Chapter 5

1900 Words
Ray, Haven, and Isabel quietly led the survivors to the buildings on the outskirts of the city. They got inside safely, and the place was enormous. Inside the building, chairs lined in rows on one side of the room, and rows of lockers lined the other. An open staircase led to the second floor, with separate men’s and women’s bathrooms and shower rooms. Between the restrooms, a sky bridge extended to another building. The other building contained floors and floors of bedrooms, a cafeteria, and a gym in the basement. “This is the old shelter for the homeless,” stated Isabel and smiled. “It’s perfect!” chimed Haven, and Ray and Isabel nodded. Ray looked around the room, noticing several windows around the place. He wondered if the panes of glass would protect the Diggers from the Basilis’s stare but didn’t want to take any chances. The Earth Guardian looked at Haven and Isabel in question. “Listen, tell everyone to cover these windows in case that monster decides to slither through here while we are gone,” Ray instructed, and Isabel ran off to tell the survivors. Haven turned to Ray, looking at him seriously. “Are you going to let Isabel come with us?” asked the fairy, and the Earth Guardian shrugged his shoulders. “Do you think it’s a good idea? I mean, she almost got herself killed. She’s not trained for this, Haven,” he breathed, and the fairy looked at Ray thoughtfully. “It doesn’t hurt to have help. Besides, I think she did pretty well with no training.” Ray looked at his Fairy Guardian in shock. “If it weren’t for me, she would be dead. I can’t protect her all of the time,” he whispered, and Haven looked at him and sighed. “I know you can’t, but she has made her choice, and we must respect that.” “But what if that serpent shows up? What then?” Ray asked. Haven softly chuckled, flying over to the guardian and putting her hand on his cheek. “Not to worry, my noble guardian. Have faith that things will work out,” the fairy whispered, and he looked at her oddly. “How do you know for sure?” Haven looked at him with glowing eyes. “I can feel it,” she said, and Ray smiled. “Okay, I trust,” he stated, and his smile faded. The green fairy looked at him with concern. “What’s wrong?” Ray glanced at her, then the floor sadly. I miss Riah, and I am not used to having someone on my team that I have to worry about. Isabel isn’t immortal like you and me,” he breathed. “I know you miss her, and you will see her again. As for Isabel, I believe she can handle herself,” Haven encouraged. “I hope you’re right. Riah is the one who keeps me grounded, and she always knows what to do.” “Maybe you should appreciate how much Riah is there for you and show her when you get home,” suggested the fairy, flitting over to Ray’s shoulder and sitting. “I do, and this has shown me how much I need her.” Haven nodded. Isabel walked up to them, and Ray and the fairy looked at the girl. “The villagers are covering the windows, and the children are in the play place down in the gym. This was a good idea to bring them here,” Isabel reported, and Ray nodded. “Good. At least everyone will be safe,” breathed Haven, and Isabel nodded. “So, what is our next step?” asked the girl, and Ray heavily sighed. Ray didn’t want her going with them again. She could get hurt or worse, but what choice did he have? Unfortunately, he had no argument. The Earth Guardian wished Isabel would come to her senses and stay with the others. She would be safe and could annoy someone else. Ray chuckled at the last thought and then looked at Isabel as he straightened. “We should eat and rest. I want to discuss some things with you before we head out again. Nothing extreme, just a few pointers you could use while we are fighting those things out there,” he stated, and Isabel gave Ray a thoughtful look. “Alright. Sounds good to me,” she said, smiling. Haven and Ray exchanged looks, and Ray looked at Isabel suspiciously. “What?” Isabel scoffed. “You haven’t argued or protested with me once since we got here,” Ray exclaimed, and she smirked. “Well, you saved my life out there. I was out of line before, and I am now willing to put my differences aside,” Isabel stated, and Haven smiled brightly. The Earth Guardian smiled at the girl because he realized this would make his quest far less complicated, less annoying, and maybe he would be able to bring Isabel back in one piece. “Thank you,” Ray stated, and Isabel nodded. Delete Created with Sketch. That evening the Diggers found enough food to make a hearty meal and feasted while Ray went over pointers with Isabel and Haven. He told her she needed to keep her head on a swivel when they were out there because he wouldn’t be able to protect her whenever there was trouble. Also, Ray told her they would have a training session in the morning before heading out. He wanted to prepare Isabel as much as possible in their short time. Isabel agreed without argument. She wanted to learn as much as possible before facing those horrible creatures again. Also, she searched the buildings for something that would protect her from the serpent’s stare and found a pair of welders’ goggles. Isabel put them on, saw the lenses were blacked out and thought the goggles were perfect. After that, Ray, Haven, Isabel, and the survivors went to the bedrooms and turned in for the night. Delete Created with Sketch. Over breakfast, a group of Diggers told Ray about the gym in the basement, and he thought it would be the perfect place to spare with Isabel. Ray thanked them, and after breakfast, he and Isabel headed downstairs. When they reached the gym, Ray and Isabel looked around for things to train with. Isabel located a tub full of thick bamboo sticks, and Ray smiled as he grabbed one. The Earth Guardian studied the weapon for a moment. It was sturdy, and he could tell it would take a lot of pressure and force to break. Happily, he grinned at Isabel as he twirled the rod in his hand. “Izzy, these are perfect!” he appraised, and Isabel looked at him oddly. “Izzy?” Ray looked at her and nodded. “Thought, now since you were a team player, you could use a nickname,” he chuckled, and Isabel thought for a moment. “I like the sound of it.” “Great. Do you know how to spare?” Ray asked, and Isabel nodded, grabbing a bamboo stick. “Let’s get to it,” she breathed, looking at him, and Ray nodded. Ray and Isabel took their place and held their sticks at the ready. Ray looked at her and shot an impressed look. “You have great form, Izzy. Just make sure you keep your eye on your opponents. All of them,” Ray stated. Isabel felt a flutter in her heart, hearing her new nickname on his lips. Suddenly, she felt her cheeks getting hot and shook the thoughts from her head. Isabel looked at Ray cleverly. “Are you asking if I know how to fight?” Ray tilted his head and smirked. “I guess I will find out soon enough,” he chuckled and gave Isabel’s rod a warning tap. She gave Ray a mischievous look and scoffed. “I hope you brought your A game,” Isabel teased, and he smirked. “I hope you brought yours.” Suddenly, Ray repeatedly banged the ends of his weapon against Isabel’s, and she took a couple of steps backward. Quickly, she regained her senses and fought back. Swiftly, Ray used the end of his stick and swept Isabel’s feet out from underneath her. She landed on her backside and groaned, looking up at Ray. “You have to be quicker than that,” he teased with a dashing smile, holding his hand out. Cleverly, Isabel grinned at Ray, grabbing his hand, but instead of helping her up, Isabel twisted his wrist, flipping Ray over her head. Ray landed hard on his back and groaned. Swiftly, Isabel did a kick-up and landed on her feet. She looked at him and giggled. “Maybe you should pay more attention,” she snickered. Ray blew a breath, chuckled, and got to his feet. At that moment, he noticed the Diggers that had crowded the gym. Ray and Isabel looked at them, then at each other, and smirked. “Looks like we have an audience,” Isabel chuckled and picked up her water bottle. Ray laughed and nodded as he wiped his forehead with a towel. Isabel smirked at him, shaking her ponytail, and stood in the fight position. He looked at her for a moment, and Isabel tilted her head. “What are you waiting for?” Ray smiled and raised his weapon. “Alright. Let’s do this,” Ray breathed, and he and Isabel began battling. Suddenly, Isabel hesitated and took a step back. Ray was now in control and had the upper hand. Simultaneously, they banged their weapons together, and he backed her into the wall. She smiled at him as soon as Isabel’s back touched the concrete. Ray found himself lost in her eyes for a moment, and she noticed he was distracted. Isabel took the opportunity to swipe Ray’s feet out from underneath him, and she giggled as he hit the floor. Ray looked up at her, and she grinned triumphantly. “Clever girl. Very good,” he stated and grinned. Ray grabbed her leg without another word and knocked her to the floor. Isabel landed on her back, and he quickly jumped up and straddled her. He put his forearm to her throat, and she looked at him with wide eyes. “As I said, never take your eyes off of your opponent. Even when you think they are down for good,” he said with a straight face, searching her eyes, and Isabel only nodded. Ray pulled his forearm away from her neck and reached his feet, holding his hand out. Isabel looked at him for a moment and cautiously took it. Ray gently pulled her to her feet, and Isabel looked at him as he held onto her shoulders. “Remember to use their strength against them. Step in when your attacker steps in. Don’t step back. You cannot second guess yourself, not in a war,” he instructed, and Isabel nodded. Ray let go of her shoulders, picked up his bamboo weapon, and stood at the ready. “Again,” he commanded, and Isabel picked up her stick. They continued their training session until lunchtime, and Ray hoped it would be enough for her to make it through the journey.
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