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Another finger joined the first two. She screamed her encouragement, rocking with him to work against his hand, his c**k. “More!” she demanded. He rotated his hand and filled her more. Most of his hand—all four fingers—plunged in and out of her clenching p***y. It sucked at his hand greedily, wanting still more. She fleetingly hoped he’d fist her, but before she could beg him to do it, his thumb brushed her clit and she exploded into a million pieces of blinding ecstasy. Her body was still seizing with the hardest o****m of her life when he pulled out, stripped the condom off and positioned the head of his c**k over her trembling lips. He pumped himself twice and let go, his fluids squirting into her mouth and across her face. She was breathing too hard to suck the head of his twitching c**k, but she rubbed him with her trembling lips, wanting to give him at least a fraction of the pleasure he’d given her. He collapsed on the bed beside her. Madison straightened her legs, smiling because she could still feel that he’d been inside her, in her naughty, wet hole. She licked his salty c*m from her lips, pleased he’d remembered to give her what she’d asked for. “f**k, Madison. You’re too hot for your own good.” He groaned. “For my own good.” She’d never had a man call her hot before. Pretty. Sweet. Cute, even. But never hot. She squirmed around on the bed so she could rest her head on his heaving stomach and traced the narrow strip of hair on his lower belly with one finger. “That was amazing,” she whispered. “I’ve never come that hard before.” “I’m glad I satisfied you.” “I had no doubt. You never disappoint me.” He placed a hand on the back of her head and pressed her face against him. “I do love you, Madison Fairbanks. I wish this night would never end.” She wished that too. Using Adam as the sexiest pillow in existence, Madison had almost drifted to sleep when the phone rang and shattered the tranquility of the moment. Adam groaned in protest. “Don’t answer that,” he said. “It’s probably Shade. He can’t sleep unless he bitches me out right before bedtime.” “It’s almost two,” Madison said. “It might be an emergency.” She scrambled across the bed and lifted the receiver. “Hello?” “Oh, hey there, baby,” a man said in a grizzly voice. “Is my son around?” “I think you have the wrong number.” Madison knew for a fact that Adam did not associate with his father. It had been his father who’d gotten him addicted to drugs in the first place. “This isn’t Adam Taylor’s room?” Her forehead crinkled. “Yeah. This is Adam’s room.” “Well, let me talk him,” he said loudly. “I need him to get me something special on his way home.” Adam sat up beside her on the bed. “Who is it?” he asked. She wasn’t sure how it was possible, but . . . “It’s your father.” Fuck. Why did the old man have to ruin everything? It wasn’t enough that his father had run off Adam’s mother, ruined his childhood and introduced him to drugs. Nope, he had to call his hotel room at two o’clock in the goddamned morning and make his unwanted presence known to Madison. So much for getting rid of the bastard before Madison could find out his toxic existence was back in Adam’s life. “What do you want?” Adam said into the phone. “Cocaine,” his dad answered in his two-pack-a-day rasp. “I’m not getting anything for you. We’ve been through this.” No matter how many times he told his father that he was clean now, the man didn’t believe him. He thought Adam was holding out on him. His father clicked his tongue. “What good is it to have a rock-star son if he doesn’t share his prime drug sources with you?” Adam couldn’t bring himself to look at Madison, because even though she’d said he never disappointed her, he knew this would. “I have to go,” Adam said. “Will you be home tomorrow?” “Yeah.” His stomach twisted in knots, Adam hung up. “When were you going to tell me he was back in your life?” Madison said in her calm, professional voice. Damn it. Adam shrugged, turned off the TV and switched off the lamp on his side of the bed. “Let’s go to bed. I’m tired.” “Adam!” “I’m working on getting rid of him, all right? Give it a rest.” “I’m not going to give it a rest. Is he the real reason you didn’t want me to visit you in Austin?” He plumped his pillow and stretched out on his side with his back to her. “Don’t you f*****g shut me out, Adam.” There was no calm professionalism in her tone now. “I don’t want to talk about this.” “You told me he was out of your life. Did you lie to me about that too? How can I believe anything you say?” “That wasn’t a lie. He was out of my life. He came to visit a few months ago and he’s been staying at my place ever since.” He impersonated his father’s grating voice to say, “About time you were good for something, boy. You rock stars have access to all the best drugs. Do your daddy a favor and get me some choice cocaine. Been way too long since we snorted a line of blow together, son. It’ll be just like old times.” “So you’ve been doing drugs with your father again?” He hadn’t, but guilt clenched his gut as if he had. He shook his head. “No, but he has drugs stashed all over my house. I hope to f*****g God my parole officer doesn’t decide to drop in for a visit. The only reason I didn’t do any jail time last year is because I agreed to see you. If they find drugs in my house, I’ll do time behind bars for sure.” “Adam, you have to get rid of him.” Adam flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He still couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye. He couldn’t handle the disappointment he feared he’d see in her gaze. Or the mistrust. “Ideally, yes. Realistically, the man does whatever the f**k he wants to do. That will never change.” “I could try talking to him. Does he even realize how much trouble he can get you in?” “Does he care, Madison? Does a man who shoots up his thirteen-year-old son with h****n as his rite of manhood care about anything but an altered state of mind?” Adam had broken down the first time he’d told Madison about his thirteenth birthday. And then he’d cussed her out for making him cry. And then he’d cried again. It had been his first step to healing and the first time she’d held him. Maybe that was when he’d fallen in love with her. “I could turn him in when you’re out on the road,” Madison said. “You wouldn’t be the one to get busted then. He would.” “I don’t want him in jail. Has jail ever helped an addict? It just turns people with addictions into criminals with addictions.” “I can help him the way I helped you, but you’re my priority. We have to keep him away from you until he’s clean.” He sighed. “Madison, I don’t want you to get involved. This is a family issue.” “That’s bullshit!” He didn’t argue. He knew it was bullshit, but he didn’t want her to get involved. He had this situation under control. “Adam,” she said, “you had to know if you told me, I’d get involved. It’s my job. No, more than that.” She slapped his belly. “It’s who I am. I have to help.” “But it won’t help anything, Madi. For an addict to become clean, he has to want it. And my father loves his lifestyle.” Loved it more than his wife and his son. “Sometimes we have to force them to want it.” He shook his head at her. “You don’t really believe that. You’re too smart to believe you can force it.” She released a heavy sigh. “Will you at least let me talk to him? Try to reason with him. For your sake.” Adam rubbed his left eyebrow with the side of his index finger. He always got a headache behind his left brow when he was stressed. “I’ll talk to him,” he said, “and if he won’t see reason, I’ll let you try to gain his cooperation.” Madison pursed her lips and then nodded. “Okay. I trust you’ll do what you have to do to get him out of your house. I do know some good counselors in Austin. If you want, I could have someone—” “I’ll handle it.” Her entire body was tense as she struggled to maintain her composure. Adam knew it was killing her to leave this up to him, but he also knew his father, and the man wasn’t ever going to change. The best thing would be to get him to move out. If threats didn’t work, maybe bribes would. Adam suddenly found himself buried beneath Madison and enveloped in her tight embrace. “This must be so hard for you, sweetheart,” she whispered and kissed his temple. “I know you were just coming to terms with him being out of your life for good. Do you want to talk about it?” He drew a deep breath into his heavy, aching chest. “When it’s over.” She rose up on her arms and gazed down at him, nodding in understanding. “Okay. Day or night, I’ll be here when you need me.” This. This is why he loved her with every particle of his existence. What would he ever do without her? He wished he’d told her the instant his father had darkened his doorstep. He didn’t have to go through this alone. He had Madison. Madison who understood him. Madison who helped him find his way. He’d never had anyone to depend on before. It was both terrifying and a huge relief to realize that she was there for him when he needed her. “I love you,” he said. “How can I ever repay you for everything you’ve done for me?” She kissed him gently and stroked his hair back from his eyes. “You already have. In just three words. It’s enough.” He tugged her against him and pulled the tangled sheets to cover their entwined bodies. She switched off the lamp on her side of the bed and snuggled closer to his chest. “I love you,” she whispered in the darkness. His heart swelled. If only he could hear those words from her every night before he closed his eyes. She was right—three words were enough. But as her hand stroked up and down the bare skin along his spine, he realized he’d hadn’t yet had enough of her body. “That feels nice,” he said. “I hope you weren’t actually planning on getting any sleep.”
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