Ch 3 - Assistant CEO

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Emily gaped at the coffee. Her eyes would dart to his face, then the coffee in disbelief. "Yes, ma'am. It's Oliver," he smiled at Emily, but she knew that smile. Something sinister was going on in his mind. Her anxiety only rose, seeing his innocent smile. "What are you doing here?" She asked, standing up from her seat. He appeared unfazed by her question and looked at her as if she had said nothing. "Oliver. What are you doing here?" She asked again just so he could hear clearly. Lifting an eyebrow, he sat on the seat in front of her and waved for her to sit as well. Emily sat down quickly so he could start explaining. "Well, you know how eager I am to work with you. So, I asked dad about how soon I could join---" "You should have asked me!" She interrupted him and felt like pulling her hair. But Oliver continued as if she had never interrupted him. She didn’t ask for that. Oh God! "---he said as soon as I could. And clearly, he makes decisions here, so I asked him." "Your dad does have his own investments here but he doesn't make decisions. He is pushing me to work with you, otherwise, I would never have hired you even if I had to die a thousand times," Emily snapped. She felt like pulling her hair in frustration. To her disbelief, she would have to see his face every day if he was going to work at her company as her assistant. This was a nightmare and not to forget the amount of drama that would be happening in her office. Oliver's face contorted in anger seeing her anxious. "You think I want to work with you? I don't want to see your stupid face every day either. I would rather be with any of my girlfriends than serve you coffee." Girlfriends? Huh... Why was she surprised to hear it? His love for other women always took priority over hers. She should not hate him for this but she did. “So sad that your playboy days are over. You’re going to grow up finally,” Emily taunted him and saw Oliver’s nostrils flare. She felt satisfied with her comeback, knowing she had pushed the right buttons. “Watch your mouth, Emily,” Oliver said, crossing the distance between them and making her back away. “I am your boss now, so you better start treating me like one,” Emily said, trying not to show that she was even a slightest bit dominated by him. Oliver took a deep breath while glaring at her and stepped away from her. “It’s better if you remain my boss only and not bring my personal life here,” Oliver said while stepping away and Emily nodded, looking away. “I agree that we keep this professional,” she said and picked up the desk phone to call her secretary. “My secretary will show you your office and everything related to work. You’re my assistant from now on, so you will be accompanying me to every meeting, seminar or conference held. The main goal for you to work with me is for you to learn so your Dad can handover one of his companies to you ASAP.” Oliver nodded, still standing with his back to her. “Look at me, Oliver. I am talking to you,” Emily said, and he turned to face her reluctantly. “I have talked with my Dad and the sooner I am done here the better it is for me,” Oliver said. “Yeah, better for everyone,” Emily said, and asked her secretary to come and show Oliver his office. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Oliver entered his office as the assistant CEO and sighed, looking around. So this was going to be his workspace, not the gym where he spent hours working out. He wondered if he would have time for anything else. Emily’s secretary, Erwin, knocked on the door and entered. “Mr. Hansen, if you need any assistance, I am a call away,” he said to Oliver, and then went back to his office. Oliver sat on his desk and opened the laptop provided to him by the company. He was reading about Emily’s company, which was a startup and was growing rapidly month after month. He couldn’t deny that Emily was doing great. After she had left university mid year, where they were studying together, Oliver was worried how she would continue her studies, but he could see that she had done quite well on her own. Then his mind wandered to the past when she left the university due to his stupidity. ~~~~~~~FLASHBACK STARTS~~~~~~~ Oliver went to his apartment with his mind distraught. He had no idea how he was going to deal with Emily. For the past week, he had been avoiding her and he had done everything he could to reduce the awkwardness between them. He remembered the dark night a week ago and knew that he was stupid, weak and horny. That could be the only explanation why he had felt compelled to kiss Emily that night and was unable to stop until they both had gone too far. He had set the path for destruction of their friendship on that night and was now regretting it. His actions were going to cost him his friendship with Emily and he couldn’t bear to lose his best friend because he was unable to control himself in a moment of temptation. It wasn’t entirely his fault though. She had looked beautiful in that white dress he had gifted her on her birthday. That cursed white dress! It was all that dress’s fault for making her look unearthly gorgeous. He was even unable to get the image of her out of his mind when he had torn that dress off her body, revealing silky smooth skin begging for his kisses. And he hadn’t held himself back. He had preyed on her body like a man starved for s****l gratification. Emily was a moaning mess in his arms and Oliver had known that she wanted him as soon as he touched her. All had gone to hell for their friendship that night. It was annihilated. The next morning, both of them had realized what a mistake it had been and he had apologized to her repeatedly, which she had meekly accepted. Though he knew he had hurt her by crossing the boundaries of their friendship, she forgave him easily and agreed that they should move on and forget it happened. He had let it go, knowing it was for the best. And then he had continued to avoid her for the whole week, because he was terrified of facing her and remembering that night. He wanted to get that night out of his head and he had tried everything to achieve that, but what had made him forget was Emily’s letter. After not being able to find Emily for the whole day, he had called one of Emily's friends to ask about Emily and she had informed him that Emily had left the city. Emily had left a letter on Oliver’s dresser and he immediately opened it. “Oliver, I know what happened shouldn’t have happened and I know you regret it, but I am afraid our friendship is ruined or at least it’s not the same as it was before. If there is any chance for us to normalize again, then maybe we should stay away for a while to get over this difficult time. Emily. Difficult time? Oliver was furious about reading the letter. He called her multiple times but she never picked up. Oliver finally gave up and let her be. “If she thinks I am going to beg her to come back, then she is deluded. It was her fault as much as it was mine…” Oliver muttered to himself and threw his phone away, determined not to contact her again. ~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK ENDS~~~~~~~~ Oliver looked in the direction of Emily’s office through the glass door and saw her looking at him from her office. She picked up her phone and then he saw his office phone ringing. He glanced at the phone and then at Emily. A smirk formed on his lips as he stared at her. He was going to give her a taste of her own medicine.
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