Chapter 9

2110 Words

Chapter 9Shit. Shit, s**t, s**t. Isabella dug her fingers into her scalp, spinning in circles. She didn’t know a damn thing about the wilderness. Hell, she had never even been camping before. A rush of air brushed by the side of her head. She ducked, but something sharp had already made impact with the side of her skull. Something between a scream and a curse sprang from her lips as she swiped the spot with her hand. Not two minutes out here and she was already bleeding. Not a good omen. She looked in the sky, searching for her assailant. A mockingbird swooped back down for a second strike, but this time she dodged the winged beast. Isabella scrambled for her bag and took cover in the thick forest a few yards away. East. She was supposed to head east. Which way was east? “Okay.” She

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