My First Day Part 2

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                                                                        Crissy's Pov:                                 Welp I made it here at 9:47 it's a little early but early is on time right? I thought to myself nervously but with determination at the same time as I walked through the door.                            " Hello Crissy don't be shy in the kitchen everyone has already been told to stay out of your way but if you need dishes cleaned they have been tasked with that. I have 5 entrees on the list already they are all chicken entrees lets see you work." said Marquan excitedly.                         He was in a nice dark maroon suit with at bow-tie. Wowww we aren't in middle school anymore huh? To be honest with you he was actually looking really good I haven't seen Marquan since middle school. He moved to another state. Who knew that we would both wind up in Virginia together 12 years later. Okay now I need to get back focused with the food. I really hope that he didn't see me gazing at him because I am totally married and that is not something that I am going to do. Cheat. Besides he has a girlfriend and she's beautiful and she's sweet and she's also my co-worker. Walking into this kitchen i'm a little nervous because I have no idea what he wrote on this paper.                        " Chicken With Mandarin Salsa, Chicken Artichoke, Chicken Alfredo, Chicken Gnocci Pesto Soup, and last but not least Chicken Spanish Dip Bread Bowls." said Marquan with hunger in his eyes.                        " Ok now shoo I do have some impressing to do don't I," I said with a slight chuckle and nervousness in my voice.                        A little bit of this and a little bit of that I was finishing up my last dish the " Chicken Spanish Dip Bread Bowl". So far all my other dishes were a hit with the other chefs but Marquan hadn't said a word since I brought out the first dish. Did he not like them? Was I putting too much of myself in the dishes and less of the original recipes? I didn't know but I sure as hell was losing my confidence that I had this job in the bag.                     " Here I have your last dish of the night ladies and gentleman I present to you " Chicken Spanish Dip Bread Bowl" with a slight touch of my own recipe of course. Let me know what you guys think good and bad." I said looking at Marquan with my eyebrow slightly raised. So far all of the chefs were loving there last meal wishing I could make more dishes. Now it was Marquans turn to criticize.                       " Sooooo boss what do you think", I said nervously.                     "Just give me a moment", said Marquan his voive a little broken up. At first I thought it was because he was eating and maybe he had food stuck in his throat. Oh God I made the bread too dry. I thought to myself.                     " Would you like me to grab some water. I'm sorry if the bread is too dry", I said as I started to walk towards the bar.                    " No. I don't need water." he said with a tear rolling down his cheek. I didn't know what to say to him so I let him sit silently until he was ready to finish his critique.                    " Every single dish that you have brung to the table tonight has been everything that the food in this restaurant has been missing since my dad died. You brought emotion and passion to all the dishes tonight. I would be way more than honored if you would become the head chef of my restaurant," he said with puppy dog eyes.                    " Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to be the new head chef here I love to cook and I know that I will do a great job here and I will not let you down." I said jumping up and down. Wow I haven't been this excited since my wedding day.                    " Great you start tomorrow." said Marquan.                   " Wait start?" I said with my eyebrow raised because I thought I was going to be in training the next 4 days.                     " Yes start. You don't need training I never thought you needed training in the first place. I saw you on netflix and knew from the start you had talent but we all needed to see that up close and personal." he said with a smirky grin that I found to be so attractive.                  " Well thank you what time do I start?" I said clearing my throat, trying not to stare at how gorgeous he was looking tonight. After seeing him get emotional over my food something that meant so much to me it was making him a little bit more attractive to me.                   " We start serving customers at 12 p.m with our lunch menu. At 4 p.m we switch over to dinner and we close typically at 11 p.m. I closed early tonight for your trial run. I would like for you to be here at 9 a.m sharp to help with prep for the first 2 weeks. Just so you knows what goes into doing prep, letting the other chefs things that you need prepped outside of what they already know and learning your way more around the kitchen. After those 2 weeks you will need to be here at 11:45 just to get setup and be ready to start taking orders. Are we clear? I know the hours would be long but in this restaurant we dedicate our lives and time." he said very sternly. You could tell that he takes his business very seriously and with it having 5 stars I didn't blame him " Gotcha! See you tomorrow boss and to everyone it was my pleasure cooking for you guys tonight." I said as I walked out the door and proceeded to my car.
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