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“If you don’t hurry,” Owen growled, “I’m going to kick your ass. I’ve waited long enough.” Kellen chuckled at his misery. “If you suck on my n*****s, it will really get my juices flowing,” Lindsey whispered to Owen. She had no idea if it was true. She just really wanted that luscious mouth of his against her tender n*****s. The knot on the rope just wasn’t cutting it any longer. Even though it flicked over them in a most distracting fashion, she was ready for a different sensation. Owen inched lower. As his chest came into view, she couldn’t help but pull against her bindings so she could kiss the hard-muscled flesh before her. He nudged the knotted rope out of his way with his nose and latched onto her n****e, sucking hard. She caught the glinting barbell in his n****e between her teeth and tugged. He groaned. “I shouldn’t have moved,” he said. The glorious motion of Kellen’s tongue against Lindsey’s flesh halted as he lifted his head. “That’s not part of our ritual, Owen.” “Your ritual,” Owen said. He sounded a tad testy. Lindsey tilted her head back and gazed longingly at the hard ridge in Owen’s jeans. She could almost feel him inside her, rubbing her inner walls. Stretching her. Filling her. She squirmed excitedly. Kellen latched onto her clit and sucked in rhythmic pulses. Was he intentionally matching the pull of Owen’s mouth on her n****e? The two were in perfect synchrony. Lindsey was building again. She gasped and shuddered, fighting release this time. Not wanting to come when she was empty inside. Kellen lifted his head. “She needs you to do your part now,” he said. Owen moved in a flash. He bounded off the bed, shucked his jeans and was tearing open a condom before Lindsey could comprehend what was happening. Something metallic glinted just beneath the rim of Owen’s swollen cockhead. He carefully unrolled the condom down his length and moved to the end of the bed behind Kellen. Lindsey lifted her head to try to track their motions, but it pulled a rope at her back uncomfortably so she closed her eyes and relished in the sensation pulled from her quivering flesh by Kellen’s skilled mouth. Without Owen to divide her attention, she was quickly overwhelmed with sensation, mewing in pleasure as another o****m teased her with promise. “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m coming again. I’m…” Kellen moved aside and Owen took his place. He found her and slid deep with one hard thrust. Her eyes widened in surprise when she felt there was something inside her other than just flesh. Whatever that metallic bead near his cockhead had been felt amazing. “What is that?” she asked. “It’s pierced,” he said simply and then he slowly withdrew. His modification rubbed down her front inner wall. He found a particularly sensitive spot a few inches inside her and she gasped brokenly as the piercing rubbed against it. A devilish smile lit Owen’s devastatingly handsome face and he thrust quick and shallow, rubbing that little spot inside her until she thought she’d go mad. When the first throes of another o****m gripped her, he thrust deep and held. She stared up at him unable to comprehend what he was doing. When her breathing stilled somewhat, he pulled back to that special spot again and took her with rapid shallow strokes. Rubbing. Rubbing. Rubbing against that perfect spot. “Oh God, that feels good.” Owen grinned at her and thrust deep again. She realized he was just as bad as his friend, Kellen. Teasing her within an inch of a mind-blowing o****m, yet withholding it from her at the last instant. She didn’t know rather to curse them or sing their praises. The mattress beside her sagged as Kellen moved to kneel at her side. He was naked now, having shed his jeans. She watched him, in total awe of his masculine beauty. He seemed so at ease with his nudity. Even with his enormous, engorged c**k fully exposed and standing proud and rigid before him. She’d never seen a man so perfectly put together. So silently powerful. So… She groaned as Owen shifted his hips and the metal ball on the underside of his c**k stroked her rear wall as he thrust into her slow and deep. Lindsey cried out as an o****m unfurled within her again. She hadn't thought she was capable of coming three times in one night, but dear Lord, she was coming and having Owen's thrusting c**k inside her brought her the full satisfaction she craved at last. "She's getting off hard with you," Kellen said as if commenting on something far less amazing than the pulsing pleasure shattering Lindsey with bliss. "She's not screaming the way she did with you," Owen said, shifting his hips and grabbing the ropes at her shoulders so he could f**k her harder. Lindsey was too incoherent to scream. She could scarcely breathe. He had to stop. She couldn't take it. “Please, stop. No more. No.” "I think she's had enough," Kellen said, his fingers tracing the ropes that were digging into her upper arms. "Take it easy on her." "S-sorry," she whispered. She wanted Owen to finish. Wanted him to take his pleasure while buried deep inside her, but she had reached her limit. Owen slowed his thrusts and when she stopped shaking, he pulled free with a wet sound. As soon as he was free of her, she wanted him back. But he had already moved to kneel across from Kellen on her opposite side. Kneeling across from each other on opposite sides of Lindsey’s body, the pair of men stared straight ahead, locked in each other's gazes. Kellen's eyes were dark brown and intense, Owen's brilliant blue and glazed. She wasn't sure what they were doing, but it was as if she was no longer in the room, much less bound between them. Kellen's hand moved to encircle his c**k. He stroked himself slowly from base to tip, working slick oil down his length. Owen stripped the condom off his c**k and mimicked Kellen's motions on himself. His body tensed and his mouth fell open to emit gasps of pleasure. Lindsey watched them, partially puzzled, partially turned on by the perfect synchronicity they displayed as they stroked their c***s over her lower belly. Owen's eyes drifted closed after a moment. Kellen smiled that wicked little smile of his and reached forward to take Owen's c**k in his hand. Lindsey's gaze darted from their faces, to the action below, back to their faces. Owen shuddered in pleasure and shifted his hand from his c**k to Kellen's. They tugged at each other in unison. Eyes closed, Owen was twitching uncontrollably at Kellen's hand. Kellen watched him gauging his reaction. His hand moved faster. Faster. Skimming over Owen’s flesh with practiced eased. Owen fell forward and Kellen caught him against his shoulder still stroking him, his long strong fingers rubbing over the piercing in Owen's c**k with each tug. Lindsey had never seen two guys stroke each other's c***s before. She wasn't sure why it had her so hot and bothered. She was lying to herself. Watching them got off on each other was the hottest f*****g thing she’d ever seen in her life, even if she did feel like an intruder in her own threesome. "Kelly," Owen whispered. "Can I come? Let me come. Kelly?" "I'm not ready yet." Owen began to stroke Kellen more persistently, paying extra attention to the head of Kellen's c**k. "I can't, oh God, I can't," Owen panted. “Please hurry.” Lindsey's eyes widened as Owen rubbed his open mouth across Kellen's shoulder, his eyes squeezed shut. She felt the first pulse of hot c*m strike her belly. It wasn't Owen's, it was Kellen's. She couldn't see Kellen's expression, but she could see Owen's and as he let go, his face contorted in bliss, she was seriously cursing herself for encouraging him to stop f*****g her because she was certainly in need of more now. Owen rubbed his open mouth over Kellen's shoulder in absolute rapture. He was the sexiest thing she’d ever witnessed in her life. After a moment, Owen lifted his head and gazed up at Kellen with questioning eyes. "Was that okay?" he asked. Kellen lifted both hands to cup Owen's face. "That was perfect. Thank you." He dropped a gentle kiss at the corner of Owen's mouth and again they stared at each other as if Lindsey had left the planet. "Let's bring her down slowly." Owen smiled and nodded. Was she supposed to believe they'd just jacked each other off all over her belly for her benefit? Kellen's strong fingers played over the flesh on one side of her body, while Owen worked the other. They started by massaging their combined fluids into her skin. She'd watched them, trembling, wondering what part she had really played in the act that was obviously something more between them and less about her. She wasn't sure how she felt about being included in something like this. Oh, sure, she'd had an amazing s****l experience, but if the two of them were attracted to each other, why bother bringing a woman into the mix at all? Chapter Eight "I didn't realize you two were lovers when I agreed to this," Lindsey said as Kellen released one of her legs and slowly unwound the rope from around her thigh. He paused and looked at her as if she was a raving lunatic. "What do you mean?" "You and Owen. You obviously have a thing for each other." Both men laughed. "It's not like that," Owen said. "It's part of Kelly's ritual." It's Kellen's way of taking advantage of you, Lindsey thought. She winced as her left leg was slowly extended and Kellen's deft fingers began to massage its length. She hadn't realized that an uncomfortable ache had built in her hips until both legs were straightened and both men were kneading her muscles until she began to relax. "It's cool,” Lindsey said. “Watching you get each other off was hot and all. I just wasn't expecting it." Kellen didn't comment, but Owen seemed a bit disturbed. His handsome face twisted in confusion and he glanced up at Kellen. "When did we start touching each other in the ritual? We didn’t used to do that." Kellen grinned. "A few months ago. It feels better that way, doesn't it?" "Yeah, but she's right. It's kind of gay." Kellen laughed. "What are you talking about? We both know we're not sexually attracted to each other," Kellen said. When Owen was looking the other way he sneaked a glance at him as if he wondered if Owen was buying it. "You do know how to get me off hard," Owen said. "I completely forget where I am and lose track of what's going on. It's almost like really intense m**********n, since I have a c**k in my hand. It's just not my own." Lindsey chuckled. The guy was so cute. No wonder Kellen manipulated him into being his unsuspecting toy.
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