Chapter 3: Then

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Was it possible to miss someone you've never even gotten to know better? Because I think I am missing that one specific customer who orders strawberry cake and a tall Espresso Frappuccino. He’s not here today and I don’t know when he will be here…if he will be here again. “Anything wrong, Ma’am?” Eula asked me. Oh. She must have noticed how sad and bothered my face is. I smiled and shook my head. “Nothing. All is well…” Eula sighed and sadly looked at the entrance. “It’s been two weeks since he came by…” she said lifelessly. Angelica, who just finished serving a customer their drinks, joined the longing and sighed in defeat. “You think he will come by anytime soon?” she asked her friend. “I hope so…” Eula replied, full of hopes. I watched the two girls sulk over that one customer. Well, I can’t tell them that I am sulking, too, can I? Besides, I think it is insane to miss someone I am not even close with. It is ridiculous. My phone suddenly rang. It’s Seraphim, one of my two best friends. “Hello,” I said as I answered the call. “Lily, we still on for the wedding cake, right?” she asked in panic. I chuckled. She’s getting married in two days and she’s been bothering me about the wedding cake. She wanted a big one and she tasked me to bake it. I’m planning on doing it tomorrow so I could deliver it in pristine condition on her wedding day. “Of course! Are you okay?” I asked her back. Seraphim is always in a panic mode. She’s easily stressed. I guess her stress levels increased during her wedding preparations. She’s a constant worrier and wedding preparations could be really, really exhausting. She wants her wedding to be perfect, because who doesn’t want that? She heaved a heavy sigh on the other line. “It’s just…” she paused, seemingly not knowing what word to follow. “Jude and I are so stressed over these wedding preparations. It makes us think we should have had a secret shotgun wedding somewhere so we don’t have to go through this mess.” I laughed. Oh, she could be so crazy sometimes, too. Actually, it runs in our friendship circle. “Everything will be fine. I’ve already bought everything for the cake,” I assured her. She sighed, this time in relief. “That’s good. I don’t want to get in trouble in the last minute…” “Don’t worry about it.” “Thanks, Lily!” she beamed. “Oh, your dress is already here. I’ll have it delivered in your café later.” I giggled, excited about the dress of the bridesmaids. I’ve seen the draft because Tam, my other best friend and the one that completes our group, and I accompanied her when she was choosing the motif and designs of the gowns. “Perfect! I’ll try it on right when I get home and send you a picture of me with it!” She laughed. “Great! Pretty sure, it will look good on you, though…” I shook my head. “Hey, I gotta go. We have some customers.” “Bye. Thanks again, Lily!” “No biggie, Sera…” *** I rode with the mini truck which I usually use to deliver ordered and customized cakes to the location of the wedding. I wanted to ride my car but I couldn’t because I had to make sure that the cake arrives at the location unscathed. I couldn’t risk it. It is a four-tier cake with delicate designs. I want to be hands on with it. “Thank you, Harry…” I told the driver. A number of people, staff from the catering, I think, came to us as we slowly brought the cake out of the cold compartment of the truck. I especially advised them to handle it with extra care because it took me over twenty-four hours to finish that. I don’t want my efforts to go to waste. And above all, I don’t want Seraphim to blame me for not having the perfect cake. “Miss De Leon, you can go straight to the beach side now. Ms. Polines is already waiting for you,” one member of the catering told me. I’m guessing she’s the head of them because she’s got contact with Serpahim. I nodded and did what I was told. I have already made sure that the cake is fine so now, I could relax a bit. It’s actually quite strategic to be married in a resort. The guests can enjoy the sea breeze. I believe it adds a dramatic effect on the ambience. “Lily!” Tammy called me when she saw walking out of the dinner hall. Her straight hair is down as she wore a strapless long gown with a low slit on the right side. I sighed when I saw her. I don’t know a lot of people here. I only know Seraphim’s family and they’re not that plenty. Judeas’ family and friends, on the other hand, seemed to be have flocked around the whole area. Tamara looked at me from head to toe. She smirked. “You know what? It’s so unfair that their motif suits you a lot. My tanned skin is throwing a tantrum at me right now.” I laughed and shook my head. Pastel is the motif of the wedding. I think it’s good. The coolness of the pastel colors are soothing to the eyes. And it makes me think of the clouds or some sweet candies. There are different colors for different people on the entourage. Pastel yellow for the flower girls, pastel blue for their partners, pastel orange for the principal sponsors, pastel pink for bridesmaids and pastel green ties for our partners. The parents of the couple are wearing red. Tamara told me we should visit the agitated bride-to-be. We even laughed and guessed what Seraphim’s reaction will be. We both know she’s restless now. We greeted Seraphim’s parents who just got out of the room she’s in. They told us we could go in and check on our anxious friend. True enough, Seraphim was almost biting her nails when we got there. She’s wearing a simple pristine white gown with laced long sleeves. Her hair is perfect in a clean low side bun, revealing her diamond dangling earrings. She looked at us as she sighed. She stood up and ran to us. “Goodness! I’ve been waiting for the two of you!” she said before letting out a deep breath of relief. I chuckled while Tamara just shook her head. “You’re beautiful!” Tammy said. Seraphim looked at her and sighed. She’s still looking anxious. “What are you anxious about? Your wedding is going to be really perfect,” I told her. Because it is true. The numerous guests are already there. The shore is lined with white roses. I’ve also seen Judeas’ family in there so I knew Jude is already here. Seraphim sighed and took her seat. “I don’t know. Last night I couldn’t sleep really well…” Tammy furrowed her brows. “You’re just excited,” she told her and I agreed. “Do I look okay?” Seraphim asked us. Tammy and I laughed at her. I can’t believe she’s worried about her looks now. She’s pretty. She’s probably the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. “You look gorgeous, Sera. Do I have to rub it in your face? You just want to hear me say you’re prettier than me!” Tammy beamed. She still couldn’t get over the fact that she looks a lot tanner with pastel colors. Seraphim looked at me and I just gave her a smile. We had a small talk on the situation outside before the photographer asked us to pose for some pictures. Seraphim somehow managed to laugh and ease the tension now. She has to because she’s going to walk down that aisle in a matter of minutes. *** “What the hell? Look at how hot the Best Man is!” Tammy nudged me as she giggled and trembled beside me. We’re already starting to line up for the entourage near the aisle. Everyone is in a good mood, me included. Everything about a beach wedding is soothing. The smell of the sea is so calming that it makes every problem go away. “What?” I asked her. “The Best Man!” she silently squealed as she subtly pointed at the tall and masculine figure just a few meters from us. His back is turned to us now but even from his back view, his posture is already screaming authority. I narrowed my eyes and watched the Best Man talk with Judeas, the groom. He must be Jude’s best friend that we have never met because of his hectic schedule. “You think we can ask Jude to introduce him to us?” Tammy asked me. I looked at her in disbelief. She’s already dating someone and she could still act like this when faced with a hot bachelor?! Wait, I don’t even know if he’s still a bachelor. I mean, with a posture like that, it’s almost impossible that he hasn’t tied the knot yet. Judeas may have seen us gawking at them that he smiled at us and waved. The best man turned to us too making my jaw drop in recognition of his face. It’s Isaiah, from the coffee shop. My heart almost leaped out of my chest when he finally met my gaze. Holy…shit. “Jude!” Tammy beamed as she held my wrist and walked towards Jude and Isaiah. Judeas smiled widely at us while his friend just nodded curtly at Tammy before gazing back at me again. He smiled at me and I smiled back…although I have a feeling that it was a constipated smile because my whole body seems to not be functioning so well. “Tam, Lily,” Judeas greeted us. “This is Ice, my best friend…” Ice? Tammy happily greeted Isaiah and he smiled at her. He extended his hand and Tammy excitedly took it for a hand shake. Isaiah looked at me and extended his hand to me as well. “I’m Isaiah,” his low voice managed to send shivers to my spine in an instant. He gave out a huge grin. “Nice to see you again.” My eyes widened at what he said. Tammy immediately gave me a questioning look. I bit my lip and tried my hardest to ignore her and faced Isaiah again. “Lily,” I said as I slowly took his hand to shake. I felt electricity running through my veins as our hands touched. He squeezed my hand without letting go of my grip. He’s gray eyes are so mesmerizing and mysterious at the same time. I removed my hand from his grip because Tammy already cleared her throat. Tammy looked at me then to Isaiah. “You know each other?” I shook my head. “No, he’s just a customer in the café.” Isaiah gave me an amused look. I hate how the sides of his lips slowly rose when he heard my explanation. Tammy looked at Isaiah. “You’re her customer?” she shamelessly asked. Isaiah nodded. “She bakes good strawberry cake,” he explained. Tammy looked at me and smiled widely. She patted my shoulder. “You make me want to study culinary, too,” she said while shaking her head. Judeas laughed out loud. “Tamara, you’re already engaged to Alexander Quijano and you still want my best friend, huh?” he teased. Tammy glared at him. Alex and Tammy have been engaged for a year now but they still haven’t planned their wedding out. Sera and Jude who were engaged later even got married first. Judeas nudged me. “I’m looking forward for the cake you baked,” he grinned. I chuckled lightly. “You should. I assure you that it’s good…” “I’m sure. Seraphim couldn’t even sit still because of the cake,” he shook his head.  “You know she’s easily stressed.” Judeas shrugged. “Even more with the wedding preparations…” “Isaiah, our Lily here is single. Are you single?” What the f**k? Judeas and I looked at Tammy who just shamelessly asked Isaiah, a person she just met ten minutes ago, a very personal question. Isaiah raised his brows and looked at me. “I’m single,” he replied. Tammy giggled beside me as she pinched my arm. I rolled my eyes and smiled awkwardly at Isaiah. “Sorry. She’s a little problematic,” I said pertaining to my friend who I want to bury six-feet down right now. She’s just too…shameless. Isaiah chuckled weakly. “Yeah, no worries.” Judeas was about to say something but someone called him because his wedding is starting soon. Everyone was asked to line up as well as the organizers took over. *** I was literally crying as I heard the vows of Seraphim and Judeas. But even more than that, I am crying because I saw how those two fell in love. They started out really rough with too many issues under each other’s slate but look at where they are now—they just got married. The reception was full of fun and stories. Tammy and I delivered our messages—more like warnings to Judeas—while Jude’s friends did the same to Seraphim. Isaiah talked too, a given because he is the best man and the best friend. I didn’t know nor expect that we would meet here. Honestly, I didn’t know that I would be this relieved that I have seen him again. It’s been so long since I saw him reviewing in the café. I wondered if he’d found somewhere better. How pathetic, Analilia. You really thought of that, huh? I watched the people dancing to a sweet tune by James Smith when I felt the chair beside me moving. “Hi.” I looked at my side and saw Isaiah occupying the chair beside me. “Hello,” I replied with a little nervousness. “Why don’t you dance?” he asked as he made himself comfortable in the seat beside me. I bit my lip and shrugged. “I’m not interested. I like watching people instead.” Isaiah looked at me intently. His fingers are under his chin as a smirk was slowly showing. “You sure do like watching people,” he said. “Huh?” I asked with narrowed eyes. He smiled and shook his head. I am already in awe of how prominent his jaw is. His face looks so manly and gentle at the same time. His eyes are gray and they just perfectly complement his thick brows. He’s really handsome. He looked like he has some foreign blood, to begin with. Maybe, the reason why my staff and crew in the café liked to watch him so much when he’s reviewing quietly in the place. His face is the kind that no one would get enough looking at. Damn. Why am I thinking about all these right now? “Anyway, the cake seemed great,” he chimed as he slightly nodded at the side of the wedding cake. I smiled. “Thanks. I needed to make it perfect if I want Seraphim to stay sane all throughout the wedding,” I joked. He laughed lightly. “So, do you own Dulce Lily?” he asked. I nodded shyly. “How old are you?” “Twenty-five,” I replied meekly. He pursed his lips in a thin line. “You’re young,” he commented. I scoffed. “And you’re old?” I asked. “I’m six years older than you,” he shrugged. My eyes widened at his revelation. But then why would I be surprised? He looks really mature. Maybe I just really didn’t think he would that older than me. Oh, come on, Analilia! So what if he’s older than you? It’s not like he’s going to court you or something!  “What do you do?” I asked. Now, curious. “I’m studying for my specialization—” “You’re a doctor?!” I asked in disbelief. He nodded. Oh, wow. I can only imagine how the nurses, the patients and the relatives will react to this…doctor. He’s so handsome that he could pass as a model. Is he so sure he wants to be a doctor? “Wow,” I uttered in disbelief. Isaiah looked at me, amused. “This is a first,” he said. “What first?” “First time to have this kind of reaction…” he said, biting his lower lip. I frowned at him and he just laughed. Damn, his laugh is even more fascinating. I don’t even know what I would do to hide this fascination. Isaiah is heavenly handsome and now that I knew he’s a doctor? It just hit the top of the nail. He’s perfect. Medicine is hectic and it needs extreme dedication because it would take a lot of years to finish it. Now I realized how he’s so invested in his specialization. He’s been reviewing nonstop for the past few months and that’s because he wants to get his specialization. Amazing. He just got me hooked—very, very hooked. “Are you always in the café?” Isaiah asked. I nodded. “I bake the pastries,” I replied. He smiled and nodded. “Then I would see you very often, Lily.” I bit my lip and smiled back. Seeing him often? Now, that makes me very excited!   
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