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(Tayla's POV) I was in my last competition before the US championship in ice skating. One of the things I loved was ice skating. It helped me escape my troubles. I was just going into a camel spin when the lights went out. The ring was dead silent, and just the emergency lights were the only thing on. I looked around but all I felt was a heavy coldness wash over me, the coldness went deep into my bones, it was suffacating. That's when I heard it, a soft growl behind me, a chill ran up my back. As I slowly turned to face her, the beast had a beautiful white fur coat, which was now covered in stains of blood, her mouth had droplets falling from it. We sat there just looking at each other, but soon she ran right at me. I wanted to run. Run and pretend that I hadn't seen her, but we both knew better. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. When she hit me, I fell back but it wasn't onto the ice. I was back in the lab. I was being taken on a stretcher, strapped down and drugged. How I remember that feeling so well. I looked around scared and helpless. Then here came the one with the needle. All I could do was watch as they injected me with God knew what. I awoke with a jolt, my body still remembering the feeling of the drugs they had given me. It almost killed me. I looked down at my arms, still wearing the scars of the needles and cuts from where they took skin. Two years ago, my best friend and I were attacked by a stalker. We thought the worst he was trying to do was assault one of us, but we didn't take into account that he was a werewolf. He attacked us both, and we both went to the hospital. The only downside was that Arya ran out of the hospital, while I was still in a coma. After I woke up, they were surprised I had survived, and they sent me on my merry way, but that first full moon. I changed and my father, being the CEO of whatever he did, had me hunted down. Next thing I knew, I was in a lab, being used as a rat for testing. I looked at my arms, and just sighed. Even two years later, I was still having nightmares. My phone rang at that moment, making me come back to my senses. I picked it up. "Hello?" "Tayla, we have another one." "Okay, send me the info." "Yup." I hung up and rubbed my face, with a sigh. Then I got up to shower and get dressed. I looked at the clock, it was at least six in the morning. Eva was an early bird like that. After I escaped the lab, I came to find out I wasn't the only one that had been attacked. What I found was that it was happening so often and nobody was looking into it. Girls as young as seventeen were being attacked. I made it my mission to save them and help them have as normal lives as they could. From the change to having a normal job and life. Before I knew it, I had made my own female pack of wolves. There are about six of us now. All living in different parts of the city, and we would only keep in contact by phone, email, or text.We meet once a month to hunt. Eva and I always had our ears to the ground, just so we got to the victims, before the lab did. Often the first question is, why didn't we join the guy packs. The sad truth was I had never really found one. Well, one I would trust with all my girls. I regularly went to a bar that had a lot of supernatural beings coming in. I had only seen but never talked to any of them. I had become friendly with the bartender, who was a wolf himself. He explained a lot of things to me. One of them is the hierarchy of the wolves, especially with the males . We as women were seen pretty much at the bottom, unless we were mated to a wolf, then we got our status from them. I had come to kinda do the same with my girls, like Eva was considered my second, and then you had Ivy as my third. Both women were in good jobs to keep me informed of things. After I got dressed, I opened my computer, and checked the information Eva had sent me. Cassi Haunt age: 19 Was attacked two months ago, parents have called the police in two occations. I looked at the picture of the girl. She had been attacked by a teacher, her music teacher. He was still on the run after the attack. I checked the address, it was twenty minutes away. My phone pinged and I checked. It was Eva. She was downstairs in her car. I grabbed my jacket and headed out. When I jumped into the car, she drove off. "Did you see the information?" "Yes, what I don't understand, why?" Eva looked at me, a little confused, but then understood. "These bastards are preying on the vulnerable. I looked into it a little bit more. Cassi's mom just got remarried, she's was widow, with just Cassi and with one on the way." I looked at Eva. As my second I shared with her and Ivy a few things about myself, as did they to me. She knew that these kinds of cases were a touchy subject for me. All six women have had their stories. Each with its own horror and great sadness. A few minutes later, we arrived at the house. It was just a bit outside of the city. When we got there, things were being thrown out the door. "Eva," I said as we hurried forward. Found Cassi on the ground in a heap of tears and cries. "Get the hell out of here!" "You can't do this, this is my home...!" "Cassi, just leave, John doesn't want you here and...." "Cassi." I said. She turned to look at me, as did her mother and her stepdad. I looked at the parents, then back at the pitiful girl before me. When our eyes met, she ducked her head and exposed her throat a little. She knew who I was. I knelt down and picked her up. She was shaking. "We're not going to hurt you." said Eva, coming to put her hand on Cassi's shoulder. "Take that freak away from my house!" said the stepdad. "Shut up!" I yelled at him. He was in shock. I looked at the mother and gave her a disgusted look. She shyed away a little. Then back at the girl. I nodded at Eva and she walked forward to the parents. She had them sign a kind of acknowledgement that this girl was not kidnapped, or forced to leave with us. "What the hell is this?" the stepdad took the contract, and barely glanced at it. "This is a contract stating you saw us take, Cassi, and that we are safe from you putting charges on us for kiddnapping." "Where are you taking her?" asked the Mom, but the stepdad shut her up. Glared at Cassi, then signed the paper. "Just make sure that freak doesn't come back here!" he snapped. Eva ripped a pink sheet too and handed it back to him. "This is also a restriction order. If you do anything against her, or go looking for her to harass her, we will press charges." "Like I said, take her and make sure she doesn't find her way back here." he said, glaring at Eva, and then walked back into the house, slamming the door shut behind him. We then helped Cassi, pick her things up, and got her in the car. The trip was quiet, as she cried silently in the back. Once we got back to my apartment, she walked in and looked around with a little hesitation. "Come in, I know it looks bad, but you won't be here long, I promise." With that, she walked in and sat down on my couch. Eva handed her a glass of water, which she took and drank it down. As we took a seat across from her. "So what now?" "That is really up to you." I said, looking through her file. "My life is over!" she suddenly got loud and angry. She looked at us as if we were stupid for suggesting she have a life. "Is it really?" I said, showing her that I wasn't scared of her, but she didn't stop trying to intimidate me. "I lost my mom, my music scholarship, everything!" "First of all, your mom turned her back on you, the scholarship wasn't taken away, but I bet you've been scared by what happened, and as long as you wish to continue you haven't lost a thing!" I said firmly. She just shook in fear, anger, sadness. "Why did this have to happen to me?" she whimpered and cried. "That's not the point now. Now you reevaluate your life and ask yourself, do I want to live or let this beat me?" "How can I live like this, I can't....I don't know how." she whimpered and broke down in tears again. "We've been there, Cassi, but we chose to live and thanks to everyone around us. We've made it." said Eva. Cassi looked doubtful and wiped her red eyes. "Okay," she said, after a long pause. After a little talking, I took her to the guest bedroom. She was asleep in a second. "She'll be easy pickings for any predator out there, she'll have to stay with one of us." I said. Eva nodded in agreement. At a knock came to the door. Eva went over to open it. "I got your message, sorry I'm late!" Said Ivy. She followed Eva in and turned to look at Cassi, who was sleeping. "Poor kid." "Kid, she's a year younger than you!" whispered Eva. Ivy looked at me and she was thinking the same, they were getting younger and younger. "What have you two heard about these attacks?" "Nothing. Either the media is keeping a tight lid or they have no idea these attacks are so close together," I said. "You going to the bar tonight?" Eva asked me. I usually went to the bar at least once a month to keep myself in the loop of things in the packs. I haven't gone this month yet, but then again I'd go at random anyway. "No, but seeing as this is the seventh attack on a woman, I think I'm going to have to." "I just don't think these attacks are normal, and we really need to know what the guys are finding." "Oh, I wish I could go with you," said Ivy. Eva and I stared at her. I smiled but Eva shook her head. "Girl, you a hoe." Ivy playfully pushed Eva, who pushed back. I turned to leave and they soon followed. I ended up letting Ivy come with me. Eva stayed with Cassi at the house. Ivy and I got dressed and sprayed with our scent cover. Just a hint of an acorn was present. We took a taxi. It was a fifteen minute drive. Once outside of the building, Ivy got out of the car, and made a face. I paid the cab driver and he drove off. "Are you sure this is the place?" "Wait until we're inside." I said, walking forward. She followed behind me. Before my change, I never went to bars, but now a girl has got to do what girls got to do. "Ladies." The man at the door handed us some masks, the kind like for a masquerade. Our masks were black and white, with pretty designs on them. "Stay close." I said. As we walked into the bar.
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