They Get Jealous

1518 Words
Naruto- Yes, you were dating Naruto, but that didn't stop Kiba from flirting with you.  "Come on Y/n. Just say yes already, you know you want to~” Kiba said to Y/n. "For the last time, NO!" She exclaimed at him. She was getting very tired of this. It was always the same thing that would happen and at this point it was just getting tiresome and annoying. "Come on. . . please?" He said. She was about to answer before her a familiar voice came from behind her. "Back off Kiba." It said darkly. Y/n turned around to see her boyfriend. "Leave Kiba." He said very lowly. Kiba yelped and scurried off with his tail between his legs. (Because you know. . . dog. . . no? Ok.) Naruto wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist and put his chin on top of her head. "Mine." Me mumbled.  Sasuke- Even though Y/n couldn't care less about them, boys were all over her just like the girls were to Sasuke. Her not caring is why the boys were all over her. "Hey Y/n~" A guy came and looped an arm around her shoulder. Unknowingly to them, Sasuke was in the tree above them, trying not to kill the guy flirting with HIS girlfriend. NO ONE touched what’s his, and Y/n, was his. "Move the arm before you lose it." She said glaring at him. "Feisty. I like it." He said. She glared harder at him. He made a move to walk closer to her when Sasuke jumped out of the tree, landing in front of him. "Leave before I beat the hell out of you." Sasuke said, very pissed. He ran away, afraid of an angry Sasuke. Y/n smirked. "Didn't know that you could get jealous." "Yea well. . . shut it." He said and looked away. She chuckled and kissed his cheek. "It's cute." Neji- Y/n was on (Squad) with Star, B/n (Boys name), and her. They were very close as a squad and always had each other’s backs.  Right now, Y/n and B/n were sparing for training. He suddenly threw her off balance and pinned her. "Looks like I win Y/n." He said and smirked. Y/n growled at him. "Whatever." He was suddenly blasted off her, Y/N looking over to see a not-so-happy Neji. She guessed that he had sent a chakra wave at him, forcing the man off of his girlfriend. "Hey Neji." She said and walked over to him. "Why did he have you pinned to the ground?" He asked harshly. "Geez Neji, no need to be so jealous, we were just training." She said. Neji blushed slightly. "I wasn't jealous Y/n. I was just making sure that he wasn't trying to hurt you or something." He said sternly but avoided eye contact. "Yea, whatever you say Neji." She said and kissed his lips softly "I was not jealous." He said. She just rolled her eyes.  "Alright, alright. . . jealous." She mumbled the last part. "I heard that." He said and glared at her playfully. "You were supposed to." She said. He sighed. "Why am I dating you?" He asked to himself. "Because I'm awesome." She said and smiled at him. He chuckled and kissed her. "Yes, yes you are." Kiba- Y/n was sitting on a bench in the park with Shimmer in her lap. They had been taking a walk for a little while and decided to take a break. "Hello there." A boy said and sat by her. Shimmer growled at the stranger. She did not like him, or the dog that was with him. Y/n knew that when Shimmer did not like someone, there was a good reason for it. "Uh. . . hi." She said skeptically. Shimmer jumped down from Y/n's lap and barked at him. She really did not like him, neither did Y/n. Suddenly, the dog that was in the guy’s lap, jumped down and tackled Shimmer. "SHIMMER!" Y/n yelled worried for her. When she got up to help her, the boy pulled back down. "No need to worry, R/d/n (Random dog name) won't hurt her. You don't have to worry about a thing." He said. He leaned down to kiss her when a hand grabbed his collar and pulled him on the ground. At the same time, a familiar white dog went to the one holding Shimmer and pushed him to the ground.  "Don't touch my girlfriend got it? Now get lost." Kiba said. Ackamaru was snarling and biting at R/d/n, until the other male dog ran to his master, afraid of Ackamaru.  The boy up and left like a coward. Ackamaru went to Shimmer and nuzzled his nose against her cheek. Shimmer barked and licked his cheek in return.  Kiba and Y/n smiled at their dogs. "You alright?" Kiba asked Y/n and sat beside her as he interlaced their fingers. "Yea, thanks." She said and kissed his cheek.  "Anything for my girl." He said and kissed her, which she gladly returned. "Were you jealous?" She asked him. He blushed. "N-no." He said. "Liar." She said and smirked. "Fine I was jealous. Happy?" She smiled and nodded. "Yep!" Shikamaru- Y/n was training in the woods like usual, but she could swear that she could feel another presence. It wasn't until a boy came out, that she saw that it was her friend B/n. "Hey Y/n. I was hoping to find you here. I wanted to talk to you about something." He said to her. "Hey B/n, and OK. What do you need?" She asked. "Well I've liked you for a while now, and I was wondering if you would go out with me?" He asked. "Sorry B/n, but I'm already going out with someone." She said and smiled sadly at him. "Really?" He asked mad. "I don't see him." He said and walked closer to her.  "He's not here. Now back up." She said. "LIAR!" He yelled and raised a hand to slap her, until he couldn't move. Y/n looked and saw Shikamaru, holding B/n in his shadow possession jutsu. "Did I just see you about to hit my girlfriend?" He asked darkly. "No one does that." He said and made him walk toward him. He released him, just to punch him into a tree, then kick him into another until he was knocked out. "Thanks, Shikamaru. You know your cute when your jealous." She said. "I wasn't jealous." He said plainly. "Whatever you say Shikamaru." Y/n said. . . until. . . she couldn't move. She looked and saw that she was in his shadow possession jutsu.  "What the hell Shikamaru?!" She said and glared at him slightly. He just chuckled and walked toward her, since he had the shadow possession on her, she also walked toward him. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him, that meant that she grabbed his arms and pulled him close as well. He smirked and kissed her.  Every time he pulled her closer, she had to pull him equally as close. "You jerk, your lucky that I can't punch you. But once I get out of this, be ready." She said once he pulled away. "Yea I know, but this is worth it." He said and kissed her again. Gaara- Y/n was walking through the forest with her brother B/n. (B/n means brother's name right now, not boy's name.) "Hey sis?" B/n asked. "Yea?" She asked and looked at him. "Remember when you pushed me into that lake a couple of days ago?" He asked her. "Oh, hehe. . . yea. . ." She said. "Sorry about that." "Well I think that it's time I get my revenge." He said and smirked. "W-what do you mean by that?" She asked nervously. "This." He said and started tickling her. Y/n started laughed loudly. "STOP IT B/N!!!"  "No way sis! This is what you get!" He said and kept tickling her. Sand came out of nowhere and pinned B/n name to a tree. Y/n immediately knew that is was none other than her boyfriend. Who else could control sand like that? Y/n sat up and looked over to see that she was right. She sighed. "Let him go Gaara." He looked at her questionably. "Why?" He asked and started glaring at B/n.  "He wasn't trying to hurt me Gaara. He's my brother." She said simply.  "Oh." Gaara said and retracted the sand.  "You got some boyfriend sis. I approve." He said. "Later."  He walked away. "That was your brother?" Gaara asked.  Y/n laughed slightly. "Yeah he is. Thanks for pinning him to a tree Gaara." She said and smirked at him and walked to him as they sat down together. "Sorry about that." He said.  She laughed. "It's ok, it probably didn't look good from your point of view. But you were pretty funny when you were jealous."  He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."  She giggled and kissed his cheek. "At least I know that you care." He smiled at her. "Of course. I always will." He said and kissed the top of her head.
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