Sixteen year old Sarah Jessica Allgood gets to meet a billionaire.

222 Words
Sarah's fath was a real dom, contrary to popular belief ,there were days when Sarah wished she had a prince like girls in her storybook collection. "Sarah ," her fath called from the bottom of the stairs "we have company . Unless we see you soon I know someone who will be very unhappy come bedtime ." Another day of showing me off I'm sure , thought Sarah as she reaches the top of the stairs. "There she is, my daughter ,what do think of her Mr Hollingsworth,a real keeper huh? Oh Sarah do be careful not to step on your dress as you descend the stairs." A perfect perv if you ask me thought Sarah Jessica Allgood as she stood transfixed to the floor. While Mr Hollingsworth walked around her Sarah could smell an odour like burnt whiskey on his breath . "Well ,Miss Sarah , you'll do nicely", replied Mr Hollingsworth with a smile, " have her readied by morning so we may go at first light . " " We will be ready for departure as soon as you get here in the morning." "Mr Allgood , perhaps you misunderstand me ,by we, I meant SJ Allgood and I would go to my employer's office to discuss the contract that is to be her livelihood from that point forward."

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