he’s trying to insinuate. Usually it’d be him forcefully dragging me out of school. But obviously he’s missing out the point. Loona, another good friend of mine called in absent today. I’m the last one to leave because of her. And it’s not like I can meet up with her anytime I want. Her parents’ are strict as a rod. If I do plan to meet up with her, sometime within her schedule, then I’d have to devise a plan that won’t get the both of us in trouble. I lift a brow towards the smiling teen beside me. “You look happy today.” He shrugs his shoulders, well-built muscles moving underneath his shirt. “Scored perfect in that pop quiz. Who wouldn’t be happy?” The awful reminder makes me scrunch up my face with revulsion. “If I didn’t know you were a werewolf I’d have guessed you cheated.” It’s suppose to be a friendly joke but he surprisingly took it seriously. Suddenly he isn’t smiling anymore and walks ahead like I don’t exist. I snicker under my breath. So he's allowed to say things like that and I don’t? If that’s the behavior he’s giving me then so be it. I journey to the path heading to my home, sending a faint see you tomorrow towards the silent Abel before we finally part ways. After a second, at least I’m given a faint hum as a respond. I arrive home after a few minutes, wanting nothing more than to get some sleep. Stripping myself from my outfit, I hit the shower. Nothing can beat the refreshing feeling of when water hits skin. Once I’m done, I put on some comfortable clothes and head downstairs. The pitter patter of the storm doesn’t go unnoticed as I descend down the stairs. A howl echoes along the storm, sending a shiver down my spine. Even if I'm friends with a wolf, I don’t think I will ever get used to them. Last time Abel had tried shifting in front of me, I ended up losing conscious. Maybe it was due to the overwhelming feeling that had rushed through my veins. I’m used to seeing Abel in his human form. Not his other counterpart. But as far as my mind can recall, his wolf's fur had the color of the night. Dark mesmerizing crystal blue for eyes. Afraid of me fainting again, Abel chose to never shift in front of me again. My door bell suddenly goes off, alerting me from the couch I was on. I’m not expecting anyone right now. Getting up, I saunter toward the door and peek through the little hole. A wave of familiar bushy hair greets me from the other side. What’s he doing here? I swing the door open and there he is standing before me. Clad in a gray sweatshirt that’s puffy on his body, along with some cargo shorts. “What are you doing here?” I question. Abel lifts an arm up, showing the plastic bag he’s holding. “Im here to keep you company. Thought you’d be lonely without me.” I lift my eyebrows up unamused. I can’t tell him to go back. With this awful weather, he’ll probably catch a cold.Do werewolves get sick though? I don't know. I’ll ask him that later. I step aside and allow the glowing man to drag himself in before closing the door.
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